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The Geek's Sophie's Choice


  • Avengers: End Game

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • Game of Thrones season 8

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker

    Votes: 8 32.0%


You can only watch one of the following. Choose. Oh yeah, you can't ever know what happens in the others.

I'm sorry I did this to you.

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I chose Game of Thrones. I want to and will see all three, but Star Wars feels like fan fic so I don't absolulely "have to" know how it ends. Avengers...after growing up reading comics, I'm so used to nothing ever being final, so what does it matter? But GoT has been eight years of slouching towards the end. So yeah, my choice is pretty easy.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Game of Thrones? Someone will eventually finish the books, and I can read them. It isn't like I've been watching the TV show anyway.

I am sure there will be a novelization of the Star Wars movie. I'll read that. No, I don't know for sure what happened in the movie canon, but this will be close enough for me :p

So, I watch Endgame. Because it comes form a comics foundation, the visuals are far more important to the experience than for the other two.


Staff member
None of the above.

GoT didn’t catch my interest in print, and I don’t pay for premium cable channels, so I never saw an episode.

The new Star Wars movies turned me right the F off with The Phantom Menace, so never saw anything beyond the trailers for any of the subsequent films.

Marvel? Saw some X-Men and the first Iron Man and Avengers movies, and that was it.


I would argue that none of these things are for geeks anymore, but are mainstream. At work, I have to listen to this one guy drone on and on about the NBA and NFL, but in between he drones on and on about Marvel movies and GOT

Mentioned the Dunk & Egg stories (set in the GOT universe, but sort of analogous to The Hobbit compared to LOTR) to him and he was completely blank.


Staff member
I would say they’re for geeks AND mainstream audiences. I mean, most of the geeks I know are into at least one of those. I’m the outlier.


41st lv DM
I'd probably pick Endgame.

Because if I could never know what happens in the ones I didn't pick, passing on Endgame would screw up ALOT of future movie viewing, conversation, & media/entertainment consumption.

GoT (TV version)? This really isn't a topic of conversation in my circles except for around the 8 weeks or so per season. And I don't go out of my way to read about it/discuss it on-line. It also doesn't tie into anything besides its own previous seasons. So not ever knowing will not be much of a hindrance.
Besides, eventually the book series will conclude & I'll just read the actual story.

SW Episode IX? Well, I enjoyed 1/2 of TFA and virtually none of TLJ. Since TROS continues this downwards spiraling story.... 9 Hells, I don't even like this ones title! So not knowing could only be a blessing I'd guess.

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