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(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn I

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Troi makes a waving motion to Tiggle. "Don't worry bout it, Tiggle... this guy here is right, Grak and me practicing out in front might be a bad idea."

He looks at the half-finished concoction. "Hmm... strawberries? I didn't notice them... now, does that thing kick in right off the bat, or is there a wait? I couldn't tell, 'cause I went to sleep only like ten minutes after I downed it. I don't wanna drop stone-cold sleeping in here in the middle of things, y'know?"

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"I'm assuming you're addressing Grak and I." Troi says, without turning. He then turns, slowly, to face the speaker.

"And actually, we have seen each other here in the tavern since Grak got here a week ago. I was the one who checked up on him, in fact. We've talked ocassionally. I'd like to say that I am a friend of his, and barring that, I at least know him."

"Ah, well, then. You must forgive my presumption - I am the one who is new here, as I'm sure you've concluded."

"As for what 'speaks of poor manners'... well, I can think of a few other things that are poor manners, as well, where I come from. Besides, this is the Red Dragon... chances are anybody who comes here isn't going to be bothered by a couple a guys practicing outside... even if one is a half-drunken half-orc. And Joe would probably approve - it keeps Grak out of the ale, at least for a little while."

Troi leisurely coils his whip back up, and replaces it in its place on his belt. "Though I'll admit that you may be right - it might not be good for business. But then again, neither is barging into a conversation unasked."

"Come now, I merely suggested - in perhaps not the most diplomatic way possible (but then, what's silver-tongued diplomacy among fellow adventurers?), that you ought to keep your first meeting civil. Since this is obviously not your first meeting and as I am unfamiliar with the reputation of this fine Inn, I am the party that is in error here, and therefore I must ask your forgiveness. Let us not greet each other with a scowl and a threat. The Great King Ducard of legend made the same mistake to a passing stranger on the road, and I'm sure you know what happened to him." Velbrik furrows his brow. "You have heard the tale, have you not? In any case, it's of little consequence. I'm sure you can intuit the rest of the story."

Sighing in relief Tiggle drops the healing kit, causing gauze and ointments to fly all over the bar floor. He ignores the mess and goes back to making up the drink. "Strawberries were to speed the mix up, suger into the blood and all. Hmmm let me see I can slow it down here, by adding a little of this," he poors a very dark lumpy liquid into the drink, "and then just touch it up with a touch of elven wine." He adds about an ounce of a very fine wine, taking a big wiff of the bottle and smiling in apreciation. Then the tiny gnome begins to stir the drink viggorously causing a plethora of colors and tectures to blend together. "Here you are lad, will put you at ease but not quite out till you put your head to a pillow..... I think."

The Great King Ducard of legend made the same mistake to a passing stranger on the road, and I'm sure you know what happened to him." Velbrik furrows his brow. "You have heard the tale, have you not? In any case, it's of little consequence. I'm sure you can intuit the rest of the story."

Squeeking in glee "Oh a story, don't know that one. You got a free drink from the special storage room if you can enchant me and one other patron" Tiggle then jumps up and sits cross legged on the bar giving Velbrik his full attention.
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"Ah, well, then. You must forgive my presumption - I am the one who is new here, as I'm sure you've concluded."

Troi's demeanor changes slowly from unfriendly to indifferent.

"I did somewhat figure that. Never seen you around before."

"Come now, I merely suggested - in perhaps not the most diplomatic way possible (but then, what's silver-tongued diplomacy among fellow adventurers?), that you ought to keep your first meeting civil. Since this is obviously not your first meeting and as I am unfamiliar with the reputation of this fine Inn, I am the party that is in error here, and therefore I must ask your forgiveness. Let us not greet each other with a scowl and a threat. The Great King Ducard of legend made the same mistake to a passing stranger on the road, and I'm sure you know what happened to him. You have heard the tale, have you not? In any case, it's of little consequence. I'm sure you can intuit the rest of the story."

