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Star Wars: Republic and Empire (IC)


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The display in front of Lt. Zenith Khambatta bristled with starships, here in the capital system of the Republic. Three fleets of the Republic Navy were here. It wasn't too unusual, that. Capital fleet only left Anaxes under the most dire need. Admiral Serrano's 3rd Fleet returned home to the capital at the end of any campaign. And new fleets had been assembled here more often than not, so with 12th Fleet almost -- but not quite -- ready to be activated, it was here as well. Add in the Corellian Expeditionary Force attached to 3rd Fleet -- only a Navy as massive as the Republic's or the Empire's would call it a task force, rather than a fleet in its own right -- and the military might assembled here ought to overawe anyone. Thus far, the Imperials had declined to be overawed.

She and eight others were flying E-Wings to form the lighter 3/4ths of a frigate's starfighter wing. The Republic Navy emphasized starfighters less now than they had before the New Republic had been proclaimed -- and even in the first decade or so after. Weapons and tactics had changed, and those changes meant combat favored capital ships. So the relatively small -- though absolutely quite large -- number of fighters the Republic Navy built were the best the Incom design team behind the X-Wing had been able to manage in a mass producible fighter.

At least, that had been the theory before the the P-Wing bombers that completed the wing had entered the Republic's weapons mix. They were almost too big for a frigate's fighter bays, and the slowest starfighter any major navy kept in service. But the P-Wing's proton missile launchers made it the most heavily armed starfighter in the galaxy, and a wing of them was a threat to almost any capital ship. Squadrons of them, with E-Wing escorts, had destroyed even Imperial III Star Destroyers before.

So the maneuvers she and the other pilots of the Taelros' fighter wing needed to be practiced, and this was her first run with them.

* * * *

Lt. (senior grade) Rosa Merridon didn't know Cmdr. Adriav Cyn, or even much about him. What she knew was that she was on the capital, and time in grade regulations were closing in on her fast. If she didn't make Lt. Cmdr. soon, the Republic Navy's strict 'up or out' policies were going to leave her seeking new employment. It was, of course, theoretically possible to waive those rules as a 'wartime emergency'. But since the time in grade rules had been put in place while there was a war going on, and routinely enforced while that war showed no signs of stopping, Rosa didn't think she'd be getting an exception. And was meeting with a mid-ranking officer who she'd never met before; hopefully it wasn't to give her some make-work assignment before drumming her out.

"There's been a chance of plans, ma'am." A young enlisted man told her when she arrived. "You'll be meeting Commander Cyn on his frigate, instead. There's a shuttle waiting; some of his new crew will be coming up with you."

That sounded promising.

* * * *

Inside RNS Taelros, the chief engineer tried to concentrate on one thing at a time. It was difficult. She was responsible for keeping the ship running now that it had formally left the yards. There were still yard workers on board; they wanted to keep close tabs on the first few of the new Sacheen-B frigates. They weren't all that different than the originals, but ten years of combat experience and new developments had produced some incremental changes, and the first of the new frigates were going out to 3rd Fleet and 12th Fleet. And all those little changes had caused some problems. Problems Lt. (senior grade) Saricia Targon and her subordinates had to fix.

Going from a department head on a cruiser to chief engineer on a frigate should not have been as much more work -- and less interesting work, at that -- as it seemed to be so far. She was beginning to wonder if she could have left her tools back on the Chandrila; she was spending far more time filling out forms than doing anything she considered actual engineering.

* * * *

"But Admiral Serrano says..." Lt. Ariel Karan began, and Storm began to tune out the Taelros' tactical officer, even though they were supposed to be working out gunnery drills together. The Cathar knew better. But he'd met officers like her before. They weren't always human, or women, or from the wealthiest families in the galaxy, but they usually were. And they'd decided they were going to turn themselves into the second coming of the woman who, according to most of the media in the Republic, single-handedly held the line against the Empire for the last fifteen years. He hadn't ever met the Fleet Admiral, but he rather suspected she disapproved.

