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Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi


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Anariel frowns at Yeshua. "I have only marginal proficiency with the Jedi Mind Trick. We are lucky that it worked as well as it did with the ramp guard. We should move into hiding until we reach the pirate base. Then we can determine who and where our allies are."

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While searching through the schematic of the ship you soon encounter more than likely the most obvious place to gather information while remaining as inconspicious as possible without completely risking blowing your cover: the mess hall.

Dire Lemming

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"I don't think we'll need you to trick anyone else now that we're in. We look the part, as long as we act it there shouldn't be any trouble. Look, there's a mess hall here. We could wait there without arousing suspicion."


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Anariel lets out a heavy sigh. Obviously, she would prefer to remain out of sight for as long as possible. She turns to Kestrel, her keen eyes appraising the younger woman. "What do you think, Kestrel?"


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Kestrel looks down, thinking hard.

"My concern is that, if we try to find allies and fail...we have no option left but to try to take the ship over. And that would be all but failing, I think...since the orbiting ships could easily destroy the shuttle if they had to."

"I think we should hide. Contact is too risky. We can look for allies when and if we need them...that is, if hiding fails. We can't do the opposite though."

Dire Lemming

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Yeshua shakes his head. "I wouldn't call this a shuttle, it's got it's own mess room... If we're found out, it will be too late to look for allies. They will assume that we are here to destroy them, and react accordingly. Those that surrender are either cowards, or are hoping to attack us when our guard is down, in either case they would not be reliable allies. If we hide, then we will have waste valuble time we could use learning about the situation. What happens once we get to their base?" he sighs. "However, if you both agree that hiding in a closet is our only chance, then so be it."
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Kestrel shrugs. "I'm not in charge," she says mildly. "But I thought when we arrived at their base, we'd wait for the pirates to get off, and be the last ones off, at the tail end of the group. Then we break off from the group before they notice anything wrong and start working on finding the base's exact location."

She pauses, then adds, "If we were going to look for allies...I think that would be the time. Maybe we could organize a revolt among the pirate ranks at their base. If some serve out of fear of the Force, we can lead the revolt..."


First Post
"I'm afraid I agree with Kestrel's plan, Yeshua," says Anariel, looking at her companion. "Discovery in the early stages of this operation could cause us to fail our mission. Come on. Let's head to the maintenance closet, and we can discuss this more if you wish." She smiles, and then begins heading in the direction that the ship schematics indicated.

Voidrunner's Codex

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