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The EN World FREE Character Portrait Request Thread!


As a DM, I'd like to see a sketch of my PCs party...

1) Male Bugbear Ranger, over 7' tall, brutishly built. Dark brown / black fur. Ugly. Leather armor. Dual oversized flails.

2) Male Githyanki Warlock, average height, slight build. Leather armor. Rod. Tatoos. Little or no hair.

3) Female Eladrin Wizard. Fiery. Somewhat short, great muscle tone, would be considered attractive by females (not the male stereotype). Dark hair and eyes. Wears a robe, uses a wand, carries a longsword.

4) Female Dragonborn Fighter. Uses acid breath. Scale mail, shield, longsword. Tall and muscular. Dragonborn females do not have breasts.

5) Female Shadar-Kai Rogue. Tall. Big boobs (the lady playing her wants her to have big boobs *shrug*). Black leather. Daggers. Goth.

6) Male Dragonborn Warlord. Tall, muscular. Uses fire breath. Chain mail, greataxe.

7) Male Elf Ranger. Tall and thin. Longbow. Blond-brown hair. Leather armor.

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First Post
My Fighter

I have a request if anyone should have some free time.

Female human. Brown leather pants and boots. Her top is basically a dress; the upper half of which is form fitting and sleeve-less...the skirt part is split from hem to waist in front and down both sides. (Sometimes it is full length, and sometimes knee-length.)(The easier to ride her mount, a home-brew riding beast.)

She is armed with two curved longswords, worn crossed over her back.

She is of average height and build with waist length dark-red hair( her hair almost appears black) and green eyes. She is fairly tall for a woman.

If there is any way that you could draw a choker on her neck or a band around her forehead. (It can be worn either way.) It has a large stone surrounded by four smaller ones.

As for posing. If you could have her standing with one foot slightly out, so that the slit would be noticeable. Or if you would, I could send you a rough sketch and description of my Dasht and you could have her mounted or beside him.

His description is: “As large as a draft horse. Head slightly longer and more triangular. Larger eyes…set more forward on the face than a true horse. Wider ears. Mouth more on the bottom of the head – larger upper lip (placed like that of a tapir, but differently shaped.) Broader cheek. Neck is longer than a horses (enough so as to seem/look disproportioned.) The legs are over-long…appearing almost coltish. Hind quarters/rump is more angular…more muscled than front quarters Three-toed hoof makes it easier to climb/walk over rough terrain. The tail is almost serpentine – whip like.”

I have a rough drawing of my Dasht if someone should wish to see it. ( I am better at drawing animals than people.)

Thank you for considering


I'm looking for some drawings of a number of NPCs from my Paridon campaign. It's Ravenloft, and I'm looking for something that looks civilized yet creepy. They're kind of an odd lot, but if someone is willing to give it a shot, here they are.

The male gnome involved is called Alekalargo Combledorn, and the three female gnomes with him are Sasha, Kitten, and Marionette. Here is how they were described in the thread:

Another gnome, slender and dressed in a tight white outfit and white cape, with the exception of a tall black hat and mask with matching codpiece calls out, "So sorry! My girls should have been more careful!" Indeed, three women hang on him appreciatingly as he speaks. The long, pointy nose and lusty sneer his mask has are oddly appropriate. Two of the three women are also dressed in tight outfits and capes patterned harlequin-style with multicolored diamonds, and the third is dressed in what appears to be simply layer upon layer of pastel veils.

The three women's masks have keyholes where their mouths should be.

The two women turn to each other a moment. Then, the cloak of one of them billows out, revealing her black, tight outfit--and her surprisingly skinny frame. Hieran figures he could reach around her bicep with his hand and still touch thumb and forefinger. In addition, she has a tail, and her hands end in paws. Perhaps they are part of some bizarre costume?

In any case, she nods, takes a little hop, and gestures back towards the main square. Her companion stands motionless and silent, keeping her cloak tight around her.

Sasha goes over to her companion. He inserts the key into the keyhole in her mask's mouth. It clicks, and he carefully takes the mask off and hands it to her. He whispers something in Gnomish with a comforting tone, and leaves the alchemist's shop.

Mask in her hands, Sasha turns to Torhan. Her smile is wide, a deep pink. Her hair is fresh, wavy, and honey colored. Her skin is slightly orange, like an unfinished redwood, and her eyes are a large, haunting cerulean. Gnomes always seems to have large eyes.

Torhan walked into the room holding Sasha. The room was not a cell, although it was lockable from the outside. A window from outside let in light, and a sofa sat against the wall under the window. Sasha lounged on the sofa, the tatterdemalion tied scarves of her outfit a splash of bright color against the dreary grey of the stone in the rest of the room. She had taken off her (new non-locking) mask, leaving the veils strewn about the sofa, as she sipped a deep red wine from a glass. Wine?

Kitten and Marionette:
Alek turns from the balcony and parts the curtain leading back into the passageway beyond. One of the women--Kitten, you suppose--grabs the edge of the curtain with... a clawed paw. The other woman (Marionette?) sinks limply to drape herself over the balcony rail, still wrapped in her cloak.

Kitten lets out a muffled squeal as she leaps from the balcony, snags a tapestry in her claws, and climbs down to the floor of the hall. Marionette simply drops off the rail, flipping in the air before landing on her feet in a pile. The rustling of chains can be heard as she lands. She rises back to standing without touching her hands to the ground, and walks to join you.

