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Would you let a PC become a diety?


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Yeah well if they want to be prey/food for Vangal, who likes to raise demi-gods that he can go hunt later. :) Now that's the way to show people what epic is. ;)

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The campaign I've been running lately mainly is a Norse/Anglo-Saxon milieu, and I could easily see high level characters become heroes, and thus go to Valhalla, essentially joining the Gods.

Here's another question (maybe for a whole 'nuther thread): do you allow your PCs to become *immortal*?

Jolly Giant

First Post
I've actually run a campaign that lasted until the PCs were divine rank 5. Longish explanation follows:

When I started making my homebrew (just after 3.0 came out), I still hadn't got around to making the pantheon when my first campaign in that world started so we just used the ones from the PHB. I always meant to make my own pantheon, but never got aorund to it. There was always an ongoing campaign (or two), and I didn't want to change the pantheon in mid-campaign.

As campaigns ended and new ones started, the players grerw to like the consistency of always playing in the same homebrew world. They enjoyed exploring new locations in the same setting and re-visiting places were former PCs had set their mark upon the world. I felt that suddenly introducing a new pantheon to setting that was so well-established with the players would not be a popular desicion, but I still wanted to make my own deities. Tricky. :\

The solution came to me when we first had a campaign go all the way into epic levels. We came to a point were I was starting to run out of ideas for the campaign (around ECL 28 somewhere). There would be a war between the gods, all evil deities uniting against the good deities. Even the bloodwar was to be put on hold, so that demons and devils could fight side by side against the forces of good.

The PCs was destined to become the centrepoint of this war, of course. They, and some of their NPC allies and enemies, became the start of a new pantheon that would eventually repace the old. :cool:

As I said, the campaign went on until the PCs had divine rank 5. At that point their ECL was roughly 33, not counting deific status. The amount of preparations required to set up a battle between the armies of multiple deities was exhausting, and planning combats between the deities themselves was even worse. Fortunately I had a job that included a lot of waiting around doing nothing, so I could use that time to make my preparations. It was an enormous load of work, but it gave something fun to do while waiting. :D

The campaign was an absolute hoot, and now new PCs get to have former PCs as their patron deities. The players love it! ;) I suffered from severe DM burn-out when the campaign was over though, and starting a new campaign was difficult.

What campaigns I've run after that one has ended before it went into epic levels, so their hasn't been any more PC deities. It is definitely a possibility though, and I think maybe an NPC from my last campaign has the potential to become a new goblin deity. :p

The last few months I've insisted on somebody else DMing, so I can finally get around to completeing Vikings D20! ;)


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FrostedMini1337 said:
If a PC outstrips a deity in terms of followers and established churches, what would AO do about it? Or what would the deity do about it?

Wait a few years. He'll die, his followers will disperse, the world will move on.

A diety unable to think in anything other than the short term isn't deserving of the title.


First Post
I'm not ruling it out. But then, I'm not very many things out.

In my current campaign, it could work if I'd let it run so high (plan to stop around level 20), in the one after that it's absolutely impossible (it's either Midnight or a homebrew where gods simply are - can't die, no new ones can ascend. At least, that's how I plan it right now).

Speaking of which: One of my former characters has become a deity. Of course, that was at the very end of the campaign. I didn't get to run around as a god.

The deity (Demigod of Bladesingers) has since entered our mutual realms Canon. I even convinced another player to choose this character as his deity.


First Post
Gundark said:
And still play his character after ascension...no....but other than that yeah why not???

I'm going to side with the not IMC minority on this one.

The reason is because I've played in groups that had players shooting for deity status and it causes problems. They tend to be much more concerned about their goals than being part of the party, and try to set themselves up for any contingency. The egocentric focus and quest for PERSONAL power tends to get out of control and cause hard feelings, whether because the would-be-god doesn't get enough attention to accomplish his goal, or the others don't want to be this guy's underlings. I have found that it distracts from the overall campaign and usually the player is forced to split from the party.

That said, if you are playing a solo campaign, godhood pretty much becomes the over-reaching goal. Most solos blow away the guidelines, getting too much wealth and power because, well, they are alone, so don't need to balance against anyone, so they get anything they want. As suggested above, once you are uber powerful, you might as well start working over the gods.

In conclusion, I don't think it's a good idea in party play, but it is completely acceptable.


First Post
Sejs said:
Wait a few years. He'll die, his followers will disperse, the world will move on.

A deity unable to think in anything other than the short term isn't deserving of the title.

Wait a few years? Death evasion at epic levels is a minor problem. What about when his followers try to find ways for his spirit to inhabit a new body after he bites it?

thanks for everyones responses. I expected "No, because it would ruin the group dynamic out of campaign" a lot more than it came up. People seem suprisingly willing to let PC deity it up.

If I can't become a deity or conjure one up(starting new thread for help), I'm to go with Piratecats suggestion, and start shopping around for a deity to throw my lot in with.
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First Post
FrostedMini1337 said:
Wait a few years? Death evasion at epic levels is a minor problem. What about when his followers try to find ways for his spirit to inhabit a new body after he bites it?

thanks for everyones responses. I expected "No, because it would ruin the group dynamic out of campaign" a lot more than it came up. People seem suprisingly willing to let PC diety it up.

If I can't become a diety or conjure one up(starting new thread for help), I'm to go with Piratecats suggestion, and start shopping around for a deity to throw my lot in with.

Just one request: "DEITY". Every time I read "diety", I have this vision of a pantheon of food gods... And the strawberry trifle goddess is glaring at me. :p


First Post
No. I have officially decided that im spelling it diety. And when I get my new diety to come here, he's going to have the Spelling domain and you're all screwed.

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