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If an NPC is telling the truth, what's the Insight DC to know they're telling the truth?


Lowcountry Low Roller
I do think that people are reading what they want to read. Myself included. Go back to the early posts. While I cannot speak for anyone else, I never "went after" anything. I was pretty clear that I was only speaking for how I played. I even went so far as to invite folks to call my way house ruling if it helped.

IOW, while I might have gotten sucked down into some argument, I certainly started off by saying, "That's cool but I prefer to handle it this way".

I dunno, your very first post in thread definitely took an aggressive stance: #37
All this equivocating or "letting there be leeway for error" is just a player screw job AFAIC.
Yeah, I'm not big on playing silly buggers to try to increase difficulty.
So definitely stepping into the realm of going after others method right off the bat.

Your second post in thread #42 gets a bit more passive aggressive:

I always find it surprising how many DM's insist on only the DM calling for skill rolls.
Maybe I'm just too gamist in my approach.
@Bawylie engaged with that though in post #46 but rather than dogpiling, gave a brief history of the game discussing the different approaches to action resolution encouraged by the different editions.

@Oofta joins in with post #49 and increases the temperature with this little nugget:

While I encourage people to state things in-character, I don't see a need to treat every action like Jeopardy where things have to be said using the correct structure. No need for a wording gestapo if the intent is clear.
(my bold)

And we’re off to the races...

Edit: and I see [MENTION=6779196]Charlaquin[/MENTION] beat me to it.
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No flips for you!
While I have played D&D pretty much since it's inception, I would say that my preference is not totally based on that experience. I'm a software developer (and a lot of players have been friends from work), and we speak in code words called "patterns" on a pretty regular basis. So I'm used to using verbal shortcuts. I'm used to people saying "we're using the factory pattern" or "this code used DI so...". I don't see "I make an athletics check" to be that much different.

That, and I just have a different perspective on the game than some people. I view it as a fantasy/action movie/novel story generator simulator first with compromises to make it a game second. So sometimes people try things that will never work like trying to climb the impossible to climb wall. Sometimes they suspect the guy that's telling the truth and I don't want to give anything away so I let them make an insight check to maintain reasonable doubt.

What bugs me is repeatedly, incessantly hearing that I simply "don't understand" the goal and approach method(tm). That's what I find insulting.
This is a bit rich, given the number of material misrepresentations and erroneous assumptions you've made on this. I mean, becoming irate because you recently may have some understanding kinda ignores the slightly less recent past. A past where you declared you understood as well while still making the gross misrepresentations.

I find your protest to be unmoving, especially in the face of zero acknowledgement of past misunderstanding. I also don't see the bullet list you've provided as strong evidence you understand the play. It's more a recitation of the things you've been told ad nauseum in the face of your past misunderstandings. Perhaps you could devise some example play to show off your understanding. It should be easy, given your expressed understanding.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
One of the things I do which seems to be contentious is to let people try to do things even if I know it's bound to fail (or will always succeed). If it gets out of hand I'll stop it for speed of play, but if someone want to climb the wall that can't be climbed they can always attempt it.

I reflect the attempt of the PC to climb with the roll of a die roll at the table. An effort was made, and until the effort was made there was no way of knowing, it's just a method to reinforce the futility of climbing the wall. But it also feels like I'm taking agency away from the player to me if the DM is the only one who can call for a roll because I know what the result will be.

In other words, if an attempt seems to be possible but not guaranteed from the perspective of the PC I allow or may ask for a roll (sometimes I don't just for brevity). Pretty much everything is run from the perspective of the PC, not the perspective of the DM.

I don’t think that’s at all contentious. That’s how you choose to run the game, and that’s fine. But, in the course of our discussion, it seems to me that you have filtered our explanations of how we run the game and why through this framework, leading you to see us as “taking away the player’s agency” when in fact maintaining player agency is one of our major reasons for why we run the way we do. And it has led you to framing our technique as not allowing a roll when the roll would “automatically succeed” or “automatically fail”, which is contentious because in our mental framework there is no roll to succeed or fail without a chance of success and a chance of failure.


Magic Wordsmith
It's slower,

It's not, we've discussed this, even getting into the number of scenes and challenges our respective games have. And anyway the pacing of the game is influenced by manner factors beyond the adjudication process.

and forces the DM into a central position

The game envisions this for the role of DM, so I would consider this the default rather than "forced" which suggests the DM's role is something other than what the game says it is. (And it's fine if you don't like that. I'm not arguing against your preferences, just how you frame this.)

since the DM now has to constantly ask for rolls rather than just letting the players drive the game.

First, the DM asks for rolls when it's appropriate. If it's "constantly," then the players are engaging in a lot of tasks with uncertain outcomes with meaningful consequences for failure. Second, players drive the game under this approach as well. The DM just describes the environment and narrates the results of the adventurers' actions, sometimes calling for a check to resolve uncertainty.


