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pogre's story hour Zandyrium -episode 66- (5/10/2006) A short update.


The Adventurers – As far as I can remember these are the adventurers and their levels. I’m sure the players will correct me.

Wassabe – 12th level Swashbuckler
Thoren – 11 FTR/ 1 BAR
Morguhn – 1 FTR/ 9 WIZ
Githraldul – 11 RGR
Mercutio – 12 SOR
Justinius – 10 CLR/ 1 Sacred Revealer (Custom PrC)
Heinrich – 11 CLR
Dar – 8th level follower of Heinrich 2 FTR/5WIZ/1ART
Ginny – 11 ROG
Rothlor – 9 RGR (NPC)
Silcrass – Somewhere between 14th – 17th level arcane caster the adventurers are guessing. (NPC Aranea)

Episode 42

Heinrich was pacing the floor listening to Rothlor relate how he had discovered the Flame Cult's lair. Something was bothering the cleric though and he spoke up, “Your sources for this information do not seem loyal to Zandyrium. Do you have reason to suspect them?”

Rothlor hesitated and then answered, “Heinrich, I am going to tell you something in utmost confidence that I am certain will upset you. However, I feel it is necessary to share this information with you for the betterment of Zandyrium.”

Heinrich nodded.

“I suspect there are people sympathetic to the Cult of Flame and even Boethricus at the highest levels of the government,” Rothlor paused to let what he was saying sink in for Heinrich.

“Doppelgangers or Ogre Mages?” Heinrich asked.

“No, I believe that members of the Emperor’s Council and perhaps the Emperor himself are involved diabolism,” Rothlor responded.

“You have no proof,” Heinrich said.

“No, but I strongly suspect because of the emperor’s actions of late,” Rothlor replied.

“I see,” Heinrich said gravely. “Let’s turn our attention back to the flame cult for a moment. Why do you think this information is reliable?”

“Silcrass has confirmed most of it through his own research and scrying,” Rothlor stated.

Silcrass stirred at the mention of his name, “Heinrich, my firend you will admit that Rothlor’s suspicions do nothing to change what must be done against the Cult of Flame.”

“True,” Heinrich agreed.

“If his suspicions are proven, then we can cross that bridge when we come to it,” Silcrass suggested.

“You are most wise Silcrass. Let us proceed with planning an action against the Cult of Flame because it is the right thing to do – not because of other suspicions.”

The rest of the adventurers breathed a sigh of relief that Heinrich was not blowing up with anger or threatening to inform the Imperial government of Rothlor’s treasonous suspicions. ”He must suspect something too,” Mercutio thought to himself.

“The Cult of Flame is located here to the north, just four or five days south of Kalcedon,” Silcrass explained. “You were very near their headquarters when you rescued Rothlor. The ruins they have squatted in are another source of ancient power.”

“Not another veiled column I hope?” Mercutio asked.

“Very similar in a way you may not suspect,” Silcrass answered. “The veiled column was part of a larger circle of artifacts that may have formed some sort of mystical creation that aided the Covenant of the Thraegian Coast.”

“The very covenant that Ampyx of the Green Vale had been the last surviving member of?” Ginny asked.

“The same,” Silcrass confirmed. “What you may not know is that there was also a Norsican Covenant. The Norsican Covenant was rivals of their southern kin and searched for long periods of time for ways to counterbalance the powers of the Thraegian wizards.”

“So Ampyx was not being square with us about the veiled column?” Wassabe asked.

“I honestly do not know,” Silcrass answered. “He probably did know more than he led on.”

“It would explain why he knew exactly where the Mammon cult was,” Githraldul suggested.

“That and he was one of the most powerful wizards in the northern world,” Mercutio reminded the group.

“The Thraegian Covenant was by all reports a benevolent association, not bent on power, but instead concerned about the abuse of power. The Norsicans, however, were different. The wizards of the north came from a different stock; they were more aggressive, and actively sought power. The legends say they summoned some terrible thing to raise their power and imprisoned it in these old ruins.” Silcrass stopped for a moment and shifted his position.

“What does this have to do with the Cult of Flame?” Heinrich asked.

“They are on the site of the old ruins and we believe they are trying to free whatever the ancient covenant bound there,” Rothlor answered.

“What happened to the Norsican Covenant?” Mercutio asked.

“They were destroyed by some sort of cataclysm,” Silcrass replied. “More than likely related to thing they imprisoned there. It is known that shortly after the covenant disappeared the Moon of the Apocalypse crashed in the Norsican plains.”

“That was many lifetimes ago,” Dar commented.

“Yes, this is all ancient history,” Silcrass admitted.

