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pogre's story hour Zandyrium -episode 66- (5/10/2006) A short update.


Episode 35

Down on the docks of Zandyrium merchant ships and warehouses once again were bustling with energy. Remnants of the naval battle of a mere six weeks ago were gone. Barrels were rolling and the bustle of the place made Wassabe smile.

“Good to see things back to normal eh?” Wassabe asked Ginny.

“If only they were,” Ginny replied.

“Yer’ as bad as that ole’ sourpuss Heinrich. Today is as good as yesterday I sez’.”

Ginny just smiled in response. The trio made their way over to the dockmaster’s office and learned they might have a bit of problem getting a captain due to demand from the Emperor. The Empire was offering decent contracts to almost every captain on the wharf and most were taking the sure money.

“You need to get a Captain or a mate as they come of a trader to have a chance I’d say,” the Dockmaster advised.

As they left the dockmaster’s office Wassabe again groused that they had left Thray prematurely and that it was ridiculous trying to hire a captain for a boat 450 miles away. Consumed by his own complaining, Wassabe had not noticed that Ginny led him and Thoren to a merchant that had just come on. As he looked up he exclaimed, “Aye! There may be a Captain here. Thoren stay down here on the wharf; we’ll be back here directly.” The pair swung on board to see.

“This is Captain Isomara,” the mate introduced the Captain.

“I see yer’ deliverin’ a merchant,” Wassabe stated.

“True, but I’ve got a mind to walkabout a bit,” Captain Isomara replied.

“We have a sea proposition,” Wassabe said. “Are ye’ under contract yet?”

“Perhaps the gent has missed my earlier statement – I’m aiming for a walkabout,” the Captain replied.

“This is a proposition worth hearing,” Wassabe countered. “Captain of a fine ship, a bit larger than this with free reign on the route and product.”

The Captain tried to appear nonchalant, but Ginny could sense instantly the Captain was interested.

“Terms?” the Captain asked.

“If ye’ be the man, 50% of profits to command and crew. Yer’ division.”

“Let’s see your vessel then,” the Captain stated.

“I need to run you past our folks. How ‘bout supper tonight?” Wassabe asked.

“Tell your folks I want 500 gold on top. Right out front and I pick my own crew or don’t waste my time.”

“Oi! 500 in advance?” Wassabe gasped in feigned disgust.

“We can arrange that,” Ginny quickly interjected.

“Good,” Captain Isomara looked at Ginny. “I will see you at supper.”


As Ginny and Wassabe began walking back to the Princess’s Barrel they discussed the Captain.

“Ye’ jumped the gun – that’s all I’m saying,” Wassabe offered.

“Look, he wants earnest money. We’ve probably lost that much cash already with the Coin just sitting in Thray. Besides he is going to hear about those imperial contracts as soon as he moves around the wharves some. We need this guy.” Ginny picked up the pace as she argued her point.

“Ye’ may be right, but 500 cash is a lot in specie to pony up for a fellow we know nothing about,” Wassabe said.

“That’s where the casters come in. We’ll let them make the call.”

“Fair enough,” Wassabe said. “Can we tell Heinrich it’s 600 up front and have a little fun?”

“No,” Ginny answered.


“We think we’ve found our man,” Ginny announced.

“Really?” Heinrich turned to face the trio. “That was fast.”

“You will meet him tonight at dinner.”

“Excellent!” Heinrich replied.

“But he wants 700 gold up front,” Wassabe warned.

“What?” Heinrich replied.

“No, he only wants 500,” Ginny shot Wassabe a stern stare.

“Can’t a man get a finder’s fee?” Wassabe smiled.

Just then Mercutio walked in and handed Thoren a large bag.

“What’s that?” Wassabe asked.

“Mercutio converted all of my gold to gems,” Thoren answered.

“Yer’ going to just carry 10,000 in gems around?” Wassabe was genuinely taken aback.

“For now,” Thoren answered.

“Let’s go meet this Captain of yours,” Heinrich stated. “I’ll leave a message for Justinius to join us.”

“Whatever happens, it needs to be quick. We need to leave to look for Rothlor tomorrow,” Mercutio said.

“Once I cast a couple of spells in the morning, we will have a much better handle on the scope of our mission,” Heinrich promised.

"I think I just got me a new mission. Where ye' sleeping tonight Thoren?" Wassabe asked.

Thoren rolled his eyes in response.

The group left the tavern and headed back towards the docks.

To be continued…

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First Post
pogre said:
“He’s ‘bout dead,” Wassabe answered.

“Oh,” Thoren said sinking back in his chair, “Ask him if we can have his stuff.”

