D&D 5E What single new class would you like to see?

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Tony Vargas

How many of those absolutely must be full classes, as opposed to subclasses, though?
I'd think most of the 'missing' martial concepts and functions could be covered by a couple of new full classes (W*****d and one or two others), each with multiple sub-classes. Perhaps an outlier or two by new non-magic-using sub-classes of currently all-magic-using classes - the Ranger and Monk being the most obvious candidates. But the Fighter and Rogue sort of class-functions/party-contributions have been pretty thoroughly covered.
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Going back to the original topic, there's obviously the Warlord which you've done as the Noble. The other one I'd like to see (and that I've done a version of myself as a Warlock pact) is the Elementalist. The blast mage that's about as straightforward as the fighter. "I burn it" rather than "I hit it."

Edit: Elementalist Warlock now in the homebrew section.
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I would like to see a gish that is a half caster. Maybe built off the Paladin chassis. The ability to empower his weapon with magic (like a paladin's smite) and 2 attacks. I think that there is room for a half caster with access to wizard spells.


Still laughing about the Awesome Katana....
But back to topic:

I'm looking for a Tinkerer/Artificer/Inventor class
Perhaps expand on the Gnome tinker abilities. Building useful items with a limited lifespan, always making new stuff from the refuse of the old.
I think there was a comment about "MacGuyver" which also fits.
I have visions in my head of J.F. Sebastian in Blade runner with his "friends" that he made. Data in "goonies" with all his utility belt, and inventions.
Or a Tinker with clockwork toys and devices.

  • Your familiar is a clockwork bird.
  • Your crossbow is a repeating crossbow allowing 4 attacks a round.
  • Your flame strike is really a flamethrower, etc....
  • Your armor is fitted with gizmos, and whirley-gigs
  • your Horse is mechanical and fueled by steam

Perhaps a mechanic that is based on "creation points",similar to Ki or spell points

Yeah this sounds great to me
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Super Hero! Base class has a certain amount of super-strength and super-toughness, elemental energy blasts, and eventual flight. Subclasses:

1. Extra super stronger: a melee/tank sort.
2. Extra elemental blasting: damaging aura; area attacks; etc.
3. Speedster: Starts developing super-speed powers that get better with level (time stop-like abilities kick in around 15th level or so). Ultimate melee skirmisher.
4. Morpher: Can transform body into useful shapes, disguises, materials. Melee skirmisher/controller.
5. Mentalist: Some telepathy and stuff. Control abilities.

I'd like this class to get ability scores above 20 at a relatively early level, although such a thing can be beastly to balance properly. For example, suppose at 5th level, instead of Extra Attack, you got +4 Strength? Would that be better or worse? Is it abusable somehow? So this would be a hard class to design, but it would really be doing something original and interesting in 5e.

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