“I did reconnoiter the site with Silcrass’s help though,” Rothlor stated. “I saw signs of the Cult of Flame, but of more immediate concern the ruins are protected by several two-headed giants.”

“Giants?” Githraldul perked up. “I really love killing giants!”

Rothlor made a rough sketch of the outside of the ruins for the group. He said, “The Giants caught my scent, but did not see me.”

“You should stay behind,” Heinrich suggested. “If they smell you again they may sound an alarm, and if they capture you it will not be pretty.”

Rothlor nodded in agreement.

“We will rest and head for the ruins in the morning,” Thoren suggested. “While you folks bed down, I need Silcrass to teleport me to a friend’s place to see if he might like to come along for the hunt.”

“Let’s go,” Silcrass agreed. Thoren and the aranea disappeared.

“The last time we faced the Cult of Flame we both went down,” Ginny reminded Heinrich.

“Siegphorus’s strength and honor will see us through,” Heinrich responded with a wink.

To be continued…
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pogre said:
The Adventurers – As far as I can remember these are the adventurers and their levels. I’m sure the players will correct me.

Justinius – 11 CLR

Actually I'm 10/1, but I don't know what abreviation you want to use for the 1 level. :)

Heavy Hitter

First Post
pogre's story hour Zandyrium-Episode42-Next stop-Diabolical Ruins! (4/29/2005

Sounds like we're headed for a fight! Curiosity is getting the better of me now. Who's the friend I'm enroute to see? The plot thickens. Thoren


First Post
pogre said:
The Adventurers – As far as I can remember these are the adventurers and their levels. I’m sure the players will correct me.

Heinrich – 12 CLR

Actually, I'm 11, thanks to the encounter Ginny mentions at the end of your post.


hwoolsey said:
Actually, I'm 11, thanks to the encounter Ginny mentions at the end of your post.


Yes, well perhaps if you weren't so lawful GOOD, my deity would have saw fit to raise you properly. :p

Come to the gray side, where black and white are just different stages of decomposition. :D


First Post
Gith is 11rng but less than 500xp away from 12!

Thanks so much pogre for being such a great story teller, it makes it so worth it and I know how tough time/effort is to come by sometimes with real life always "getting in the way" :D


Hairy Minotaur said:
Actually I'm 10/1, but I don't know what abreviation you want to use for the 1 level. :)

Yeah, fixed it above. I fixed all the other level stuff as well. I still need to type up the PDF for it though. I'm behind on a lot of stuff...

Heavy Hitter said:
Sounds like we're headed for a fight! Curiosity is getting the better of me now. Who's the friend I'm enroute to see? The plot thickens. Thoren

A special guest star from Chicago! He's a former WFRPer in my old group and a former member of Wulf Ratbane's legendary group. I bet that drives Dinkel Dog crazy everybody calls it "Wulf Ratbane's" group. ;) Can you guess who the mysterious guest star is?

Hairy Minotaur said:
Yes, well perhaps if you weren't so lawful GOOD, my deity would have saw fit to raise you properly.
Hey! you know perfectly well True Resurrection does not save you experience penalties in my game! It is necessary if you've been disentegrated by a demon or something though.

Malystrx said:
Thanks so much pogre for being such a great story teller, it makes it so worth it and I know how tough time/effort is to come by sometimes with real life always "getting in the way"

I appreciate your comments and playing!

I'm so glad I came by here on the way to bed - thanks to all my players and other commentators!

Old One

First Post
pogre said:
A special guest star from Chicago! He's a former WFRPer in my old group and a former member of Wulf Ratbane's legendary group. I bet that drives Dinkel Dog crazy everybody calls it "Wulf Ratbane's" group. ;) Can you guess who the mysterious guest star is?

Is it whoever played the barbarian in Wulf/Dinkledog's game? Brain cells are failing, since I can't recall the PC name...too much Smithyck's over the weekend. Or is it the Peck/Paladin's player?

BTW, Pogre (et al), great stuff...although I would love more exposition than the "Cliff Notes" version provides, this SH is a very fun read.

~ OO


First Post
pogre said:
A special guest star from Chicago! He's a former WFRPer in my old group and a former member of Wulf Ratbane's legendary group. I bet that drives Dinkel Dog crazy everybody calls it "Wulf Ratbane's" group. ;) Can you guess who the mysterious guest star is?

Oooh! Oooh! Mr. Pogre! Mr. Pogre! (OK, now that I have displayed my age and addiction to old TV shows)

In holding the envelope to my forehead, I predict that the answer rhymes with Lyin' Pasater. (So I couldn't find a word that rhymes with Lasater, I would say "sue me" but Pogre's a lawyer and he's coming up on the end of the school year, so he would have the free time to consider doing so.)


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