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Mesh Hongs Monster Request / Discussion Thread

Mesh Hong

First Post
The Dream creeper looks good.

Well I am a bit concerned about the slow and daze effect from 2 dream points as I think that might be a bit debilitating and annoying. In fact I think the whole Dream Point track might be a bit harsh for a level 10 solo, if it went badly for the group it could quickly spiral out of control into a TPK with a load of (no save) effects.

Admittedly the creature only has a limited range so someone should be able to escape and devise a plan to attack it from out of the creatures range. But the very fact that I am considering this possibility tells me that there is potentially a serious problem there.

Maybe you could change the heal/religion check to a move action or a move action (1/round) to balance out the economy of actions a little?

Maybe the creatures vulnerability radiant should be increased to 10 from 5, and you could add vulnerability 5 fire so that the group can really see the creature in pain.

Hm. The Leucrotta is interesting, to say the least. I was actually intending to use it when the PCs were camping, luring the one standing guard away, but this seems to require more ... effort.

Well you could ignore the shapechange aspect and just give the standard form Lure of Dark Promise as an encounter power. This way it could try and grab the person on watch, if it failed it could retreat and try again the next night.

Now, the first question: with Lure of the Dark Promise and Split the Herd, the effects end if the target takes damage "While performing the action". Now, do these mean if they are ATTACKED by someone else, or if they are moved into damaging terrain basically? On the one hand, the 3 saves necessary to wake up from the domination is a good touch, but on the other it means folks are going to be mightily dominated. That and the stun makes me wary of using the monster - I do so hate encounters where PCs are denied anything to do.

These powers are designed to manoeuvre the Laucrotta’s prey into position and to keep other targets away, I tried to design them in a way that stood a good chance of achieving that purpose while minimising the possibility of abuse (honest).

1: Lure of Dark Promise
“the dominate effect ends immediately if Leucrotta hits the target or if the target takes damage whilst performing a dominated action”
This means that if the dominate effect will end immediately if:
- The Leucrotta hits the target with an attack
- the dominated target takes any damage during its dominated action (sources could be walking into damaging terrain, taking falling damage, getting hit by an immediate reaction/interrupt when attacking a creature etc)

This power is designed for compelling a creature to come to the Leucrotta (as per your original design statement). It is not supposed to be as effective as an in combat dominate (though admittedly it is still pretty good at that).

2: Split the Herd
“if the target takes damage while sliding in this way the stun effect is immediately removed”
This is intended to be pretty much the same as Lure of Dark Promise, if the target takes damage as a result of a slide (such as into damaging terrain or taking falling damage) then the stun effect ends and the target is free.

Again this is designed to help the Leucrotta concentrate on getting 1 target into a favourable position while keeping enemies away. The fact that it only requires a single save and is an encounter power should mean that it is fine to use at this level.

The second concern is that - what's to stop the Leucrotta from just continually using its Move action to change shape, continually healing itself? It would potentially be a fairly grindy combat. Especially since each action makes its recharge powers recharge.

You are dead right, in fact it was the first thing I thought when I woke up this morning. I think I made it a move action because Shapechange is usually an at will minor action but that was obviously too powerful in this situation.

The problem is that I want the Leucrotta to shift forms at least a couple of times in the encounter but I don’t want it killing itself in the process. If it is a standard action then it is forgoing an attack or using an action point. (hmmm action point?)

Maybe the Leucrotta should have a Shapechange Point (like an action point) in each of its forms that it expends as a move action to use shapechange. It could also gain a floating Shapechange point when it becomes bloodied. This would allow it to shift forms a reasonable amount of times without it being too abusable?

What does anyone think?

Does Lure of the Luecrotta a single or multiple target power?

Burst 10, targets all standing creatures (i.e. those that aren’t prone) I know its an odd stipulation but this was just to keep with the theme of splitting targets off and I didn’t want it sliding people who weren’t in a position to walk.

(Man, the illusionist wizard in the party is going to HATE that it's immune to illusion, charm, with a 10 psychic resist. :p)

It is never my intention to remove all options from a PC, if this creature would do this to a PC in your group then I would recommend changing it in some way. Maybe removing the immunity to illusion or the resist 10 psychic.

It's a really interesting and well designed monster. I'm just curious how best to use it now. What a good encounter with it would be.

I designed it with half an eye on making it workable in both rural and town based situations. It could be an interesting side quest situation in town with people going missing and the group trying to track the cause down, or it could be as simple as an encounter while the group rests in the wilderness.