Magic Wordsmith
I'm trying to decide if this was meant as humorous or not.

You are trying, not by your admission but a lack of denial points this way as well, to lead me to a point and then say "aha, you are inconsistent". But, I see a good deal of the path ahead, the types of questions you want to ask (Can you see value in finding your inconsistencies? Seriously? Why no Mr. Parker, I am the type of man who sees no value in self improvement whatsoever, that makes me look reasonable you know) and am pointing out that asking a series of black and white, yes or no questions, and leading me to your conclusion against my agreements would in no way make me inconsistent. You are looking for the exact dividing line on a gradient scale, and it doesn't exist.

You ascribe to me a tactic and goal that I don't actually have, which explains the defensive nature of your posts. But if there are no objections I'll take this to mean you do see value in having inconsistencies pointed out to you.

Woohoo, I barely register :lol:

I wouldn't say I am grossly mischaracterizing you, statements such as "And for some reason it seems to confound about a half-dozen vocal posters on these forums. Perhaps the wondering should be turned inward as to why." Is pretty clear, the problem isn't you it is them. They are obviously not dealing in good faith, otherwise things would be clear to them.

It's plainly obvious there is some lack of good faith going on in the characterization of my position, if not others'. The discussion wouldn't have lasted this long without those displays.

Ooh, my game is in peril now. That is much more exciting.

I mean, by choosing not to care whether a roll has meaningful consequences I have tinkered with the DM adjudication proccess, or the "How to Play" section, or both. Double Peril?

Of course, you aren't saying my game is in peril as a judgement call or anything, it is simply a sign that it might be "less smooth" than it might otherwise be.

That's a possibility yes, but not having seen your game I can't be sure.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Do you know that the Russo brothers killed Quintillions of people by having Thanos snap his fingers? And man, if you haven't, go rewatch those fights with Thanos in Infinity War, there is no way that was a balanced fight. Seems completely unfair, especially when he got the ability to manipulate reality at his will.

Wasn't it a great show?
See, now you’re talking about combat encounter difficulty, which is a different thing than trap/hazzard telegraphing.

If I create a lich that is an undead sociopath, with no regard for mortal life except as a fuel source to delay it's own death for as long as possible... Why on earth would I have it sandbag the heroes by posting a riddle before a trap? "Oh, if the heroes are clever enough they'll bypass my defenses, right into my inner sanctum, but of course they'll never be more clever than me and catch all the clues I left them."


This is a being of cunning, evil, and above all a desire to preserve its own existence, it will not try and be clever at the risk of making itself vulnerable, it will work to make itself unassailable. Did I make it that way? Yes, just like Sherlock Holmes was a drug addict, CU Thanos was obsessed with balance, and Mammon is obsessed with gold. I could also make my lich like the Riddler, desperate to prove itself smarter than anyone else and layering clues upon clues into everything. I could make him a jester, chortling and making bad puns while fighting the heroes where a rubber chicken suit. I can make anything. But, what makes the right impact?

Sometimes, it is to have the joke character, sometimes the character who is too consumed by ego, honor, or duty. Sometimes, it is the character who will utilize every resource to its full potential, no games, no compromise, they will come at you with everything they are capable of.

Which villains do you think are the most viscerally satisfying to take down?
This is a false dichotomy. There is a whole spectrum of villain motivations between ineffable mastermind who foresees all possible ways the heroes could notice his traps and takes measures to cover them up, and the riddler. There are any number of reasons that the details that telegraph the presence of traps might remain intact. You have chosen to set this scenario up in such a way as to excuse your conscious choice to make the traps in your dungeon impossible to detect. That’s your prerogative if you think that will lead to an enjoyable play experience for you and your players, but personally I wouldn’t want to play that game.

I have a feeling if I phrased it that way, you would be right.

What if I asked them is they would prefer a realistic world compared to a saturday morning cartoon? (Unfair analogy, it makes your style seem cartoonish)

What if I asked them if they would prefer the greatest challenges I could lay before them, or a game where I took it easy on them? (again, unfair, makes it sound like you take it easy on your players.)

If you ask a black or white question, and phrase it correctly, you can get anyone to agree to anything. And even though I constantly feel like my games aren't good enough, I have yet to have a single player agree with me, so they must at least enjoy the way I lay it out.
Except, we haven’t been discussing realism vs stylization or challenge vs. ease. We’ve been discussing fair challenge vs. unfair challenge. It is entirely possible to design a campaign that is “realistic” (insofar as D&D can be realistic), challenging, and fair. Again, I point to Dark Souls as the classic example of difficult but fair game design. That is in fact exactly what I aim to capture in my games. You’re the one who said that a fair challenge isn’t always desirable. I disagree with that. And that’s fine, you don’t need my permission to run your game any way you want.

