Scales of War #1 Rescue at Rivenroar (Full)


[MENTION=16069]Goonalan[/MENTION] : I think it would do no harm, if you made all the initiative rolls together at the start of any combat. :)

Also, if it turns out, that going by strict turn-order doesn't work too well, maybe using group initiative (everyone rolls, take the average for each group, individual members of each group can go at their group's initiative in any order, i.e. just like they happen to post their actions). Groups being PCs & Monsters, usually.


Thanks Thanee

I'm new to this, and happy to do the Init rolls for all PCs at the start of the combat- is this okay with everyone?

As to the grouping PCs and monsters I had this discussion in the other PBP I started and players objected saying they wouldn't get the benefit of Improved Init, high Dex and Rogue's First Strike, so we stuck with RAW.

That said we just managed to play through three turns of combat with 11 combatants in 9 days using the RAW- is that good or bad, it sounds good to me.

If you have an opinion- group, or not to group then please express it here, and soon (next 24 hours)- I'm dying to get on.

Just a note I'm DMing a game tonight, its Thursday, so I'll be mostly out of action.

To recap-

Q1. I roll all your Init- Yes/No

Q2. Group Init- Yes/No

We go with the majority...

Cheers Goonalan.

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First Post
As to the grouping PCs and monsters I had this discussion in the other PBP I started and players objected saying they wouldn't get the benefit of Improved Init, high Dex and Rogue's First Strike, so we stuck with RAW.

Those are valid complaints for sure. It would be a compromise; speed for accuracy, so to say. :)

That said we just managed to play through three turns of combat with 11 combatants in 9 days using the RAW- is that good or bad, it sounds good to me.

That seems alright, yep.

If you have an opinion- group, or not to group then please express it here, and soon (next 24 hours)- I'm dying to get on.

I wouldn't use it right now, anyways. We have already started, so this would just be confusing, I guess.

As for the questions:

Q1: I am greatly in favor of this, as it really saves time at no loss (IMHO).
Q2: I'm fine either way. If even one really objects to that method, we shouldn't use it. Everyone should be comfortable with it, not just the majority. :)

Another option would be to use one (averaged) initiative score for the monsters and have everyone who beats it start first (in any order) on the first round, then have the monsters go, and then immediately (before everyone else goes!) start the second round with all PCs start first (in any order), then all monsters. And so on... Same thing, really, but with the advantages of high initiative working on the PC side.

Anyways, these are just some thoughts... maybe we should postpone a decision to the next combat and just move on normally for now. :)

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Q1: I'm good with this. And absolutely stealing the idea if I ever get ambitious enough to DM my own PbP game.

Q2: Agreed on postponing the decision for this until the next combat. I'm mildly inclined to go with either group initiatives, or grouping the enemy initiative, just for convenience. In any case, I don't think we should hold to strict order in a grouping of PC turns. For example, once the Hobgoblins act in our current combat, we have 4 PC turns. I think those people should post as soon as they see that we're in that section of initiative, rather than strictly having Viator go, then my character go, then Kalimaru, then Kyalia.



First Post
I'm fine with you rolling Init for my character. It save you time and can make things on you easier. I vote YES.


First Post
Q1 Agreed - it will definantely speed thinks up if you roll for us all.

Q2 I do think the individual initiative is preferable, and that we should try that way first. If it becomes a problem we can always change to something else.



[MENTION=16069]Goonalan[/MENTION] : Don't forget Freggo (he acts at initiative 21).


In truth I've been having a terrible day today- the end of the year as regards marks and grades, external examiners, and... just no sleep and worry- I did however catch it just in time.

I was sitting there looking at the initiative order thinking there's something wrong with this- it took me nearly three Hobgoblins before I worked it out...

Cheers Goonalan


First Post
I'm all for you rolling initiatives, Goonalan. YES from me.

With regards to the group initiative, I'm a little concerned that I have a lot of positioning powers that rely on knowing where people will be and when. So I would prefer to know when people are going rather than it be down to post speed. However, if it become a serious pain then I'll happily deal with it. :)
So NO for now, which I guess is a wait and see.


First Post
You actually would know where everyone is, because actions are resolved in the order they are posted, so you have all the info you need right there. :)

All it requires is to read the posts of the other players and see what happened so far to get a good picture of the current situation.

And if you plan on making a move to help someone in that round, you can always announce that (i.e. say something appropriate in the IC and/or explain it in the OOC), so the ones who should better go after you can wait until you have done.

Though in many cases, since you know who is still going to take an action after you at the point you are posting, it works well enough even without such an announcement.

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