I see the Leucrotta as a fairly mobile hunter, never staying in an area long so as to reduce its chances of getting caught. However what if one became attached to a settlement or a person in a settlement and fought its instincts to move on? What if a Leucrotta fell in love with one of its targets and decided to act as a protector rather than a killer? Tragically it would still be drawn to feed from other citizens or from creatures in the surrounding area which might ultimately lead to its discovery. What if when it was close to being discovered or actually unmasked it kidnapped its love and fled into the hills?

That sort of thing.

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I will reiterate that I do like the monster. Also thanks for explaining.

Since you may have missed my extra post above: What does the Brain Dream look like? How would you describe it? Since it's a Close Burst 10, the YMC isn't exactly touching the target, and it all ready puffs pollen about so its' not a pollen trick.

Maybe the Leucrotta should have a Shapechange Point (like an action point) in each of its forms that it expends as a move action to use shapechange. It could also gain a floating Shapechange point when it becomes bloodied. This would allow it to shift forms a reasonable amount of times without it being too abusable?
You do like points, don'tcha? :) Another way to rephrase would be Shapechange, encounter (for each form) and then when bloodied, the shapechange recharges for whatever form it's in.

I see the Leucrotta as a fairly mobile hunter, never staying in an area long so as to reduce its chances of getting caught. However what if one became attached to a settlement or a person in a settlement and fought its instincts to move on? What if a Leucrotta fell in love with one of its targets and decided to act as a protector rather than a killer? Tragically it would still be drawn to feed from other citizens or from creatures in the surrounding area which might ultimately lead to its discovery. What if when it was close to being discovered or actually unmasked it kidnapped its love and fled into the hills?
I actually do like the idea of the thing falling in love with a victim. Although I think that would be best if it had all ready been encountered. An initial hit and run battle and then it escapes, the PCs pissed off at it and wanting revenge, but it not showing up for a while.

Although I also meant just the encounter design when using it. How to create a good initial wilderness combat with this monster as the center piece. A situation that would maximize the "move everyone away and isoalte one target". A way to offer it a way out to flee, and offer challenges to the rest of the party.

One thought is that it doesn't need to eat all that frequently. Not daily. So it can be patient, bide its time, and so it can hunt around a settlement for a while. WHat it might do is have three regular hunting grounds and alternate between the settlements.

To give further notion from where I'm coming from, the game I'm running is a colony game - the PCs in charge of a little settlement while they explore a jungle continent. So, little chance of direct urban encounters, but I as said previously I like the idea of the thing luring away a victim, falling in love, and kidnapping. Of course the kidnapped victim will be a useful NPC.

Mesh Hong

First Post
MH, I meant to ask.

What does the Brain Dream look like? How would you describe it? Since it's a Close Burst 10, the YMC isn't exactly touching the target, and it all ready puffs pollen about so its' not a pollen trick.

Yellow Musk Creeper

:close: Brain Drain (Standard; at-will) poison, charm
1 target inside burst 10; attack +10 vs. AC (+12 vs. AC against
immobilised targets); 1d8+4 damage; on hit secondary attack +9 vs.
Fortitude on hit target gains a Musk Point and takes 5 ongoing poison
damage (save ends)

Deaths Dream Creeper

:close: Brain Drain (Standard; at-will) necrotic, charm
1 target inside burst 10; attack +15 vs. AC (+17 vs. AC against
immobilised targets); 2d6+5 necrotic damage; on hit secondary attack +14
vs. Fortitude on hit target gains a Dream Point and takes 10 ongoing
necrotic damage (save ends)

Two pretty much identical effects, described slightly differently:

Yellow Musk Creeper
I would say that one of the plants flowers contracts then opens violently shooting out a small dart shaped seed that attempts to strike the targets flesh (AC). If it succeeds then it the seed breaks up and tries to inject the target with the poison it is contains (Fortitude). If it manages this the primary poison continues to harm the target (ongoing damage) while the secondary poison starts working on the targets brain, bending it to serve the plant (charm).

Deaths Dream Creeper
I would say that one of the plants flowers contracts then opens sending out a thin twisting strand of necrotic energy that attempts to strike the targets forehead or face (AC). If it succeeds then it sends a pulse of necrotic energy down the strand that tries to enter the targets body (Fortitude). If it manages this the residual necrotic energy continues to harm the target (ongoing damage) while the momentary link between the creature and target works on the targets brain, trying to slow it down and convince it to cease functioning (charm).

Mesh Hong

First Post
Seeing as no one needs any creatures at the moment, here are a group of fire themed monsters that could provide an interesting encounter or two in an number of different situations.

