The Jade Frontier (DM: Ukingsken, Judge: Lord Sessadore)


Cheysuli Sage

As the wizard kobold falls unconscious to the floor, the fey power of Chey's curse is released once more and her body morphs into a pile of leaves and mulch where a tiefling had stood but a moment before.
Up in the hay loft, as the scared family cower in the shadows; hay and grain-dust whirl in the air in front of them, coalescing into Cheysuli. She turns to the scared humans, her eyes full of sympathy and says; "You will not come to harm today, we are here to help you. Is this your whole family? is everyone safe?"

From her high vantage point, Chey can clearly watch the flow of battle and is confident that things are going in her compatriot's favour. While waiting for the humans reply she focuses her energies and releases a blast of green flame at one of the kobolds below.

free action - Misty Step to the top of the ladder in the hay loft.
standard action - :ranged:Eldritch Blast vs. Javlin A (1d20+4 = 9 vs. Ref, 1d10+4 = 12 damage)[/sblock]

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Brenwar let's out a sigh of relief as he sees his ally get to the top of the ladder before any of the kobolds can do anything more to the family. Then refocusing on the task at hand he says a prayer to Palladys to stop the kobold facing him from harming any more innocents. Then taking advantage of his ally flanking the kobold he swings his hammer wide hoping to catch the kobold of its guard.

Standard Action:Valiant Strike (1d20+10=17, 1d10+4=7) (+2 for flanking, +2 for two adjacent enemies)
Move Action: Unused
Minor Action: Mark Javelin B with Divine Challenge
Brenwar - Male Human Paladin 1
Initiative: +1, Speed: 5
Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 17
AC: 20, Fort: 16, Reflex: 15, Will: 14
HP: 29/29 , Bloodied: 14 , Surge Value: 7, Surges Left: 12/12
Action Points: 0

Basic Melee Attack: +6 Warhammer 1d10+4 Damage

Divine Challenge, Holy Strike, Valiant Strike, Bolstering Strike
Lay on Hands (2/2 Remaining)
Piercing Smite, Channel Divinity, Second Wind
Paladin's Judgment, Healing Word


First Post
[sblock=ooc]If Mr Bricks shifted to flank, should he not get his sneak attack? I believe that's the one he's attacking...

oh and WOW with the rolling![/sblock]

[Sblock=ooc] My bad I was trying to run through it quickly at work, yes he should have. And I thought the same thing. Reserving this spot for update later today. These 12-18 hour days are killing me.

Also I've found replacements for the party. A bard and a Wizard. The controller would really help you guys out, and an additional leader would leave you a lil lacking for damage output since both Bricks and Patronis were strikers but it shouldn't be a problem.

I'll be working them into the story after this combat.[/sblock]
Last edited:


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Shayla HP:20/20 Surges:6/6 (5) Def:16/12/10/17 SW:Unused
Patronis HP:19/30 Surges:10/10 (7) Def:14/14/14/15 SW:Unused Concealment
Bricks HP:10/24 (Bloodied) Surges:7/7 (6) Def:16/17/13/12 SW:Unused
Chey HP:26/26 Surges:8/8 (6) Def:15/14/12/15 SW:Unused Concealment
Bren HP:29/29 Surges:14/14 (7) Def:20/15/16/14 SW:Unused
Piker A 19 Damage
Javelin B 24 Damage Bloodied
Miranna HP:29/29 Surges:10/10 (7) Def:19/15/13/15 SW:Unused Your Turn
Javelin A 17 Damage 5 Temp HP [/sblock]

As Mr. Bricks pulls away from his target the wound begins bleeding profusely and the kobold clutches painfully at his side.

As Cheysuli steps through the mist to the upper level of the barn, she surveys the field below and settles on a Kobold but is disoriented from her step through the other and misses.

Brenwar, bounded on multiple sides by his foes, strikes out at the spear wielding Kobold pinned between himself and Mr. Bricks inflicting a painful wound on it's weapon arm, nearly shaking it free of the draconians hand.

Unable to focus on the shadowy form presented by Patronis, the pike wielding kobold moves toward Mr. Bricks back, coordinating it's movement with the other scaled beasts threatening him. Swinging it's blade down hard at his back Mr. Bricks has little room to maneuver.

Move Action to move to O20
Standard Action to attack Mr. Bricks ( Hit) 10 Damage[/sblock]

Drawn by the divine will channeled through Brenwar, the spear wielder strikes out at him, hoping to pay back the black and blue bruise growing on it's arm.

Standard Action to attack (CRIT!) 8 damage[/sblock]

The spear pushes off the edge of Brenwars shield and gashes his forearm, slipping between a seam.


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OOC: Can we get an updated map? The most recent one I can find is from 2 rounds back, and doesn't have much in common with the current situation. If not a map, at least a rundown of which foes are reachable without an OA.


OOC: Big welcome to the new guys; can't wait to see some area spells in action; and some extra buffs will definately help out :eek:)


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[Sblock=Indeterminate Hatus]

Hey all,

Bad news in my world. I've been served court papers by my sons mother and am going to be investing a lot of time in that the next few months. I feel super bad for leaving so many people hanging but I cant afford not to.

I hope you all understand me and will have room in the community for me when I come back. NPC my characters out as needed and feel free to email me for any info I have reference my two running adventures.

Once again sorry so much.


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