It wasn't that Ariel lacked intelligence or education -- a family fortune that rivaled the Kandorians ensured the later, and the Republic Navy did not grant commissioned rank to anyone who lacked the former. And if she hadn't shown ability under fire, she would never have been promoted even once. But she seemed to have memorized anything Admiral Serrano had ever put in the public record. Jedi meditation techniques weren't invented for dealing with people like her, but they served.

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"Thank you," Rosa says, pausing for a slight second to view the enlisted man's rank before repeating it. "I'll be along shortly." She straightens her uniform before she begins to make her way to the shuttle. If this mission was indeed simply busy work before she could be drummed out, she would at least perform it to the best of her ability.

A small amount of hope inside of her, she begins her trek to the shuttle.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Yes lieutenant, I know what the admiral says. Storm turns to the human calmly and straightens his uniform. But as much as I respect the admiral's grasp of tactics, I highly doubt that she herself has fired a single shot from these new XV12 Turbolasers. Considering they have been on use only a few years, and admirals rarely shoot for themselves. Trust me on this, they pack a lot more bunch than the older model.

There is no emotion... That's what he kept saying to himself, but the other lieutenant wasn't making it easy on him. Maybe I should teach her the Code. It might do good to the other hotheads too.

[sblock=OOC]Taking a bit of descriptive liberties here. Trying to keep it to a minimum impact of anything important :D[/sblock]
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There were two dozen people aboard the shuttle, mostly junior enlisted -- spacers and petty officers from six species and ten worlds, along with a few junior officers, to judge by appearances -- but not one of the others had someone waiting in the shuttle bay just for them. Rosa thought there was something familiar about the cheerful rating that escorted her to Commander Cyn, but she couldn't place the woman.

She hadn't expected a Miraluka, but the tell-tale band across the man's eyes made that clear. There weren't many of them in the Republic Navy, and even nearly twenty years after his death, the shadow of the fallen Miraluka Jedi who became Darth Pauran still lingered. If a human or a Duros or Twi'lek became a Dark Lord of the Sith -- well, there a great many others out there who were not. Alpheridies was a member in good standing of the Republic, but few Miraluka left their homeworld, and few outsiders came there.

"I've got a problem I think you can help me with, Lt." He said. "Lizsen Corse was supposed to be my exec. But she's going to be unavailable. My tactical officer is rather too junior to get another stripe. And the personnel department seems very uncooperative when a frigate commander tries to poach Lt. Commanders from cruisers or battleships. On the other hand, we have to be on our way in less than a week. And when we have three of Padme Solo's finest on board, and tactical officer with a serious case of hero worship for one of your mother's old friends, I thought you might work out. Of course, if you want the job, you'll need this."

He put a narrow box on his desk.
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First Post
Yes lieutenant, I know what the admiral says. Storm turns to the human calmly and straightens his uniform. But as much as I respect the admiral's grasp of tactics, I highly doubt that she herself has fired a single shot from these new XV12 Turbolasers. Considering they have been on use only a few years, and admirals rarely shoot for themselves. Trust me on this, they pack a lot more bunch than the older model.

There is no emotion... That's what he kept saying to himself, but the other lieutenant wasn't making it easy on him. Maybe I should teach her the Code. It might do good to the other hotheads too.

[sblock=OOC]Taking a bit of descriptive liberties here. Trying to keep it to a minimum impact of anything important :D[/sblock]

Almost, he regretted that response. He certainly knew what she was going to reply before he said it. She didn't disappoint.

"That's true enough, but isn't the point of all of our new capital ships -- and even the P-wing bombers -- to hit the enemy with proton missiles while they're still outside of turbolaser range? That's why the admiral invented them." Which was true. Well, it was taking some liberties to say the Admiral invented proton missiles; she wrote a paper that suggested the concept of a larger, longer range missile for capital ships was workable, and then a lot of engineering effort at her father's company -- and what might be considered espionage, as Anaxes had still been technically part of the Empire when the project began -- went into actually building the the things.

