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Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter I: The Traitor's Gambit


Mir looks to the beaslisk and sighs deeply as she says, "I suppose that is another way to do it, unless Switch is total slag and such. The desk though?" She says with disbelief, "I assume you and the your droid are going to be carrying it about all secret like?"

Hopefully getting Mack to his feet, "I hope someone can hack that thing," motions to what is left of switch, "Cause I do not think I could. Gotta think too that it had some security protocols considering he seemed rather autonomous."

"And what about the R5 there?"

And comments lastly, "We best get what we cane and get out of here. We were bound to draw some attention with all that weapons fire."

occ: Sorry for rambling on... ;)

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"As for your other question, I don't think so. I don't have the skills necessary to be an info broker. I'm just hired muscle, and a bad one at that. Now both of the station's criminal element has been destroyed, I think I'll just go back home. That our try to book passage to The Wheel..."

"Luck you gawt," agrees Sloor before pointing a brass-knuckled finger under the other ones tusks. "What you *need* is AMBITION! What a waste awf a perfectly gawd-" (Didn't hear him disagree about the desk though...) Sloor steps over to Ganga's unconscious bulk and starts going through his pockets, still adressing the guard as he does so, "Hey, you can tell me naw: the twilek was running the shaw behind the scenes, right? Used the drawid as a frant?"

"Droid's run the world," states S-TB52 with utmost conviction.

"And we run drawids," fires back its owner. The exchange has all the markings of an old, confortable argument.

<Response Guard X?>

«Sloor searches Ganga for valuables, information, exotic weapons, etc. What does he have on him?

«Who wants TB to heal them?

Mir looks to the beaslisk and sighs deeply as she says, "I suppose that is another way to do it, unless Switch is total slag and such. The desk though?" She says with disbelief, "I assume you and the your droid are going to be carrying it about all secret like?"
"Secret?" puzzles the four-armed one. "Freck no! This is prime-time, Sra. I *want* everyawn and his mawther's uncle to knaw Sloor Sandbraiz lays his dirty feet awn Switch the Drawids desk every frecsing day, having cawnquered the frecsing thing awver Ganga Lawr's brawken dawn bawdy! *That's* what reputatians are made awf!" He considers the size of the thing, briefly thinking about breaking it down to panels. It *is* Japor ivory after all...
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First Post
Keyton looks at his wound, putting his hand over the blast burn. He runs his hand just over the wound, but not touching the skin. He appears as if he his grabbing something, pulls it out but then throws it on the ground. But there is nothing on the ground and the wound looks the same.

I do not know my way around a computer terminal very well, but there has to be away to get the information we need out of that droid. Mack, do you think you can do it?

Keyton then starts to search the desk and the twilek


Mack continues his recovery until he is back to normal, “Frakkin head shot, by the Force I am lucky to be alive. I will accept whatever medical attention that can be provided. Which one of the drek-heads nailed me? He isn’t the one that ran away was he?”

“Now let me see the droid.” Mack will examine Switch to check if it’s disabled or destroyed.

He will turn back to the group, “Okay here’s our SITREP. We need time in a safe place. This place is so remote that it is probably safe enough, despite the lightfight. According to what the Aqualish just said, Kingpin Sloor here could be the big criminal name on the station shortly, so our only worry is troopers most likely. We pull the dead Gamorreans back inside and lock the door. If someone does come, and we cannot handle it, fry the door controls and we make a back exit out the exhaust conduits following the schematics. I have decent computer and mechanics skills, but I am not a wizard. I am going to need time, never mind the wounds.”

<<OOC: Take 10 for 16 on Perception Check to see if the Aqualish was lying>>

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
[Sblock=Combat wrapup]«Seeing as everybody passed on the long version, here's my version of what happened ;)

"You still alive dawn there?" inquires the besalisk with a couple of lightning quick glances Mack's way.

Mack groans and rolls over, "What the frak hit me?" Seriously ticked off, he fires his blaster rifle, still set to autofire, at the thug fighting with Keyton. He ends up hitting both him and the running thug, but only the former goes down. The latter speeds up, squeezing through the crack between the opening doors!

Mir's slim blaster is the last to speak, punching Sloor's nemesis neatly through the sternum. He falls down, dead.

"RUN! RUN FROM THE DIAMAND FISTS!" taunts the besalisk, randomly firing a couple of celebratory shots after the fleeing man's keister.