Burning Spirit – level 5 artillery
Burning Ember – level 2 minion
Living Bonfire – level 5 solo brute (also creates Burning Embers)
Cult of Pyre Arsonist – level 5 elite controller

Burning Spirit Level 5 Artillery
Small Elemental Beast (fire) XP 200

Initiative +8 Senses Perception +2, lowlight vision
HP 48; Bloodied 24
AC 17; Fortitude 16, Reflex 18, Will 17
Immune fire
Speed 6, also see Fire Hop

:bmelee: Hot Swipe (Standard; at-will) fire
Attack +10 vs. AC; 1d6 fire damage

:ranged: Burning Bolt (Standard; at-will) fire
Range 10/20; attack +12 vs. AC; 1d10+4 fire damage, if Burning Spirit is
adjacent to an open fire source this attack instead deals 2d8+4 fire

:area: Ignite (Minor; recharge :5::6:) fire
Targets 1 open fire source within 10 squares; the fire source burns fiercley
for a second, burst 1; attack +9 vs. Reflex; 1d4+2 fire damage; on hit
target takes 3 ongoing fire damage (save ends)

Fire Hop (Move; recharge :5::6:) teleport
Burning Spirit teleports adjacent to an open fire source within 15 squares
as a move action

Alignment Evil Languages primordial
Str 6 (+0) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 10 (+2)
Con 12 (+3) Int 8 (+1) Cha 16 (+5)

Burning Ember Level 2 Minion
Tiny Elemental Beast (fire) XP 31

Initiative +4 Senses Perception -1
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 16; Fortitude 13, Reflex 15, Will 15
Immune fire
Speed 5 fly (hover)

:bmelee: Burning Touch (Standard; at-will) fire
Attack +5 vs. Reflex; 6 fire damage; on hit target takes 2 ongoing fire
damage (save ends), if the target is already taking ongoing fire damage it
is instead increased by 1 for the required duration

:melee: Air Current (Immediate Reaction; at-will) when missed an attack
When Burning Ember is missed by an attack it may make a Burning Touch
attack against its agressor (if possible) and shift 3 squares as an
immediate reaction

I'm a Firestarter (Move; at-will) zone, fire
Burning Ember sets unattended flamable objects on fire in its current
square, this creates a zone that lasts until the end of the encounter or it
is extinguished; all creatures entering or starting their turn inside the zone
takes 2 fire damage

Alignment Unaligned
Str 3 (-3) Dex 16 (+4) Wis 6 (-1)
Con 6 (-1) Int 1 (-4) Cha 3 (-3)

Living Bonfire Level 5 Solo Brute
Large Elemental Beast (fire) XP 1,000

Initiative +4 Senses Perception +0, lowlight vision
HP 256; Bloodied 128; also see Cinders and Ashes
AC 17; Fortitude 18, Reflex 17, Will 16
Immune fire;
Vulnerable 10 cold, also see Steam Cloud
Saving Throws +5
Speed 5
Action Points 2

:bmelee: Flaming Slam (Standard; at-will) fire
Reach 2; attack +8 vs. AC; 2d6+4 fire damage

:melee: Double Slam (Standard; at-will)
Living Bonfire makes 2 Flaming Slam attacks; if a target is hit by one
attack it is also pushed 1 square, if a target is hit by both attacks it is
pushed 3 squares

:close: Heat Blast (Minor; recharge :5::6:) fire
Close blast 3; attack +6 vs. Fortitude; 1d6+4 fire damage; on hit target
takes a -1 penalty to attack rolls (save ends)

:area: Burning Debris (Minor; recharge :5::6:) fire, zone
Area burst 1 within 10 squares; attack +6 vs. Reflex; 1d6+4 fire damage;
creates a zone of burning debris that lasts until the end of the encounter
or extinguished, any creature entering or starting their turn inside the
zone takes 5 fire damage

:close: Steam Cloud (Free) fire, hit by a cold attack
When hit by an attack with the cold keyword the Living Bonfire makes the
following attack as an immediate reaction; burst 3; attack +6 vs. Reflex;
1d8+4 fire damage, creates a zone that lasts until the start of Living
Bonfires next turn, all creatures inside the zone gain concealment

:close: Cinders and Ashes (Free) summon, when dazed, stunned and
first bloodied
When Living Bonfire is first bloodied, and whenever it is stunned or dazed
it sends a shower of burning embers into the air; burst 6, summons 4
Burning Embers (see separate stat block) that each land in a random
square (d12 direction, d6 distance) if there is a creature in the location
then it takes 10 fire damage and the Burning Ember is destroyed

Living Bonfire reduces all push, pull and slide effects it is subject to by 3

Alignment Unaligned Languages primordial
Str 18 (+6) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 6 (+0)
Con 16 (+5) Int 3 (-2) Cha 12 (+3)

