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New Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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Striding back in confidently, Kamotz nods at the bartender, who sends a small salute back. After setting up his frequent teleporting plan, the shifter became known to the bartender by name.

working through the crowd, and glancing over it at the same time, Kamotz finds his way to Vrrsk't and Morvannon.

I found a pretty new toy, and I'd like someone to teach me more about it. Sparring with Grakk is like asking to be pummeled. Kamotz points first to the new triple-headed flail at his waist, then at the new bruises along his face and side. You throw something similar around Vrrsk't, care to show me how to stop bludgeoning myself?

Morvannon and Vrrsk't might notice how full and bulky the shifters pack seems, and the two visible belt pouches seem full as well. Supply gathering must have went well...

Has anyone seen Vixo since the incident?

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formerly roadtoad
Vrrsk't laughs at Kamotz's request for flail training. A few nearby patrons start at the unusual laughter. Its deep, throaty, growling sounds are a bit too guttural and monstrous for comfort.

"Perhaps you were too busy being repeatedly unconscious in our last engagement to notice me repeatedly taking chunks out of my own shield, the floor... I think I might've tagged a pillar in there as well. I certainly hit inanimate objects more than I hit our foes." The big dragonborn considers this for a moment, and then continues: "Perhaps we would both benefit from some extra training... shall we?" He gets up and leads back out the door, not noticing that he has failed to even acknowledge Morvannon. Likewise, he does not seem to notice that he got up and headed outside without so much as an indication of assent from Kamotz.


formerly roadtoad
Moments after Vrrsk't leaves, the strange being seemingly made of a man-shaped collection of variously-sized chains which has been lurking about the tavern returns to the main room. Seeing Captain Yurian, it moves toward him and stops at his table. Sounds approximating speech emanate from its head, while its glowing eyes seem to burn through Yurian, judging him and his sins.

"I am Catein," it says, "and I was created to capture and subdue those who cannot control their base instincts. If my services would be of use to you in your mission, I offer them to you."

It then waits, standing disturbingly still, for a response.

Catein here is my second character, so clearly I'll step aside for anyone on their first character, but Yurian was looking pretty lonely...
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Mal Malenkirk

First Post
[sblock=Stringbean]Yeah, I am allowed a 2nd PC. I'd love to join your adventure. I just need some time to actually make the PC![/sblock]

[sblock=Roadtoad]Wait... a warforged invoker!? These guys can do everything!

But I am getting paranoid that the entire of L4W is being turned into robots. My first character is already adventuring with 2 warforged. :uhoh:[/sblock]


First Post
Yurian's jaw drops a bit at the sight before him, and his beer is forgotten in his hand, halfway to his mouth. "That... that's wonderful. Catein. Yes, very good..." He realizes he is holding his beer aloft, and quickly sets it down. The simple act helps him to recover, and he reachs into his pouch.

"The pay's 125 gold in total: 30 of it now, the rest once the problem's been dealt with." He sets the small stack of coin on the table, somewhat afraid to let his hand touch the disturbing warforged. "We'll be meeting an hour past dawn behind this building to go to the isle. We're... glad to have your service, Mr. Catein."

He pauses, a furrow forming on his forehead. "Errr, it is Mister, right?"

[sblock=Roadtoad]Yeah, a bit lonely, but patience is a virtue, or so I'm told. The adventure will fill when it fills; I just feel bad for poor Hacker, forced to drink himself blind waiting for a party to form. While I gather he'd be doing that anyway, the sentiment remains...[/sblock]

[sblock=Mal Malenkirk]Shouldn't be a problem; it seems like there's not many new people joining L4W right now, so fresh 2nd characters are probably going to be most of the party. That's actually good for me, it means I know what to expect from the players.[/sblock]

[sblock=KenHood]I just realized I goofed; Hacker should've been given 30 gold for signing up. It's a small detail, so the choice of how to handle it is yours. We either handwave it and you can have it now, or play it out as Yurian truly forgot and Hacker hasn't gotten the advance yet. Having not read the handbill, he doesn't know about it, even...[/sblock]
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formerly roadtoad
Catein's eyes stay focused on Yurian as he sets the coins on the table. Without appearing to look in their direction, it reaches for the coins with its hand. The hand seems remarkably humanlike, if human muscles were made of tiny chains of metal instead of muscle fibers, and if they also had no skin covering up the musculature. As its left hand touches the coins, however, all anthropomorphic pretense is lost as dozens of chains break free from their patterns and whip about the coins, engulfing them in a writhing mass of metal. The coins seem to disappear, absorbed into the structure of Catein, to be stored in some internal repository.

At Yurian's question, Catein pauses, seeming for a moment unable to deal with the assumptions therein. "This title is connected to gender in some way? I am not aware of possessing a gender. I will accept the title if it is necessary to the group cohesion, but I would prefer to avoid honorifics if possible."

Wait... a warforged invoker!? These guys can do everything!

But I am getting paranoid that the entire of L4W is being turned into robots. My first character is already adventuring with 2 warforged. :uhoh:

Yeah, I didn't realize how prevalent warforged had become around here. The character concept just sort of sprung on me and then, after I'd built him and started digging the backstory, I noticed that we've got our own little mini-Eberron going here.

And I wouldn't want to try optimizing a warforged invoker, especially without the extra points to buy attributes that L4W gives us...
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First Post
A small shape slipped out of the city streets and into the Hanged Man front door. Bearing a cloak of dark brown over her face and old hide armor, it is hard to tell if it's a young errand boy or a taller halfling but the moments hesitation as the stranger looked about the room indicated a bit of unfamiliarity about the bar.

Quickly the hooded stranger made her way to the bar and pushed herself up onto a stool. No weapons could be seen though a light shield hung from her belt over the left hip. After she adjusted her position her hands slowly came up and pushed back the hood, revealing the smiling and dirty face of a young, human looking, girl with pale blonde hair.

She looked around and seemed to suddenly remember something, announcing "I am Bell. . . the point." She looked around to see if anyone noticed. "I am looking for work. . .and ale. I completely and often drink ale."

She offered a smile to the bartender before digging around for some coin.

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
A young man enters the tavern, his well cared for scale armor splaterred in fresh blood.

-''They... they cheat!'' he says incredulously to the barman. ''The halflings running the card games in front of the tavern. They cheat. I don't understand.''

He sits on a stool and orders ale.

-''I wanted to play, but I told them; If you cheat, you better be good or I will spot you. And if I spot you, you better have a lot of tough goons or I will beat you senseless and cut you up a little. I warned them. But they did cheat. And they were no good. And the goons were midgets... Halflings, gnomes or perhaps malnourished dwarves, I am not sure. I don't understand. Why did they cheat if they were this ill-equipped to pull it off!?'' he said bewildered. ''Oh well.'' He downed the ale and seemed to feel much better.

-''Time to amass some wealth to pay the alimony of my futures ex-wives.''

In short order he realizes that Yurian is the only game in town and volunteers.

-''Hey there, my name is Kendrick Kent and I am up for any acts of wanton violence required to complete your assignment.'' he says with a grin. It is ambiguous just how serious he is.

Kendrick Kent is a human Melee Ranger. The character sheet in the wiki is half completed.


I wanted my first character to be a melee ranger, but it seemed there were a lot of them and few leaders so I made a cleric instead. Now, looking at the active players, there aren't that many active rangers anymore so I feel better making one.

Beside, he isn't much of ranger. He doesn't have the Nature skills, he hates animals and dislikes camping. He is more a vicious fighter.[/sblock]
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