Snicker. I LOVE these guys!!!

Could you fill me in on The Last Coin? Is it just a ship from previous adventures that's now a cash cow or is there something more?
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Parlan said:
Snicker. I LOVE these guys!!!

Could you fill me in on The Last Coin? Is it just a ship from previous adventures that's now a cash cow or is there something more?

Exactly, The Last Coin is a ship the party gained after chasing down an enemy of the Empire. They were given a junior seat in the Merchants' Guild and a partial salt concession. The ship has proven extremely profitable thus far, but obviously they have just lost their very talented Captain Disod and are about to make Captain Isomara an offer.


First Post
The Last Coin is the flagship of the Fortune's Favor trading house's fleet.

(Mind you, it's also our only ship right now, but we're talking about changing that.)

The good Captain Disod (who we obviously made too good an arrangement with) managed to make us about 60K gp in his ventures, split amongst all the investors from our party. Mind you, since that means he also made about that much for himself and the crew, I'm not surprised he has chosen to retire.

Pogre has great background rules for trading. All the background stuff he includes in his game (the structure and rules of the merchant's guild in Zandyrium, deciding on what goods to trade, wrangling to get imperial permission to purchase property in Zandyrium, etc.) are a big part of why I enjoy it so much.



Episode 36

The group of adventurers gathered for supper in a backroom in one of their favorite taverns with Captain Isomara.

“I am sure you have told the others, but would you mind filling me in on your experiences Captain,” Githraldul asked.

“Ivory Coast and back many a day. If you were a sailor that’s all you’d need to know. But, I’ll give you more in the bargain; down the Thraegian so many times I recognize the barnacles, and around the horn a couple dozen as well.”

“Ye’ been to the Chimeyan slave pits then?” Wassabe asked.

“Indeed not, fair mariner,” the Captain replied. “I have outrun one of their riggers though.”

“This is a tale worth hearin’,” Wassabe commented and promptly leaned back in his chair.

“That I can manage,” the captain stated and lit a pipe before beginning. “I was only a mate on the voyage and had been on the Ivory Coast run twice before. I must say the shares always agreed with me and our captain was a solid man.”

“Who was the captain?” Wassabe asked.

“Prareton, a man who was about to prove his worth,” Captain Isomara answered. “We were sailing a sleek half-dhao, The Vienta. She was a quick skimmer nothing like these fat, northern cogs.”

Heinrich frowned just slightly, the captain had just described their ship, The Last Coin, and for some odd reason he did not really like the vessel being labeled that way by her possible future captain.

“We were on course to the trading town of Koilada with a hull full of rosen wood and parches gum,” Isomara continued.

“Wait,” Githraldul objected. “You were going to one of the most legendary trading cities in the known world with rosen wood and parches gum?”

“It may be junk to you fair elf, but on the Ivory Coast Rosen Wood is highly sought after,” Captain Isomara answered.

“Why don’t I load up with some wood and have ole’ Mercutio here zap me down to the coast?” Thoren asked.

“It does not work like that,” Mercutio answered. “There are real problems teleporting over the Tropenmark {1}.”

“You mean teleportation only works in the northern hemisphere?” Wassabe asked.

“Sort of, I’ll explain later. Let’s allow the Captain to finish his story,” Mercutio insisted.

“Two black sails rose over the horizon and began to close,” Captain Isomara took a long drink. “Chimeyan slavers at full sail and just bouncing across the waves. Captain Prareton tried moving the sails in every combination, but it was of no use – the Chimeyans kept coming. They began calling out to us to set anchor if we wanted to live. They were that close.”

“They spoke the common tongue of the Empire?” Justinius asked.

“Well enough to call for us to surrender at least,” the captain answered. “Prareton wasn’t done though. He ordered The Vienta turned about under full sail. We all looked at each other in disbelief. The reason half-dhaos aren’t used much today is because they are small and delicate. Here was our captain calling for an about face into two ships treble her size.”

Captain Isomara paused to take another drink.

“We trusted our captain and turned her about under full sail. We charged right between the two Chimeyan ships. They were so close we could smell their rotten breath, but Prareton’s maneuver so surprised them they did not even manage to get their grapple hooks off the deck.”

“What happened when the Chimeyans turned around?” Wassabe asked.

“That was the genius of Captain Prareton’s move. The Chimeyans, while a clip faster than us, could not turn around readily. We quickly made progress and within a half hour or so we left them behind. Captain Prareton tacked around and we made it to Koilada with rosenwood to boot.”

“Whatever happened to Captain Prareton? Did he retire?” Ginny asked.

“Alas no, he was finally captured by Chimeyan Slavers – gods save his soul.”