Cult of Pyre Arsonist Level 5 Elite Controller
Medium Natural Humanoid (tiefling) XP 400

Initiative +4 Senses Perception +3, lowlight vision
HP 124; Bloodied 62; also see Turn up the Heat
AC 19; Fortitude 17, Reflex 17, Will 18
Resist 20 fire
Saving Throws +2
Speed 6
Action Points 1

:bmelee: Rod Strike (Standard; at-will)
Attack +10 vs. AC; 1d6+3 damage (critical 2d6+9 fire damage)

:ranged: Burning Darts (Standard; at-will) fire
Range 10/20; 1 or 2 targets; attack +9 vs. Fortitude; 1d10+4 fire damage
(critical 2d6+14 fire damage); on hit target is slowed and takes 3 ongoing
fire damage (save ends both)

:close: Burning Spray (Standard; at-will) fire
Close blast 3; attack +9 vs. Reflex; 1d10+4 fire damage

:ranged: Tinder Curse (Minor; at-will) 1/round
Range 20; does not provoke opportunity attacks; attack +9 vs. Will; on
hit target gains vulnerability 2 fire until the end of Arsonists next turn

:ranged: Spontaneous Combustion (Standard; recharge :5::6:) fire
Range 10; attack +9 vs. Fortitude; 2d6+4 fire damage (critical 2d6+16 fire
damage); on hit the target gains a burning aura (save ends), aura 2, all
creatures entering or starting their turn inside the the aura take 5 fire

:close: Turn up the Heat (Free) when first bloodied
When first bloodied all creatures within 10 squares of Arsonist who are
taking ongoing fire damage or inside a zone that deals fires damage
immediately take fire damage equal to the highest effect

:area: Where There's Smoke (Standard; encounter)
Area burst 3 within 15; enemies only; attack +9 vs. Fortitude; 2d8+4
damage; on hit target is blinded (save ends)

:area: Wall of Fire (Standard; encounter) fire, wall, sustain minor
Wall 8 within 10 squares; creates a 2 square high wall of fire that blocks
line of sight; all creatures ending their turn adjacent to the wall take 5 fire
damage, any creature passing through the wall takes 2d6+4 fire damage;
minor action to sustain the wall

Arsonist gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls against bloodied targets

Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages common, primordial
Skills Arcana +10, Bluff +11, History +10, Streetwise +11, Thievery +9
Str 10 (+2) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 12 (+3)
Con 14 (+4) Int 16 (+5) Cha 18 (+6)
Equipment rod of the pyre (level 10, phb p.240), 4x ring of fire resistance

I would say that the 4 rings of fire resistance are each level 6 and grant resistance 5 fire (and no they don’t stack when a PC wears them ;)).

Anyway I hope you find them interesting.

Mesh Hong

First Post
Well I am sad that no-one wants any help with monsters :.-(, but I'm happy because that means that everyone has all the monsters they need :D.


First Post
People might be digesting MM3 still, maybe.

I'll admit that I prefer to just make my own, because otherwise I won't have enough incentive to keep my hand in :)

Mesh Hong

First Post
I'll admit that I prefer to just make my own, because otherwise I won't have enough incentive to keep my hand in :)

I would encourage everyone to build their own monsters its a great way of making every adventure unique, and it keeps the players guessing as what is going to turn up next.

Behold Pandorum:

Level 14 Elite Artillery
Gargantuan Natural Animate
XP 2,000
Initiative +12 Senses Perception +11, Blindsight
HP 220; Bloodied 110; Mental Intrusion recharges when bloodied.
AC 27; Fortitude 27, Reflex 24, Will 28
Immune Poison, Disease; Vulnerable 5 Thunder
Saving Throws +2
Speed 0, See Immobile
Action Points 1
:bmelee:Telekinetic Blow (Standard; at-will)
+21 vs AC; 2D8+6 and target is pushed 2 squares.
:branged: Mind Fire (Standard; at-will) ♦ Psychic
Ranged 10; +19 vs Will; 2D8+6 Psychic damage and the target is immobilised until the end of Pandorum's next turn.
:ranged: Double Attack (Standard; at-will)
Pandorum makes two Mind Fire attacks.
:area: Searing Blast (Standard; at-will) ♦ Fire
Area burst 2 within 20; +17 vs Reflex; 2D8+8 Fire damage.
:ranged:Mental Intrusion (Minor; encounter) ♦ Psychic
Ranged 5; +19 vsWill; 4D8+6 Psychic damage and target is dominated (save ends).
:close:Telekinetic Shove (Minor, 1/round; at-will)
Close Burst 2, targets enemies; +17 vs Fortitude, target is pushed 2 squares.
Immobile ♦ trait
Pandorum cannot be pushed, pulled, shifted or slid.

