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STAR TREK by JJ Abrams - new photos


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Uhura is okay, McCoy gives a different feel than the original McCoy, but I have to see him in action first, I think that could turn out well. Sulu could turn out okay as well... seems to fit, not too sure about the new Scotty - on the shot on the bridge, he looks old, compared to original Scotty and the current cast.

Actually, I have some memory of Scotty being quite a lot older than Kirk so that fits IMO.

Sulu... That guy doesn't look anything like Sulu... No, I don't like.

But, I'm definetly going to see this movie, and start real complaining only after I have something to really complain about :D

Edit: According to Memory Alpha, Scotty is 11 years older than Kirk.

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I don't mind the John Cho the guy who played Harold from Harold & Kumar...

As Sulu though that remains to be seen how he fits that role. Though he looks sort of incomplete without Kumar.


First Post
I put this in the same alternate universe that includes Highlander 2 and choose to ignore its existence.
Even better is in the article where he's quoted as saying he never really liked star trek. That's what you want to relaunch a franchise, a guy who doesn't even like the material.

I like the bridge of stargate antlantis's ship more than i like this. It looks too bright, to blue.

Brown Jenkin

First Post
Why? If the film's quality isn't an issue, what is?

People shouldn't make remakes, period. If you want to make something using the same themes as something else that is fine but give it another name.

In this case in particular there is absolutely no need to redo the past when there are thousands of possible stories that can be set in the current universe.


First Post
Why? If the film's quality isn't an issue, what is?

Same reason I hated Final Fantasy: Spirit Within, if all you're doing is using the original material to launch a bastardized version of what you think it SHOULD Be, then you're just bying a franchise name to pimp your own product. It's like buying a big mac and realizing that Burgers and us purchased the name and changed the beef to tofu and beans. I might like tofu and beans, but not on my big mac.


People shouldn't make remakes, period. If you want to make something using the same themes as something else that is fine but give it another name.
Aha... that's fair. I'm on the other side, art's all about remaking and reinterpreting prior works. If something worth doing once, it's worth doing again, differently. I dislike being stuck with only one version of something I find interesting.

In this case in particular there is absolutely no need to redo the past when there are thousands of possible stories that can be set in the current universe.
Sure, but sometimes you want another Hamlet, not a story about someone else set in the rotten state of Denmark.


Same reason I hated Final Fantasy: Spirit Within, if all you're doing is using the original material to launch a bastardized version of what you think it SHOULD Be, then you're just bying a franchise name to pimp your own product.
From what we know now, Abram's Trek is far closer to the source material the Spirits Within (also, what's fair source material for a Final Fantasy movie? I thought the only constants in the games where moogles and those riding chickens)


First Post
Just to remind everyone again of who's cast as who:

James T. Kirk - Chris Pine
Spock - Zachary Quinto
Leonard 'Bones' Mccoy - Karl Urban
Montgomery Scott - Simon Pegg
Hiraku Sulu - John Cho
Pavel Chekov - Anton Yelchin
Uhura - Zoe Saldana

Now as to my feelings about the cast, well, I must say I was pleasantly surprised by Chris Pine. He looks quite good in those pics as Kirk (not so much in that EW cover, makes him look like a pretty boy), though I'm hoping his acting is up to par. Not feeling Yelchin as Chekov though. The rest of the cast look perfect, especially Karl Urban, whose almost a dead ringer for DeForest Kelley!

As for the complaints about the bridge, I can certainly understand them. But really, in this day and age of scifi, can we honestly take the Original Series cardboard sets and dated sound effects (which I love BTW) seriously at face value?

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