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Silverymoon Campaign - IC


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Post 020104 – The Journey to Sundabar, Alturiak 6, Afternoon

Post 020104 – The Journey to Sundabar, Alturiak 6, Afternoon

The group and caravan finally move off. The sun is starting to set behind you as you fall into our formation. Almost subconsciously, you spread yourselves out along the line of the caravan to make sure you cover the entire length in case of attacks. The three remaining guards take up a position on one of the wagons. The mood is somber, quiet. You can here a few lingering sobs as the group moves down the road. Athil takes up his position in the lead wagon. Although the loss of life is great, none of the caravan’s goods were lost.

The strange wagon falls in towards the back, third from the last. Although you try a few times, when you approach the wagon you get a stern look from the driver and the heavily armored guard. Try as you might, you do not engage the driver in conversation. You get nothing more than ‘We are traveling to Sundabar, that is all you need to know.’ The heavily armored man seems quite capable and does not speak. The only thing you do learn from the wagon is the name carved into the side of the wagon and embossed with gold. Maralith.

The next two hours of your journey are uneventful. The twilight soon gives way to evening. The light of the stars and moon illuminate the road and surrounding land in a eerie silver glow. Athil leads the caravan off the road, and almost without command, the wagons circle and the guards and merchants go about setting up camp. You lead your horses off the road and group them together and tie your oats bags to their faces. Fizzi, your war dog has taken quite a shine to you and does not want to leave your side. Unfastening his saddle, your soften a bit and let him join you as you make camp. Willow, Ivory walks with his head held high, proud and strong as the group makes camp. He takes up a position next to you as the group circles a fire and talks of the days events. The wind is cold and hard forcing you to wrap your clothing tightly around you o fight off the chill. Once you get a fire started your spirits lift a bit.

As you have your dinner, you see a few more people milling about the strange wagon. A human female with jet black hair and long flowing fur leaves the wagon for a few moments. She is surrounded by three well armored men, much like to one that was seated with the driver on the wagon. They do not join the group around the fire, but instead make their own fire. You get a sense that this woman is very much in charge of the group. You do not see any more of her after dinner.

You set watch that evening and make conversation with the guards. They have been hired in some capacity as a merchant guard for much of their professional lives. They reiterate how strange it was to be attacked so close to Silverymoon, but they seemed resolved that it is just part o the job. The evening passes slowly, but without event. In the morning the caravan quickly gathers together and heads off down the road.

The whole next day passes much as the first and your evening once again passes without event. You only pass a few caravans coming from Sundabar in the east during the day. On the second day after the attack, just after lunch, you catch sight of a group coming up from the east moving fast. As the get closer you can see that they are a group of Knights in Silver, five to be exact. The motion you to halt and Athil complies, bringing the caravan to a halt. One of the Knights moves his horse forward. ‘Who are you and what can you tell me of the attack on the road? Looking to your group he adds, what is your business on the road?”
How do you respond? Anything special you want to do?

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Dain Ironhelm

"We are adventurers. We are a legally registered party, and are currently helping escort this caravan to Sundabar. We know nothing of the attack except it consisted of goblins, orcs and an Ogre."


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Willow, female wood elf druid

Willow watches the knights, but doesn't say anything. Obviously the merchants and guards are better suited to explain the situation. She strokes Ivory's white fur, while the humans talk.


Silestrea Morand, half-elf sorceress

Silestrea moves to the front as the knights approach, urging Baelryn up beside Dain. "As my companion has stated we are adventurers escorting this caravan. Many Knights in Silver fell during the battle, valiantly defending their charges. The humaniods appear to be getting braver as the caravan was attacked quite close to Silverymoon."


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Aram, half-elf monk

As Dain and Silestrea have already answered to the knight's question, Aram just listens to the conversation. He is eager to hear if the knights can give any more information about the current situation.


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Manzanita said:
"We are adventurers. We are a legally registered party, and are currently helping escort this caravan to Sundabar. We know nothing of the attack except it consisted of goblins, orcs and an Ogre."

The leader of the Knights looks at Dain, 'Know nothing of the attacks? Your clothes have blood on them. It seems to me that you were quite intimate with the attacks. Perhaps you would like to amend your story and tell me what really happened?'

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First Post
Erekose13 said:
Silestrea moves to the front as the knights approach, urging Baelryn up beside Dain. "As my companion has stated we are adventurers escorting this caravan. Many Knights in Silver fell during the battle, valiantly defending their charges. The humaniods appear to be getting braver as the caravan was attacked quite close to Silverymoon."

The lead Knight looks at you and his lack of emotion surprises you, 'Knights were killed you say? What did you do with the bodies? Did you just leave them scattered on the ground like the rest of the orcs? Why did they fall but you simple adventurers not get harmed?'

With that the other four Knights move out along the column of the caravan looking at the wagons. They seem to take a particular interest in the strange wagon, but they do nothing overt to them. When Athil finally points out the wagon that contains the fallen bodies, the Knight leader takes a cursory glance in the wagon and speaks to Athil and to your group.

'You must come with me to the next check point. There you will be required to give a full account of what transpired here. We will escort you there. I trust you will not have any problems with that?'

Anyone can respond if they wish...



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Fizzlewikk Schlickenbahb - Halfling Rogue

Zerth said:
"I shall also come," Aram tells Fizzi as the group rides on. "It is only fair to ask to know about those, who we are supposed to protect. But let's be polite. There are many possible honorable reasons for travelers to keep their own council. We should know that."

Fizzlewikk nods in agreement. "Very true Aram, and thank you for bringing that up, we of all people should know about secrecy."

Fizzi travels the rest of the two hours uneventfully along with the rest. When it comes time to break down for camp, Fizzlewikk notices that his dog has taken a liking to him and decides to play with him a bit. Fizzi finds a nice stick and plays fetch with the dog, taking care not to throw it too far, and keeping it within the lights of the campfire. After a bit of this he'll also playfully wrestle with the dog a bit and then feed him some good cooked meat and let the dog sleep right next to him.

Later when the Knights in Silver approach them travelling, Fizzlewikk listens as his companions explain what happened. After hearing the Knight respond:

Breezly said:
'Know nothing of the attacks? Your clothes have blood on them. It seems to me that you were quite intimate with the attacks. Perhaps you would like to amend your story and tell me what really happened?'


Fizzlewikk moves forward to interject, "Good Sir, what I think my friend here meant was that we know nothing of the creatures motives for attacking, or how it began or was set up. We where travelling to Sundabar ourselves when we heard the sounds of battle over the next ridge. Spurring our mounts forward we saw these merchants and the Knights engaged in combat with the vile humanoids that my friend had previously mentioned. We charged in to help the fight, for the orcs and goblins and ogre had the gaurds and knights outnumbered. We fought side by side with these gaurds" Fizzi motions to the caravan gaurds "and the Knights in Silver. It wasn't long before we had killed a good number of the orcs and goblins and they turned to flee, but not before we slew the Ogre. It is with heavy heart that I say that some Knights and caravan gaurds lost their life, but we are certainly happy that we showed up when we did, for if it where not for our numbers adding to the fight, many more good men could have possibly lost their lives as well." (Fizzlewikk speaks with true compassion and is not hiding anything).

OOC- (Does Fizzlewikk know how much longer it will be till they arive in Sundabar?)


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"Hrumph." Dain frowns at the Knight's terse accusations, and lets Fizzy defend him. He crosses his arms across his chest and looks away. He is fine with accompanying them to their next checkpoint.

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