"However, you did have a point." Troi says, shaking his head. "And I have heard the tale... though my question is: are you the stranger, or am I?"

"Well, it doesn't really matter." He says, smiling grimly. "So, could we at least convince you to do the customary introduction? Joe doesn't like it when people don't introduce themselves... in case you missed it, I'm Troi Delmontes, a man who seeks out and researches monsters. If you got a critter-related question, chances are that I can answer it - within reason, of course."
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"Strawberries were to speed the mix up, suger into the blood and all. Hmmm let me see I can slow it down here, by adding a little of this, and then just touch it up with a touch of elven wine."

"See, now there is a master at work." Troi says, pointing at the concoction.

"Here you are lad, will put you at ease but not quite out till you put your head to a pillow..... I think."

"Thanks, Tiggle." He says, and takes a deep drink out of the blue oddity. "Hmm... fruity." After a moment, he whistles. "Whoa, that aftertaste... that's some old elven wine, there. Nice stuff. That musta cost a bundle..." He fumbles in a belt pouch, and produces two copper coins. "That probably doesn't cover the cost of the strawberries," He smiles, "but that's the best I can do for ya."

[Edit: doesn't probably? What the heck kinda grammar is that, anyway?]
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First Post
Velbrik nods in acknowledgement. "Excellent. And I am Velbrik, chronicler of epic deeds. I've studied at the bardic school of Nobius and my mentor has recently set me off to do a bit of research." He frowns. "Well, not so much set me off rather than pushed me away. Something about having his eyebrows singed off one too many times - and he finally felt, as I did, that it was time for me to be doing a bit of research on my own."


I aim to misbehave
Thurgan was tired – a quiet drink was all that he wanted. He had worked at the forge all day long, soot still evident in the hard to reach places on his leather shirt and on the backs of his forearms. His beard was heavy with sweat and the front of his leather was soaked as well. He was tall for a dwarf, and powerfully built. His long brown hair was braided as was his thick beard.

Thurgan stepped through the back door of the tavern, closing the door quietly behind. Maybe, just maybe I can get in here without declaring myself, Thurgan thought as he entered the tavern. His eyes widened as he looked into the tavern, Damn . . . too many people in here at this hour.

Thurgan sighed as he stepped up to the bar – he didn’t see Joe around anywhere nearby. Assuming he was in back, Thurgan’s deep voice boomed out, “Hey, Joe! It’s just Thurgan here.”

Then Thurgan turned and faced the ever-growing crowd in the tavern. “Greeting all, my name is Thurgan Hammer. I work at the local smithy. You need some metal worked, I’m the man you see . . . or my boss.” Thurgan added the last part quietly. He had issues with his boss, but he wanted to push that out of his mind – he needed that drink.
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"Excellent. And I am Velbrik, chronicler of epic deeds. I've studied at the bardic school of Nobius and my mentor has recently set me off to do a bit of research. Well, not so much set me off rather than pushed me away. Something about having his eyebrows singed off one too many times - and he finally felt, as I did, that it was time for me to be doing a bit of research on my own."

"Hmm..." Troi thinks for a moment. "A chronicler of epic deeds? And you came here, to the Red Dragon? Admittedly, I've heard stories that some famous people came here a few times... but other than that, this is hardly the place to find epic adventure."

"I wonder what it's like to have a real mentor..." He adds, more quietly.


“Greeting all, my name is Thurgan Hammer. I work at the local smithy. You need some metal worked, I’m the man you see . . . or my boss.

"Hey, Thurgan," Troi calls from the bar, giving his traditional greeting of his right hand's index and middle finger raised. "We're kinda busy here tonight, as you can plainly see..." He takes a sip from his drink. "Man, that is some strong stuff... so anyway, Thurgan, how's work goin'?"

[Edit: spelling is good. Spelling other peoples' names right... better.]
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First Post
Milo stumbles in through the door, panting. Snark is firmly grasped in his hand, twittering like mad.

"I'm back. Whoa! Orcage!"

He bows. "Greatings, huge one!"

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