“I’m anxious to hear Mercutio’s explanation on the limitations of his magic,” Heinrich stated.

“The Tropenmark is a wild magic area. Much like the tides and trade winds that stir the seas around the boot, the mana of magic is likewise stirred. Magic in the tropics is unpredictable at best and at times unavailable.”

“Why would anyone go there?” Morguhn piped up.

“Well, I have an idea,” Captain Prareton offered. “I made just under 2,000 gold on that same voyage and my share was two-and-a-half percent.”

Heinrich nearly choked on some bread he was chewing on.

Wassabe laughed and said, “I told you. Who has been wanting to go to the Ivory Coast this whole time?”

“Where will you take The Last Coin captain?” Justinius asked.

“It depends,” Captain Isomara answered.

“On what?”

“What she looks like. Let’s go have a walk and check her out,” Isomara suggested.

“That would be one long walk!” Wassabe laughed.

“Um, yes,” Justinius stuttered. “There is something you should know captain.”

{1}Tropenmark – the latitude that marks the tropics.
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First Post
Pogre, this is a great story hour! I really like the pics interspersed throughout the story too. Keep up the great work! I can't wait to see what happens next.


Thanks Oaxacan Warrior! I am finishing some cool projects for the campaign shortly and will certainly add more pics in the near future. Thanks again for reading.

Episode 37

The party hired Captain Isomara and informed him that his vessel was in dock at Thray 600 miles away. Mercutio promised to teleport him down to that city with enough seed money to get things started. Isomara expressed some concern at being able to raise a crew in a foreign city, but the 500 gold advance put him a much more optimistic mood. The seed money the group forked over, 7,200 gold, further impressed him.

“I will require one small favor Captain,” Mercutio stated.

“What is that?” Isomara asked.

“A lock of hair,” Mercutio answered and snipped a small bunch of hair from the captain’s head.

“I’d have given him my whole head of hair for 500 gold,” Wassabe complained.

“What’s that about?” Captain Isomara asked.

“Merely a safety precaution,” Mercutio answered.

The captain nodded, not really wanting to further delve into the motivations of a Saracen-touched sorcerer.

Good evenings were passed around and all retired to bed.


The following morning Mercutio, Thoren, and Wassabe Teleported off to Thray. To their disappointment, but not surprise, the entire crew of The Last Coin was gone. Captain Isomara promised to raise a skeleton crew as soon as possible and head back to Zandyrium.

“Ole’ Justinius isn’t going to like that much,” Wassabe commented.

“Like what?” Thoren asked.

“A skeleton crew,” Wassabe responded.

Mercutio quickly picked up his walking stick and applied two quick whacks to Wassabe’s crown.

“I guess I deserved that,” Wassabe admitted with a grin.

“You’re damn right you did,” Mercutio agreed.

The trio teleported back to Zandyrium.


“Three sendings and nothing back yet?” Justinius asked.

“I’m afraid so,” Heinrich answered, “but I am going to attempt to scry him this morning.”

“May I watch?” Morguhn asked.

“Of course,” Heinrich answered. Heinrich went through a short ritual and peered into a large bowl full of oil. The sheen of the oil began to separate and the image of Rothlor appeared. “He is in some sort of cavern,” Heinrich reported.

“Any details?” Githraldul asked.

“Well, no… Wait! Yes, I see a door with bars. He is tied up. He is being held prisoner.” Heinrich’s voice was racing as he described the scene.

“He’s alive then?” Githraldul asked.

“Yes,” Heinrich answered.

“Yet, it seems he cannot hear us,” Morguhn observed.

“Or perhaps, he just cannot respond,” Heinrich postulated. The cleric continued watching the scene until it finally faded from view a few minutes later. “I shall cast another sending and let him know we are coming in the off chance he can receive the sendings but cannot respond.”

Heinrich quickly concluded a simple sending ritual and as he finished Mercutio, Thoren, and Wassabe arrived.

“How did it go?” Morguhn asked.

“Well, the captain is making a skeleton crew and Mercutio whacked Wassabe over the head a couple of times, and they agreed he deserved it,” Thoren answered.

“What in the Hells is he talking about?” Ginny asked.

“He means it went fine,” Wassabe answered.

“Our preparations are ready let us take leave to trail Rothlor’s caravan,” Githraldul suggested.

“I have to make a quick trip to the imperial palace and then we can go,” Heinrich replied.

To be continued…


It's been a while since I had a window in which I could post.

Pogre, I like Captain Isomara. I hope the PCs have made a good choice.

It looks like they are really taking advantage of their abilities to travel. It's fun to watch.

Voidrunner's Codex

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