We've been talking styles, I never once said I was limiting it to only traps and hazards. That's why I kept bringing in examples that are not only traps or hazards. If you should telegraph everything, then you should mean EVERYTHING, not just this subset of things.
Well, sorry, I don’t think your elf’s identity needs telegraphing. If you thought I would think it did, now you have an example why I don’t think you actually understand my style.

So... when I set up something and say "well it isn't reasonable for them to know this" I should be reminded that it is only unreasonable because I made it so, therefore I should make it reasonable.

You only tell them what is reasonable, but you set up challenges so that the consequences are reasonable to know... and you only tell them the reasonable bits and leave out the unreasonable ones?

I hope you can see where I'm confused here. Either you are telling them everything, because their consequences should be reasonable to know, or you are doing the exact same thing I am and holding me to task for not doing it on a large enough scale? I mean, we are both not telling them what it is that is unreasonable to know, and we are both crafting the scenarios and deciding what is reasonable or unreasonable... so the only difference is how much we decide is unreasonable. Right?
I literally do not care what you do. You presented my style as if I was telling players things their characters couldn’t possibly know, which I disputed. You gave an example of a consequence the character couldn’t possibly know (the chandelier with the rotten beams thing). I said that I wouldn’t have set it up that way, because I’m not interested in hiding vital decision-making information from my players like that. I’m not “taking you to task” for anything because I literally don’t care what you do, I am responding to misunderstandings and misrepresentations of the way I run the game.

Nope. I said what I meant.

You are making it impossible to make a mistake. I've watched playthroughs of Dark Souls, failing the dodge at the right time is a mistake, rolling over an edge is a mistake, hitting the button too many times and not leaving enough poison cures in your inventory is a mistake.
Failing to dodge at the right time is a failed Dexterity saving throw, that’s not the same thing as what we’ve been talking about, which is letting the players know the potential consequences of their action (when said action has a chance to succeed, chance to fail, and consequence for failure) before making them commit to it. Rolling off the edge is something that can happen due to the game’s real-time physics, and pushing the button too many times and using up more of a consumable than you meant to likewise. These aren’t issues that arise in a pen and paper RPG, they are unique to video games.

Your players can be inattentive, they can miss things, but they can never make a mistake. Because if they were to make a mistake, you would tell them they were about to make a mistake. At that point, it is no longer making a mistake. It is choosing to face the consequences of a risky action.
If we’re defining “mistake” as “blunder into a consequence of your own action that you were not aware of the possibility of,” then sure.

In that thread of our conversation, I pointed out at the end of a section that I was not attacking your choice of style, but instead trying to show you that your word choice was indicating biases.

You responded with "could have fooled me"
Yeah. Into thinking you were in fact attacking my choice of style. I assume you’re familiar with the idiom, right?

Instead of trying to defend myself, I went on a merry little thought experiment about if I was trying to fool you. What would it be like to fool you into thinking that your words couldn't have interpretations that you did not want them to have. If I could fool you into thinking that you are not coming across in ways that are hurting your position.

If I could fool you into thinking that, then you'd never see how badly you come across with some of your statements.
I’m sorry, but this reads as gibberish to me.

Because it showed what we were seeing before you made your position more clear. It helps you understand where we saw the fault in your statement, and I followed it with the acknowledgement of your intent, to show that I know understand what you were trying to say, despite what it looked like you were saying.

Besides, anyone not willing to read another line down to see where I was wrong was never going to read your clarification anyways.
Whatever, I don’t care to belabor this point.

Tony Vargas

The game envisions this for the role of DM, so I would consider this the default rather than "forced" which suggests the DM's role is something other than what the game says it is. (And it's fine if you don't like that. I'm not arguing against your preferences, just how you frame this.)
"Forced" is fair (and not a bad thing): DM Empowerment has some teeth to it.


Magic Wordsmith
"Forced" is fair (and not a bad thing): DM Empowerment has some teeth to it.

"Forced" in this context is referring to the person playing the role of DM being made to go from a presumably non-central role to a central role. But in truth the default position of DM in this game is a central role. The same can be said of other editions of the game. So "forced" seems like an odd choice of words here. I imagine it's based on some discomfort in being the person charged with assessing the ideas of the players.

Tony Vargas

"Forced" in this context is referring to the person playing the role of DM being made to go from a presumably non-central role to a central role. But in truth the default position of DM in this game is a central role. The same can be said of other editions of the game.
If you assume a position is the default, but the system offers no impetus to take up that position, is it really the default position?
It might be more cogent to say that 5e 'forces' the /players/ to accept the central role of the DM by default. But DM Empowerment is not some empty buzzword, it's strongly informs the design of the system, which robustly supports it.

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