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New Terminator Going to Flop? [spoilers]


The dreaded word reshoot and negative reactions to test screenings are doing the rounds.

Seems to me they made two more big mistakes.

1. Identify your core audience. If you like Terminator you probably like Terminator 2. Your age target demograph is probably 40 to 50 years old. T2 was 1991.

2. Failing to identify what makes Terminator tick. Arnie as the T-800 is a big part of that. Arnie's getting old now though. What's the other recurring thread through the Terminator movies plus TV shows? It's John Connor, and they killed him off. Oops.

To many reboots are starting to fail, Aladdin did alright but box office is down across the board this year. A big problem with reboots is often the original actor helped carry the movie. Reboots can be done well such as IT and Alladin did well but the rest seem to be flops.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
They’ve rebooted Terminator repeatedly. This one gives me more confidence than Salvation or Genysis. We’ll see.

Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor is a waaay bigger draw than a John Conner actor #6.


Linda kicks ass but she hasn't been in much of the franchise.

I don't care about John Connor actor 6 I do care about John Connor the character.

Lena Headey also did Sarah Connor and did it really well. Lena is awesome though. There's TV show was better than a few of the movies. Summer Glau and Shirley Manson also were cast as Terminators.

Rewatched T3 and Salvation recently. T3 I liked a lot Salvation and Genesys and well yeah. No comment.

Public knowledge of reshoots is kiss of death these days it seems.


I am the mysterious professor.
I liked the aspect of Salvation when the terminator didn't know he was a terminator. Kyle Reese and the mute girl were good. The various robots were cool. The rest I'm uncertain about.

On topic; I have low expectations for the new one. I think it will not live up to T2. Seems to me many use it as the metric to compare all that follows.
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Salvation is more average than outright bad.

Genesys is outright bad IMHO. One problem is T2 is so damn good anything else is going be meh in comparison. Still think T3 is a lot better than people give it credit for. Enjoyed it a month or so ago.

Another problem is it's hard to come up with original Terminator s all the time. I don't think they need to though the Sarah Connor Chronicles used T-800 variants and T-1000.

It leads to have we seen this before, the TV show went down the path of the machines developing free will. Which this new one apparently is recycling.

Personally I would get away from send a time travel assassin and build a smarter robot or set it in the future, Skynet goes down a'la T2 but enough robots have gone free willed or Skynet can download into individual bodies.

If you're gonna kill off John do it in the future post Skynet's "defeat". John's replacement wins the final victory or they come up with something else.
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Along with Hamilton,we also have Arnold back as well and here's the Premise

27 years after the events of Terminator 2: Judgment Day, a new, modified liquid metal Terminator (Gabriel Luna) is sent from the future by Skynet in order to terminate Dani Ramos (Natalia Reyes), a hybrid cyborg human (Mackenzie Davis), and her friends. Sarah Connor comes to their aid, as well as the original Terminator, for a fight for the future.

and after a quick search it looks like some of the reshoots might be done for practical effects carried out by the same studio who worked on the first movie.

When T-2 first appeared it absolutely blew the original out of the water. The question is if James Cameron's still got it and if he can repeat that trick a second time. It is also a question whether the much older core cast can still carry the film. I hope Cameron is wise enough not to start a project like this, unless he has a really good script and action that makes T2 pale in comparison... but I some how doubt that will happen. Then again, some of the classic directors can surprise you. Mad Max Fury Road was amazing, and established a new standard for action movies to live up to. What I've heard about this new Terminator movie though up to this point does not excite me.

James Cameron has had sod all to do with it from the sounds of it.

Mad Max was good.

it looks like Cameron's producing and has had a hand in the story, with Tim Miller directing it,whose directorial debut was Deadpool.

The film's writing credits, as recognized by the Writers Guild of America are screenplay by David S. Goyer & Justin Rhodes and Billy Ray; story by James Cameron & Charles H. Eglee & Josh Friedman and Goyer & Rhodes.


Producers don't have much to do with the actual movie, that's more the director and the writers.

Depends on how hands on he is I suppose but that's more directors job.

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