But the problem with ignoring energy weapons entirely was twofold. In the first place, missiles ran out. And in the second place, while the Imperial Fleet was by and large older and less advanced than the Republic Fleet, it was still a lot bigger; if they were willing to sacrifice ships to close to turbolaser range, they could usually do it.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
All I'm saying is that we have these turbolasers onboard for a reason, and we shouldn't omit the drills with them just because we don't expect to need them as much as before. But if you feel the need to increase the missile drills, we do it your way. I was just giving you a suggestion. That's what subordinate officers are for ma'am.

Storm takes care to keep his voice calm and totally devoid of all emotion. He had trained this as long as he could remember, but somehow the tactical officer managed to make it difficult.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge... As he got to this point in his mind, it started to seem even more imperative to teach her the Code.

[sblock=OOC]I gathered that as tactical officer she is outranking Storm in ship hierarchy, and at least she's senior grade whereas Storm is only jr.[/sblock]


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Zenith flexed her fingers impatiently as the fighter wing coasted in formation towards the first waypoint. She was a born flyer who loved the feel of acceleration and the crush of maneuvers. Real missions, training missions...it was all good. But the protracted run up to beginning was hard. She sighed and closed her eyes, finding a moment for meditation to ease the hungry ache in her fingers.

There was no passion; there was serenity. Zenith couldn't claim to embrace that tenet completely, but it had its advantages. And yet in some ways the Force -was- passion, and not all passions seemed to her to lead to the dark side. The fact was that she hadn't really thought much about it...she acted from instinct, from the gut. She trusted the Force, trusted that it was her and that she was it, and that it would not lead her astray.

Sometimes she thought Jedi fell to the dark side mainly because they spent so much time being afraid of it.

"Repeat; report in E-4."

Her eyes popped open. Oops!

"This is E-4, checking in," she replied quickly.

"Any problems?" the squadron leader inquired.

She shook her head...pointlessly, since there was no video link. "No sir. No problems."

The check-in continued, and Zenith grinned and put her hand on the throttle.

Almost time.


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Rosa slowly takes the box off of the desk. "Thank you, sir," she says, hoping that she is indeed being promoted and this isn't some cruel joke as she opens it. "I am honored."

She salutes Commander Cyn, ignoring the slight--and knowingly wrong--twinge of unease at seeing one of his species.


First Post
Rosa slowly takes the box off of the desk. "Thank you, sir," she says, hoping that she is indeed being promoted and this isn't some cruel joke as she opens it. "I am honored."

She salutes Commander Cyn, ignoring the slight--and knowingly wrong--twinge of unease at seeing one of his species.

She found the Lt. Commander's insignia she'd (mostly) expected to see in the box, along with those of 3rd Fleet and the 187th Frigate Squadron. Something twinged her memory about the 187th, but she'd have to look that up later.

"We'll see if you still think that six months from now." He said. He also slid a datapad over to her. "Specs of the ship, and crew dossiers. Lt. Targon will need to fill you in on where those specs don't exactly match what they actuallly built for us -- you might have noticed we're just out of the yards."

Rosa had; when a navy was growing as fast as the Republic's, most people had seen enough ships fresh from the builders to know the telltales.


First Post
Zenith hadn't met Lt. Lynial Gelian before she had reported to his starfighter squadron aboard RNS Taelros, but she got the impression the Twi'lek starfighter squadron leader was something of a throwback to the daredevil types that had flown starfighters in the earliest days of the Rebellion. Oh, he could manage the calm competence the New Republic Navy demanded, but he had to work at it. It wasn't his natural state.

Which probably had a lot to do with why the manuevers he set up always seemed to include one or two... interesting... challenges. Today had been no exception, but the squadron was learning to work together.

"Good job out there, kids." He said over the ship to ship communication. "A few more practice runs like that we may be ready to try things on real Imperials."

Voidrunner's Codex

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