[Rogue Trader PbP] The Heir Apparent Act I

The Bashar

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The large bullet catches the man right in the gut, smashing through the armour and causing a horrific wound. Blood and bile seeps from hole in his body and he is barely standing.

The people who were standing about the trains begin to scream and shout as they realize a gun fight has suddenly erupted around them. They begin to run away in all directions.

The Security Guard near Macharius (D5) aims at the man just shot by Thraxus and then pulls the trigger. The shot is low and strikes the concrete barrier, doing no harm to the assailant.

The Security guard at the south end of the tram (K5) switches the fire selector on his lasgun to burst and shoots at the closest assailant (D2). The first shot of the burst catches him right in the face. The heat from the lasgun shot causes his eyes to burst and he slumps to the ground with smoke rising out his now empty eye sockets.
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The Bashar

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The assailant near the car (B3) up next to the tram (D3) and pulls a grenade from his belt.

The gravely wounded man (B9) crouches behind the concrete wall, you hear him cursing as he disappears from sight.

The man near him (A9) fires a Semi-auto burst at Macharius. The burst is high and strikes the inside ceiling of the tram.

To the south west of the car the man with the Lasgun (S2) fires a semi-auto burst at Mordekai. The shots sail wide and strike the car south of Mordekai.

The man beside him with the shotgun (R3) moves up close to the tram.

The two men to the south east of the car move up to get a better shot at the party, but are slowed down by the people running away from the gun battle.

Updated Round 2 Tram Map

OOC: Macharius you are up. The man at B9 is completely concealed from your vantage point. Firing at him has a -30 penalty to your BS.
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Macharius quickly looks up at the scorch marks on the ceiling as he replies to Zander "There's eight attackers I think we've injured one so far."

He refocuses his gaze, and flicks his Hellpistol to semi-auto mode as he takes careful aim and returns fire to his assailant [A9].

OOC: Ignore the plus 10 was screwing around with the dice still a miss
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Mordekai watches his first shot go astray and curses, he hears Thraxus' yelled order and pivots neatly, adjusting his aim to the hostile north of him, near the driver compartment (D3).

"Confirmed, he's a dead man." he mutters in response, squeezing the trigger twice firing a semi-auto-burst at the hostile, the pistol barking as the two bolt shells ignite their rockets and tear through the glass window with ease, speeding towards the target.

OOC: Spending a fate point to re-roll the BS test
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Zander sets his lasgun to semi-automatic mode and takes aim at the gunman stalking up the train (L3).

"Eight? Well, one at a time," Zander mutters to himself as he pulls the trigger.

The Bashar

First Post
Macharius your lasgun shoots wildly in your hands. All you manage to do is strike the tram car behind your target.

Mordekai, your bolt shells catch the man just before he primes the grenade in his hand. The first bolt shell catches him below the knee blowing off the lower part of his leg. He doesn't have enough time to fall as the second shell hits his thigh. The remainder of his leg explodes and the force of the explosion causes him to flip backwards and fall lifeless to the ground.

Zander you rake lasgun fire across the man's body. The heat of the weapon's bolts burns through his armour causing him to scream in pain. His clothing ignites and he falls to the ground in a burning lifeless heap.

OOC: Just a note, if Zander's target didn't die he would have been able to make the exact same attack because he rolled a natural 10 on his damage.

I'll have Dallion's move and a map update later today.

The Bashar

First Post
Dallion moves up to the right of Thraxus and takes a shot at the man with the lasgun (A9). Instead of firing, the weapon sparks and smokes as it jams.

":):):):)! A malfunction now!?"

Round 3
1. Thraxus
2. Security Guards
3. Hired Guns
4. Macharius
5. Moredekai
6. Zander
7. Dallion

Round 3 Tram Map
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"Mordekai, two more coming from the right and ahead of us!" cries Thraxus, "keep them busy or take them out while we finish with these two behind us!"

OOC: Thraxus once again grants Mordekai +10% on his next BS test.

Thraxus watches the man he shot crumble to the ground, clutching at his bleeding belly. He then quickly aims his hand cannon to the adjacent target (A9) and fires a shot. The heavy round crunches into the wall with a puff of smoke and a scattering of loose masonry.

The Bashar

First Post
The security guard near Macharius sends a semi-auto burst at the assailant on the other side of the wall (A9). However his lasgun begins to smoke and does not fire.

The security guard in the south of the tram moves up beside Zander and shoots at the men moving up from the south (O9). The shot hits him in the chest and he winces as it burns him, but he doesn't seem all that phased by the shot.
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The Bashar

First Post
The attack to the left of the tram sees his associates brutally killed and decides he's bitten off more than he can chew. He runs 18 meters south along the fence.

The attackers North of the train still press the attack. The man yells "THROW IT ALREADY" and with his lasgun fires a semi-auto burst at Thraxus. However, his shots sail high over the tram.

The man who was crouched behind the concrete barrier stands up and attempts to toss a grenade into the tram (E5). He squeeze the grenade to hard with blood stained hands and pops out of his grip. It goes between his partner's legs (A9) and behind him. They both look at each other wide eyed and try to dodge the explosion. The man (B9) who tossed the grenade manages to fling himself far enough to escape the blast. Is associate is not so lucky. He hits the side of the tram as the grenade explodes. His body is shredded by the shrapnel, leaving him a bleeding mass of dead meat.

The other two assailants at the south of the car see this and decide to get the hell out of there. They run with the crowd of people fleeing from the gun battle.

Map update
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