"Well... that was rather, unpleasant." Mir comments... She moves over towards her downed companion and offers him a hand, "Are you alright Mack? It looks like you took a solid blast there."[/sblock]
“Frakkin head shot, by the Force I am lucky to be alive. I will accept whatever medical attention that can be provided. Which one of the drek-heads nailed me? He isn’t the one that ran away was he?”
"Cauld be," grins Sloor, breath quickly returning to normal. "What are you gawing to daw abawt it?"

"And what about the R5 there?"
"It's yours if you want it," generously offers Sloor.

"I object!" TB52 unfolds to the tippy-top of his considerable height. "As the former assistant of an unshackled droid, R5-B8 should be the one to take over his business, to lord over all humans, to mastermind, dominate and control. It is his rightful heritage."

"Nansense! The twilek was running the shaw, I tell you!"

TB's glowing optic whirs disparagingly. "We should at least ask him what he thinks of the matter."

“Okay here’s our SITREP. We need time in a safe place. This place is so remote that it is probably safe enough, despite the lightfight. According to what the Aqualish just said, Kingpin Sloor here could be the big criminal name on the station shortly, so our only worry is troopers most likely. We pull the dead Gamorreans back inside and lock the door. If someone does come, and we cannot handle it, fry the door controls and we make a back exit out the exhaust conduits following the schematics. I have decent computer and mechanics skills, but I am not a wizard. I am going to need time, never mind the wounds.”
"Me and tusky gawt the dawr," agrees the besalisk with a nod to the guard. "You gawt trawble thaw, I gawt a girl who daws all awf TB's maintenance dawn awn the underside awf blue dawks..." He smiles a dangerous smile Mack's way: "And I'm ALREADY a big name, spirk! All legal and abawve bawrd, that's the Sloor way!" With a laugh he wraps a muscled arm or two around the guard's shoulders and heads off towards the massive door, his voice fading with distance. "Saw where's hawm? You cawm straight from Andaw?"

«Sloor will make small talk with the guard as they gather up the dead gamorreans and see to the door. Persuasion/CHANGE ATTITUDE=17 to change his attitude from Indifferent (I'm guessing) to Friendly. What's his name, by the way? If you've got no preference, then I dub thee Ponda Poandu! Go forth and do no wrong, my child. :D
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Mir gives a nod of as her companions make their comments. "Alright then. I would suggest we get that information as soon as we are able. I will see of R5 here can give us a hand."

The woman moves over to the smaller droid and kneels down to it, "Hello R5-B8. Assuming you understand the situation, I was wondering if you would be able to help us out with getting the information that Switch here had for Maya? Also, since Switch is kind of... non-functioning, if you would want to give us a hand once we are done here?"


First Post
PM: The Aqualish seems to be telling the truth.

The astromech gives a sorrow-filled beep and heads over to the desk. He interfaces with a computer in the desk. R5 gives whistle and pulls up a schematic of the space station. The map zooms in on Blue Deck, and a brief summary of the area appears. Blue Deck is heavily populated by Imperial loyalists, and is one of the few places on the station where Imperial ships choose to dock.


He pauses as Mir asks him a question. I WOULD BE PLEASED TO ACCOMPANY YOU FOR THE TIME BEING, the droid replies via text on the screen. BUT BE ASSURED THAT I AM NO BEING'S PROPERTY SAVE FOR MYSELF.

Ponda replies to Sloor's small talk. He is originally from Coruscant, but forced to move as the anti-alien sentiment got too much for him. He says that he was originally a security guard for a primarily human banking establishment, but was fired due to the COMPNOR sensitivities of the patrons.


Mir looks from the computer console to the droid and chuckles at his next message and she says, "An ambitious one aren't you? She pats R5 gently and then continues, "As I am sure that my companions would point out to Switch if he were still with us, is that we just saved you from the Chevin and his goons. I am sure he would have made you his property if he had won the day here. How about this. You help us out for the rest of our little assignment here, and I split with you my share of whatever I am getting. Be they funds or goods taken. Sound fair? Help me and I will help you? You may have to 'pretend' to be property though. You know that right? The Imperials do not take kindly to rogue droids I have heard. And memory wipes are common."

Whatever the droids answer may be she asks him, "I am sorry to be asking, but what are we retrieving? From what you are showing me here, it looks to be in this blue sector. Do you happen to know, where?"

She waits for the answer and asks"Anything else you can think of of that we should be aware of that Switch happened to know for this station or elsewhere?"


First Post
Since there is nothing of interest at the desk, Keyton was about to address the driod but it appears Mir has already ask all the questions that he hand in mind. Not being one that is comfortable around computers or used to driods, Keyton goes to police the bodies inside the chamber and drags them near the pit. After that time, he'll stay inside the doorway looking out down the hall.

Voidrunner's Codex

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