Sean Hillman

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Sean Hillman

Sean Hillman

A new year and it is time for new campaigns and challenges for your players. The DM Guild is full of new ideas, creators, as well as creations, and shows no sign of slowing down. We are also changing up the format a bit for 2019 to improve the coverage of the DM Guild for players, game masters, and content creators.

Kickstarter, RPG Zine Quest, and Luke "Burning Wheel" Crane

Kickstarter’s February initiative, Zine Quest, promises to feature a variety of RPG zines to crowdfund. Since its announcement, we’ve been gathering requirements, talking to publishers about the projects they’ve planned for February, and written the first in a series of articles to raise awareness. To that end, we spoke with the project’s originator, Luke Crane, Head of Games @Kickstarter and owner of the Burning Wheel, a tabletop gaming publisher responsible for the Mouse Guard RPG, Dungeon World, and, of course, Burning Wheel. We asked Luke a variety of questions about the initiative and what he hopes to accomplish with the project.

Training for the End Times: An Outbreak Undead 2nd Edition Review

Sure you may have seen all the films and watched the shows and maybe even played the games, but has any of that prepared you for the time when the undead come for your brains? No worry friend, Renegade Game Studio and Hunters Entertainment have you covered.

New Beginnings: Red Sky at Night

In 1992 I sat down at a table with my green and yellow d10s to play Runequest. That moment began my second age of role playing and my love has continued to this day. With the release of Runequest: Glorantha I am ready to run my first RQ game in many years and I plan on running the game from the Empire’s point of view. You see, 27 years ago my first RQ character was a Lunar soldier and that has defined my view of Glorantha ever since.

Get Some Cards for Your Spokes: A Kids on Bikes Review

On first instinct I was going to make a Stranger Things reference and link game and show in a rather obvious way. Then I got to reading in depth Kids On Bikes from Renegade Game Studios and I knew that would be too simplistic. So grab your BMX and let’s take a little ride down to the spooky side of town.

Breaking Down the Prism of Overlight: A Review

Tired of all the fantasy role-playing games with a grim and dark palette? Well, Renegade Studios delivers a rules light system with a many-layered setting for players seeking out something brighter. Join the ranks of the Skyborn, with Overlight.
Do you need some last minute ideas for the DM in your life? Looking for some inspiration for your Ravnica campaign? Want some solo adventures for when you are snowed in with no Internet? Well, come along then and let’s see what’s in the Bag o’Holding of Red Claws, our gift giving DM Guild Dragon!

Plunging the Depths of Degenesis' Black Atlantic

Black Atlantic is an adventure. Black Atlantic is a regional sourcebook. Black Atlantic is the third adventure in a trilogy, ending a long connected story arc in a glossy, full-color pursuit of a powerful weapon. It is not necessary to have played the previous two hardcover adventures. In Thy Blood or The Killing Game. However, Black Atlantic will spoil the overall story if you have not the played them.

Esper Genesis: Sci-Fantasy for 5E

Are you in the market for a science fantasy role playing game that runs on the 5E engine (SRD)? Well Esper Genesis might be the easy port over from D&D that you and your group are looking for.

Reaching KatharSys - A Degenesis Rebirth Review

Degenesis: Rebirth is the latest edition of a game whose lineage goes back to the early 2000s. Christian Günther and Marko Djurdjevic put together their primal punk universe of a post-apocalyptic Earth and with Sixmorevodka have put out this slick new edition. KatharSys is Book II of the Degenesis: Rebirth edition and holds all the mechanical information needed to be a protagonist (player) or game master in the universe of Degenesis.

Burning Questions: Why Do DMs Limit Official WOTC Material?

In today’s Burning Question we discuss: In D&D, why do DMs limit spells, feats, races, books, etc. when they have been play-tested by Wizards of the Coast?

Thousand Year Old Vampire Arises on Kickstarter

Tim Hutchings is putting out a game about playing a Thousand Year Old Vampire called, ironically enough, Thousand Year Old Vampire. EN World talked to Tim about his history of game design and Thousand Year Old Vampire itself. Sean Hillman (SH): Tim, before we get into Thousand Year Old Vampire, can you tell folks about how you got into gaming and game design? What were the biggest...

Lex Arcana Blew Past Its Kickstarter Goal: Here's Why

In our continuing coverage of the Second Edition of Lex Arcana that is currently on Kickstarter, I spoke with Andrea Angiolino, the Creative Director at Quality Games. Andrea was gracious enough to answer a few questions for us at EN World!

Diverse Voices: An Interview with Chris Spivey of Harlem Unbound

We are speaking with Chris Spivey of Darker Hue Studios. Chris was gracious enough to let us ask him a few questions about Harlem Unbound, Darker Hue Studios, and other projects Chris is working on.

DMs Guild DMs Guild Roundup: Unseen Waterdeep, Le Pas D’Armes, 100 Monster Hunts

Digging through the ruins of an ancient keep is dangerous and thirsty work. As all the fall ales start to come into fashion, we sat down to look at a few of the tomes retrieved from our latest adventure! Read on to see some of the gems we uncovered. And drink up, those ales aren’t cheap.

The Most Successful Italian RPG Launches on Kickstarter

Have you ever wondered what might have happened if the Roman Empire had not fallen? Have you ever imagined living in the Roman world, working for the Empire as an agent in distant lands? Well Lex Arcana, the most successful Italian role-playing game, has allowed players to do that for over two decades. With the announcement that there will be a Kickstarter for a second edition to Lex Arcana, EN World reached out to the folks at Quality Games to talk about this amazing game. Francesco Nepitello, one of the original designers of Lex Arcana, was gracious enough to answer a few questions for us. Here is the link to the Kickstarter.

This Week in TTRPG


TREY is a new solo set of rules and The Comae Engine is a d100 RPG with a versatile conflict resolution system both from FrostByte Books.
A moody game in a dark city full of spies, revolutionaries and strange magic.
Ever since Toy Story debuted, I've wanted rules to play with army men. Now we can!
Knave 2e offers great resources for any OSR style game.

Dungeons & Dragons

Get an elemental familiar, resist the elements, clear the air, or become the mountain.
The team was responsible for content feedback and the implementation of book content on the online platform.
New Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering comics coming in 2025
The randomized set of minifigs hits retail this September
A collection of short adventures ranging from 10th to 16th level--dragons, kobolds, giants, even the dreaded River Styx!
From libraries to trading stalls this secretive order uses what they know to influence entire kingdoms.

Industry News

Tabletop Mirror with integrate the chat features of Role Gate into its platform
Hight previously oversaw the World of Warcraft franchise.
Your backing helps Owen's fight against cancer and gets you a book of cartoons by Stan!
DEI grants for publishers and retailers open for applications

Voidrunner's Codex

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