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It's Dark Sun

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Here's a question though.

A lot of people are happy that DS is going back to the original boxed set since it invalidates the much despised Prism Pentad series but don't we lose also Aarakocra PCs?

Are there any other elements of the post Prism Pentad DS that you'd like to see?


Here's a question though.

A lot of people are happy that DS is going back to the original boxed set since it invalidates the much despised Prism Pentad series but don't we lose also Aarakocra PCs?

Are there any other elements of the post Prism Pentad DS that you'd like to see?

Honestly, I found NOTHING of the Prism Pentad stuff that I liked. Not the Aarakocra, the Avangions, the Cerulean storm, the multiple dragons, that huge honking crack in the mountains, the Pterans, the general hopefulness of the future, the democracy of Tyr.... pretty much none of it. The only thing I did like was the first three-quarters of the first novel, and it went downhill right after they killed King Kalak in the space of about three pages.

I can't wait for the cries of "It's all about Global Warming and Climate Change! It's just an attempt to play off the flavor of the month!" Then they won't believe us when we tell them DS is 20 years old. ;)

Well, "GLobal Warming" (as in Man-made Climate Change and concerns there of) has been an issue for 40 odd years, actually.

As I stated earlier in the thread, I don't think there will be much support for Templar PCs, but I think there will be a lot of support for ex-Templar PCs. It's a fairly obvious background to make for someone in Dark Sun who wants to use the 'former bad boy trying to redeem himself' archetype.

Given that, I'd say that a Fighter who works for a Sorceror-King is a Templar, as is a wizard who works for a Sorceror-King or a Warlock who works for a Sorceror-King.

Aye as I've said before, a templar is a JOB DESCRIPTION ;) Same with a "gladiator". They aren't "classes" per se
Most templars are bureacrats who help run the city but are very much tied to their sorceror-king by far more than the usual boss-worker relationship, lol!! ;)

Why the heck would a bureacrat like that always have to be some super-fighting machine, hm? Of course they wouldn't!! Silly, isn't it when most of 'em hide out in that job to be safe and comfortable, hehe.
it's their slaves and bodyguards who do the killing for 'em most of the itme.

However, a fairly important segment of templars would be military leaders, spell casters of great power, spy masters, assassins etc.
The rest would be spell casters with just enough power to quell the populace and slaves (the "street templars" as it were).

(and I'm right about gladiators, see the RL example of the Roman games, with many different styles of fighters. For 4th ed you can run 'em as "fighters" and "rangers", mostly, but on Athas, there'd also be psions, elemental clerics, etc.)


haha, too true!! ;)
8th lvl mul gladiator and his incompetant group kills Kalak...not bloody well likely, is it?!!
Only Agis had any damn worth, sigh.
And I have a very strong feeling that templars of high level can't pull stuff like that off, 'cause their Sorceror King would be keeping an eye on such servants more than anyone else.
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Honestly, I found NOTHING of the Prism Pentad stuff that I liked. Not the Aarakocra, the Avangions, the Cerulean storm, the multiple dragons, that huge honking crack in the mountains, the Pterans, the general hopefulness of the future, the democracy of Tyr.... pretty much none of it.

What the King said.

Are there any other elements of the post Prism Pentad DS that you'd like to see?

I think we can safely say that later DS stuff had some redeming qualities...but few and you need to mine them carefully.

I have no problem with the idea of an avengion...I DO have a problem with anyone as of yeet successeding in fully becoming one...I would love to see it be a epic destiny that states you are the only one around...

I like the idea of life shaped items

The prestin tower rocks...

I want the kreen empire...

I wouldn't mind seeing a free tyr...but more of the "It has been free for 3 days, what haapens now is up to the DM" not as a fully independant city state...


I'm cool with Oronis as the first Avangion, he create this Metamorphosis Spell, give him credit. Other ones have died. So a PC must be teach by him to pick the Epic Destiny. I found that very interesting.

Not the first one but the second one. :)

I think Kalak will died one way or the other, in the Prism Pentad it's Rikus & Sadira, in game it will be PCs or maybe The Dragon if Kalak succeed with his full metamorphosis killing everybody in the arena (like near the complete Tyr Population).

My major problem with the Prism Pentad is the Cerulean Storm, i like Ur-Draxa.


Honestly, I found NOTHING of the Prism Pentad stuff that I liked. Not the Aarakocra, the Avangions, the Cerulean storm, the multiple dragons, that huge honking crack in the mountains, the Pterans, the general hopefulness of the future, the democracy of Tyr.... pretty much none of it. The only thing I did like was the first three-quarters of the first novel, and it went downhill right after they killed King Kalak in the space of about three pages.

The Prism Pentad novels didn't bring everything of the Revised Box expensions.

I see Pterrans as one kind of reflavored Athasian Dragonborn (with another encounter power). Other tribes can be Ssuran and Dray.

I really like Dregoth and i want him to return in 4E.


I'm fine with a free Tyr, more or less. From a gaming standpoint, I see some utility in having a fairly free-ish City-State. I think it can add a lot of interesting plots.

So I think it'd be fair to say that I like Dark Sun more or less through the module Freedom. From there, I like to pick & choose what sorts of stuff to take from the supplements.

I like the idea of the avangions - but those were in the Dragon Kings hardcover before they made it anywhere else. I don't want them fluttering about everywhere. I also generally like to keep the game confined to the Tyr Region - but I love having a Kreen Empire out there, as a viciously expansionist adversary.



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