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[Adventure] Trouble in Moonwatch (Judge: THB) - Part II


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"Let's gather all the wounded around here." tells River. Once the wounded are gathered, River make a prayer to Arawai to stabilize all the deeply wounded and burned. He then take time for each one and treat there wounds. Once that done, he come back to the man he was taking to "I suggest you to move Zarash'ak, at least temporary. You'll be safer there. Among the guards, there is a female half-orc named Keia. Tell her we suggest you to go see her. She is a good soul and hate the Khyberist. I'm not sure what she will be able to do for you. If you need transportation, we could always use the service of Glasur, our guide to here. Think about it, speak about it with the other villagers and tell me what you plan to do. For the moment, I'll look over my companion, they'll need it also." He leave alone the villagers and come back to his group.

As Faell approach him, he welcome his thanks. "I just fulfilled my vow here. And I wouldn't be able to help you so without the help of Arawai. But the more I look at that, the more I think there is some time when the words cannot beat the sword... Khyber seems to corrupt the mind of his follower to a point where there mind only think about death and destruction, a point where they won't listen anymore, where they are no more than a tool for Khyber scheme. Is there an hope to free such soul from his influence when it is so deeply corrupt.

And I am concern for the people we came to save. Only two have come that far. What happen to the others. And the madness seems to have enter his mind and heart. Is Khyber even able to pierce the faith of the Flame?"

[SBLOCK=OOC]Once everyone is gathered, he will use his Channel Divinity he didn't used during last combat to make an Healer's mercy. He then pass from victim to victim, taking care of the most wounded first to the least.

Heal (1d20+16=36) Time to get a 20 ;) [/SBLOCK]

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River is able to wipe away the physical pain that the villagers are suffering, but it seems the psychological damage of losing your home and way of life will take more than even the vaunted cleric has in his arsenal.

As the shifter's finishing up, Glasur pulls the boat around a bend and moves towards you, the dire pike pulling hard against the current. The woman looks at you, saying "I think we'll manage, besides, seems like that boat ain't got enough room for all of us. Can't take the time to take us all back and forth, Zarash'ak's a long ways away, and if you be meaning to do what you say you do, you''ll likely need to get moving." Yrma says forlornly, a glimmer of hope appears in her eyes, but nearly as quickly it disappears as she turns to the others, and they begin gathering what they could manage to save from the inferno.


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"I give you the blessing of Arawai" replies River. "Your village is gone, but that's only possessions. It's a hard blow to your lifestyle but you will recover from it. Your bruise and burned are in good way to heal, only a few of you will have some light scare. You will recover from that too. There are some who died tonight among your village, those are the deepest lose, and that's a reason why we will continue. I can't promise success, but I can promise we will do all we can to stop them. If we are successful, I'll make sure for you to receive some news from us, so you can rest at night knowing they won't come back for you."


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"We will seek out this Keia that you speak of, perhaps they can use a few laborers" Yrma comments, giving a nod of thanks to River and the group


As the group prepares to get back on the boat, Sheeva asks the obvious question "Ok, so how are these followers of Khyber showing up at these villages? Are they travelling by land or by boat? It's gotta be far from where they congregate and get their orders."


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Speaking in the mind of Sheeva, "I would assume they would travel by land. The land would give them cover against those that would see them gone, even if it is slow traveling. Also, all they wish to do is kill and cause chaos; land travel will able to them to catch sentries and parties hunting game."


Turning to Val "Well, if they are traveling by land, that could mean that there are a half dozen or even more such groups out here. We'd be hard pressed to find them let alone stop them. I was kind of hoping that they'd be coming down river on boat. That way, as we stop each group on the river, we could sink their boats or give them to the villagers to go downstream with. The more resources we take away from these cultists, the more difficult it will be for them to create havoc."


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Replying back to the drow, "I only hope you are right. We need to get moving anyhow, we can't take the time to scour the land for them. We need to get to their source and hopefully it won't be too late for the Flamists."


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Ok, so we might or might not have lost Kal. I haven't heard anything from him for around 2 weeks. Luckily in this group we do have another defender, which currently we're only short a controller as Cabana also appears to have dropped out. So my thoughts are that we have them guard the villagers on their way back to Zarash'ak. Now we can go with the current 4 (Val, River, Feall, & Sheeva) or we can grab 1 or 2 from the tavern if you'd like.


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