"Get him in the coach. We need to get out of here," Alek states to Fr. Berman. He pulls Marionette's cloak off with a flourish. Using it as a makeshift shield, he gingerly approaches Torhan. Marionette follows with him. Her full figure is revealed for the first time--trim, athletic, hardened. She carries the poise of a dancer, and her steady gait suddenly droops, seemingly limp, yet showing the fruit of years of self-control. But most noticeable about her are her hands. Her arms--end. In stumps. Chains dangle from the ends of her arms. At the end of each set of chains dangle what seem to be her hands--rigid, hard, cold. She swings her hands around as she interposes herself between Torhan and the gnome-thing.

The gnome-thing is the Clockwork Vampire:

The hunched figure does not move his body, but only raises his head. Fiery copper hair seems to explode outward, surrounding his face in an orange mane. Like other gnomes, he is also masked: a simple, stark white oval, with fangs and a snarl--the face of a vampire. The mask's mouth glistens with fresh red blood.

The gnome stands straight up. Calahan fires a shot, but it goes wide. Ru aims for the gnome's heart, ready for the attack or flight, as Calahan gets his next arrow ready.

The gnome reaches for his mask and takes it off. His face... rings. It appears as a blur, his head shaking so violently that no features are clear--a horrific rictus here, a weeping eye there... as if his head were nothing but a miasma of agony.

And there is this sound. As the gnome's head vibrates, a piercing peal fills the air, like an alarm, like a clock signifying an end, like a faraway trumpet and like the ringing in your ears. Ru and Calahan suddenly clutch their heads in pain.

Torhan, Calahan, and Darian circle around the stuck gnome. His head continues its maddening shake, while his body suddenly goes still. Only Darian's song holds back the tide of insanity in the gnome's wake. With the training of the police force, the three know what to do. Darian and Calahan back up for just an instant as Torhan swings his sword in a mighty arc. He connects cleanly at the gnome's neck, where the blur meets solidity. He ignores the spray (-2 hp) as his sword travels through and across the neck of the gnome, and he can hear and feel as the sword grates against metal, cuts into flesh, pushes against bone... and passes out the other side. Yellowish metallic flecks and boiling blood coat Torhan's greatsword. A clean beheading. The head launches into the air, leaving a blissful silence.

Yet, orchestrating the completion of the maneuver, Darian and Calahan dive at the gnome from opposite sides. And then, the body acts. The two policemen's knives skitter across the metal of the gnome, unable to penetrate. The two arms of the gnome send two fingers each into Darian and Calahan, and they suddenly feel a hollow pain of having their blood sucked out of them through the fingers. Darian falls, overcome from blood loss (-15 hp) while Calahan fights enough to release himself from the gnome (-11 hp).

Torhan swings one more time, determined to damage if not disable the creature before him. With a CRACK! the gnome breaks free of the tanglefoot, leaning back to land again in a crab, and straighten back up backwards, with arms as legs and legs as arms--not that the gnome seems to notice. Torhan's swing goes wild.


First Post
Hey guys, I'm new to the boards. Been playing D&D 3.5 for a but just upgraded to 4th ed. So I have a new character and would love a portrait if anyone had some spare time! My character is a human fighter. He is very young, late teens, and of Nordic descent (well the equivalent of). He is muscular and wears full plate, his weapon of choice is a plain great sword, he carried no shield, but has a spear attached across his back (to spice things up sometimes). I imagine him with shorter hair, and a clean shaven face. Scars and small tattoos could be fun to spice up any visible areas, he is unaligned and follows the deity Bane after all (he's kindof a badass, if I do say so myself). Since he is from a colder climate he also has wolf fur attached to his armor (think the beginning of the movie Gladiator). Anyways, if anyone has time, have some fun with this one and take some creative licenses. Thanks a lot! Kast (Otis Guttjaldr)


First Post
longtooth shifter warlock

i have request for a picture of one. it is my current pc.
i have leather armor, just a regular rod, and i am a male.
so, could that be drawn real quick for me? i would be forever greatful.


First Post
Looking for portrait for an Eladrin Wizard


This is my first post here and I stumbled upon this site by googling :)

I am actually looking for someone to help me draw a character portrait of my Eladrin Wizard. I just stepped into D&D 4th Edition 2 months ago, after an absence of almost 20 years ... :)

He has the following charactertistics :

1) 6 feet tall
2) 170 lbs
3) Wears a black robe
4) Carries a staff
5) golden eyes

If anyone is able to help me draw out such a character portrait, I will greatly appreciate it :)
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First Post
Group picture for party :)

Hi there,

I am looking for someone to help to draw a group picture of my D&D party :)

It has the following characters :

1) Dragonborn Paladin (Male)
2) Dwarven Cleric (Male)
3) Elven Ranger (Male)
4) Eladrin Wizard (Male)
5) Human Warlock (Male)
6) Halfing Rogue (Male)

If anyone is able to help me do it, i will greatly appreciate it :)
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My oh my ...

I've certainly come across this thread really late. Several years late, in fact.

I've always loved illustrating but alas, I've been rusty over the past few months from illustration neglect. I think I may stretch out my art muscles ... I'm no great artist by any means but I'd certainly like to try my fancy at something listed here :D

So you guys know whether I'm up to standard of course ...

I don't really know how to make them small thumbnails that lead to the images, could someone help?
Luckily, they're still small enough in size.

Sample 1:

Sample 2: (years AGO!)

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First Post

My oh my ...

I've certainly come across this thread really late. Several years late, in fact.

I've always loved illustrating but alas, I've been rusty over the past few months from illustration neglect. I think I may stretch out my art muscles ... I'm no great artist by any means but I'd certainly like to try my fancy at something listed here :D

So you guys know whether I'm up to standard of course ...

I don't really know how to make them small thumbnails that lead to the images, could someone help?
Luckily, they're still small enough in size.

Sample 1:

Sample 2: (years AGO!)


Cool :) ... the pics are nice :) esp the party portrait ...

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