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Any other DDI Character Builder Sheet Templates?


I'm really surprised no one other than iplay4e (the character builder iphone app) has come up with new character sheet templates that import from the dnd4e xml sheet. Has no one done something like this?

The next builder update is supposed to simplify the xml output. Anyone know anything about that?

If my XSLT skills were better, I'd build one myself.

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I don't know of any, but i'd really like to get a hold of some. I'm not really a fan of the official character sheet.


First Post
Well, I have a character sheet I designed that I'd like to make into something compatible with the character builder, to release, but also for my own ease of use.

I know how XML works and what it looks like, but I don't know how to work with it in other programming languages.

What kind of format would a character sheet like this be in? Or what would you prefer? Some kind of executable file, or a website, or what? What would be required in order to print and save the file in the way you wanted?

For the questions above, I'm asking both:

"as a person who wants these to be made to use at home, what would you prefer?" and

"if you've worked with stuff like this . . . how do you do it?"



The new character builder update is out with the better XML output in the sheets. I'm no expert but it looks cleaner to me. Someone out there must have the ability to build a good clean one-page character sheet from this.


David Jose
I got fed up trying to keep up with the xml changes and went with an Excel sheet that used the character builder summary instead of the xml.

Unfortunately they started changing that every update too...

Eric Finley

First Post
The new XML, unfortunately, is bad XML. (IMO.) Bizarrely, some sections that you don't need use decent XML... but the bits you need are coded such that using, for instance, Adobe Live-Cycle Designer to build a PDF form for it are at a minimum bloody tricky, and quite possibly undoable without Javascript.

For example, there's a section with the base ability scores (before even racial modifiers). That section would be quite usable, if we cared, but we don't. For example, the <AbilityScores> tag here contains a tag called <Strength>, done up with an attribute (in the XML sense) into <Strength value="16" /> or the like. This, we could extract with PDF data bindings. Not too bad. It would have been even better if the tag had actually been a normally closed tag with the value as its contents, like this: <Strength>16</Strength>... but the one they've used is okay.

However... when it comes time to get the values we actually WANT, they've used a completely back-asswards XML setup which renders the data practically inextricable. Here's the data for the actual Strength score:
         <Stat name="Strength" value="16">
            <alias name="Strength" />
            <alias name="str" />
            <statadd value="14" />
            <statadd Level="1" value="2" charelem="a171cd0" />
This doesn't look so bad, and indeed is pretty easily parsed by eye... but to the data binding it's practically opaque.

Even <Stat strength="16" /> would have been a better way to do it.

To retrieve the data from my preferred form it'd look something like this:

To retrieve from the this-isn't-so-bad version they've used for the pointless pre-modifier values, you'd use something like:

Neither of those is too bad, because the name of the tag is indicative to us.

But for the actual one they used? Don't be confused by the name attribute. The actual name of a <Stat ... /> tag is Stat. But there are many "Stat" tags. How do we tell them apart? By the "name" attribute.

How shall I put this... this is terrible code. Because you can't, as far as I can tell in a couple hours of looking at the PDF XML spec, actually sort by attribute value. I can pull out, say, "the first 'Stat' tag which has an attribute named 'Strength'." But here they're obliging us to ask the code the following question:

"Go through all your tags named 'Stat' with the attribute 'name.' Pull up the value of this 'name' attribute, and compare them to a constant I will tell you - in this case it's 'Strength'. Once you find the one which matches this, then pass the tag (not the attribute, nor its value) to a call which will actually extract the value of the attribute 'value'." Yech!

Imagine you're running a party. You have a guest list; your staff can quickly find each guest by name. Each guest holds a placard which could hold a number. And you get to the question, "Okay. What's Bob's number?" In good XML, this is easy as pie.

Here? WotC has supplied us with the following fancy dress party:
- Every guest is named Sam. Each and every one of them.
- Every guest's placard is inexplicably blank.
- Every guest has a card in their right-hand pocket, in Arabic. On the card is their secret name for the event. You have one staff member, Alain, who picks pockets and reads Arabic.
- Every guest also has a corsage which encodes to their number in the Victorian 'language of flowers'. You have a second staff member, Judith, who can understand this code.

So in order to get Bob's number, you must:
- Tell Alain to go up to every Sam in the room, and pick their pocket.
- Once he finds the one whose card says "Bob", point that person out to Judith.
- Judith looks at that person and infers the number, and tells it to you.

Compare and contrast to the 'guest list and placard' model that XML is supposed to be.

Worse, in the case of PDF forms, as far as I can tell, you don't even have Alain on staff. You have to go hire an external company, Javascript Inc., to send Alain to your party. And you can only communicate with Alain using the company's official forms - no talking to him directly.

Epic. XML. Fail.

(Note - I am relatively new to XML. I understand the theory better than the practice. It may easily be the case that Alain was hiding under the table and I missed him. It may be the case that the guest list, indexed by secret name, is hiding in the refrigerator. And it is possible, even likely, that for some situations (WotC knows that an unknown number of persons named "Pow Ercard" will be coming to the party, but not what their secret names will be), the approach used may be necessary. But for the most part, in a situation like this where all we want to do is ask Strength Smith his number, and we know he'll arrive and there's only one of him? Freakin' horrible.)


I can't speak for Adobe's stuff, but XPath makes it pretty simple. E.g., the query to get the Stat/Str node:


And then just add on parameters to get to the value or whichever other element you want.

This is way better than the old XML, which looked like this:

   <Stat value="16">
      <alias name="Constitution" />
      <alias name="con" />
      <statadd value="16" />

Still accessible via XPath, but more complex.

Eric Finley

First Post
That's a good point, Thanlis. Adobe's stuff does provide a space for an XSLT file (actually for two, one incoming and one outgoing, IIRC). If I really care to stick with this format I may have to learn XSLT first - sigh, but could be worse. Thanks for the reference to XPath.

If you, or someone reading this thread, wanted to provide a sample XSLT file (even a partial one) to deal with the issues I discussed above, that would be a huge boon to folks in my position.

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