Alignment Unaligned Languages Telepathy
Str 10 (+7) Dex 10 (+7) Wis 18 (+11)
Con 20 (+12) Int 20 (+12) Cha 23 (+13)

This is the giant psychic crystal containing the souls of a dead civilisation, its been dug up by some dwarves and has assimilated the fortress. Having fought their way down to it they are about to enter its chamber. The group are 7 PCs lvl11 I'm intending for this to be a "spike" as they've only had one fight so far today so lots of support will be present. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
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Mesh Hong

First Post
There is nothing wrong with your creature as a standard elite, I like Telekinetic Shove and Mental Intrusion (which I think should really be a recharge power), but this encounter looks like an excuse for some serious psychic effects to me. From your description this is a major encounter with a very powerful artefact/creature that can control or assimilate large areas and populations (you aren’t very clear exactly what it does or has done plot wise).

Also with 7 PCs you are probably needing a serious threat.

How about building the encounter as a solo that projects (or is controlling) a group of creatures. The giant crystal could just sit there at the back while it is directing the actions of its thralls (that are just psychic projections made real by its immense power). All the damage the creatures take is actually taken from the crystal itself (not the projections), then when it becomes bloodied the projections fade away and the PCs must fight the crystal itself which then becomes fully active.

If the crystal is attacked before it is bloodied it could have a reaction that would have a serious effect, I’m thinking an attack that would effectively remove the PC from combat (save ends).

Anyway I will try and give you an example to show you what I am thinking. In the meantime feel free to give me a slap if I am going off at a tangent!

The Encounter is indeed the finale to my campaign's current story arc: *ptolus spoilers*

The Heroes are on a mission to procure large amounts of weapons and armour from the Dwarven fortress-states to arm their Orc mercenaries (who are being paid in arms and pillage) who will be helping the city of Ptolus fight of a major Sahuagin invasion from the Empire of Tides.

They arrived in the Red hills to find a Goblin uprising (Sahuagin funded) causing chaos and much of the Dwarven army nowhere to be seen. Fighting and sneaking their way into the Fortress of Galeb Durr (at the time I couldn't work out where I'd got the name from) where the army is based, they discover the upper levels are deserted - save for the big-ass iguarna Oggez Rashas which was my first attempt at creating a solo.

Exploring deeper into the fortress they discover the entire population had moved to the lower levels and were silently constructing Golems, Slaughter Stone Slicers and other dwarven war machines. After subduing some, they find small red crystals implanted beneath the dwarves skin and the Golems are fitted with larger red crystals.

Descending into the mines they find strange, ancient machinery in some of the excavated caverns. In a series of battles they battle an enormous Mining Automaton and a petrified Lich, the miners here have clearly been infested by the crystals for longer than the rest of the dwarves, as the have jagged crowns of crystal erupting from their heads. As the take down these adversaries they experience flash visions of an ancient civilisation of psychic beings (the Panarii) designing and building the Great Construct, with the purpose of piercing the prison that restrains the Galchutt - their primal Demon masters. The visions reveal that the Panarii's enemies succeeded in sabotaging the Great Construct, the resulting explosion annihilated their civilisation and drew the psyche of every living Panarii into the massive crystaline psychic battery at the centre.

The encounter is currently written up with some reskined Genasi Stoneshields and Drakkoth ambushers, a Slaughterstone slicer and some minions of my own construction. All but the Slaughterstone have been tinkered with a little bit, with psychic feedback from the "Those who Hear" template for everyone, and some powers have been swapped for stuff that knocks targets prone.

The encounter is 6944xp, a lvl 14 encounter for my heroes, who aren't optimised, and several players have only had experience of about 10 sessions of 4ed.

I'm currently toying with the idea of making Pandorum a transformational baddie; smashing the crystal releases the psychic energies into a maelstrom of energy - an elite skirmisher plus some splinter entities. I'd probably need to tone down the main encounter a little and provide a free recharge of encounter powers half way through for that.

Interesting to hear on the Mental intrusion, I originally had it as recharge 5,6 and a friend said he thought that was unwise...He then ran Revenge of the Giants which has a monster that can dominate twice a turn at will :-S

I guess what I mainly need is a couple of ideas for the 2nd stage and its splinters - I thinking a ghostly swarm of some kind. I generally avoid Solos as I've found them to be some of the least intersting fights I've played or Dm'd in 4ed.
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