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The Captain's Caper! (Dunamin judging)

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"Option two works for me for now," Hrav answers, "and it certainly doesn't rule out the other options if we want to take them later. And your point on that royal flush is sharp as well, Quag. Mighty convenient, that."


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Brudd, who has always regarded morality as a mild inconvenience in regards to himself, and a useful restraint for others, chuckles softly.

"Way I see it they made a deal and the tiefling welched first. He won the ship, he took the cargo and the ship. That voids the deal, so we ain't doin ought but redressin' a wrong and such - we're practically heroes. Now I suggest that we take a bit more to cover our emotional distress, wear and tear on bastard swords, shuriken and such - say everything Redblades got and send him to Hadeys. Win, win! And I definetly go with two over one, thats just math!"

The Bull looks upwards,

"As fer him being surrounded by guards, just means we get to send more to Hadeys, ain't that right boss? Besides any ship named the Bloody Wake 'as te be blessed by Hadeys!"


Quagmire chuckles. "Practically heroes. I'd drink to that, if I had me a drink." He stands up and scratches reflectively. "I wonder if any of those docks trash who got in our way happened to drop anything valuable. Think I'll go check."


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Brudd grins,

"Arhh, everyone else just thinks the wrong way round." The Minotaur pulls an odd face, and appears to pretending to hols a monacle, in a high squeaky voice he continues, "I say this thing I did was bad I do declare that renders me bad, good gad, woe is me!"

He returns to his normal rumble,

"Me on the other 'and, I do it the right way. I am great, ergo anythin' I do must be great - I just 'ave to figure out how."


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"I typically pay my respects to Maros and Merkari," Hrav tells the bull of Hadeys, "but if that's official Hadeysian doctrine, I might toss a nod to your boss now and then."


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Quagmire searches the bodies of the ruffians before they set sail, but finds very little. They each had a small club and the clothes on their backs, but that was all sadly.

The Captain announces that the ship is leaving, and with several sharp commands to the sailors you finally get underway. Soon after, the wind is filling the sails and the smell of the sea overpowers everything else while the seabirds wheel about overhead and perch on the mast. The rolling of the ship takes a bit of getting used to for some, but others are just fine. Captain Azrael makes course for Bacarte', but it will be hours before you arrive.


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"Not exactly a written rule, but then ye'd 'ave te be a mug to actually write down that kinda wisdom, it defeats the purpose. Way I look at everyone's better off worshippin' Hadeys, hes gonna treat ye better once yer dead, everyone dies eventually, and he might just leave ye up here te spead the gospel before 'and, win win. I like to base my religious decisions on practicality, unfounded faith's fer loosers."

The Minotaur replies to his Bugbear buddy, giving a revealing look into what might be dubbed Bruddian Hadeyanism.

Once the Bloody Wake gets under way Brudd attempts to hone his somewhat rusty seabullship skills by observing and helping the crew where he can.
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Alexander walks calmly up and down the ship, talking with the crew, discreetly trying to understand how much one can trust captain Azrael...

[sblock=ooc]I won't bother linking my streetwise roll, since it's a six...........[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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