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Quick bit of historical Who geekery

Rasputin's alleged mesmeric powers and great knowledge, as well as the great difficulties involved in killing him, were because he was, in fact, a regeneration of the Time Lord Mortimus, aka "The Meddling Monk." Discuss.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Where was he named Mortimus? Is that from the novels or something?

It's a cool idea for an episode! I'm not sure they should bring him back, though - the Master was enough, but the whole idea of the Time Lords being gone gets weaker and weaker when you start to realise it's "all the Time Lords except any you might have heard of..."


Mod Squad
Staff member
Haven't read the novels, but my (admittledly distant) memory of his appearances in the series (all very early), the Meddling Monk is fairly comic, almost well-meaning.

That would be difficult to reconcile with him being Rasputin.

Where was he named Mortimus? Is that from the novels or something?

Not sure precisely where "Mortimus" came from. I know he appeared in another televised storyline, but it's one where a number of episodes are lost. He also appeared in a number of written stories. I don't know from which the name originates. I got it here: Mortimus - Doctor Who Wiki

It's a cool idea for an episode! I'm not sure they should bring him back, though - the Master was enough, but the whole idea of the Time Lords being gone gets weaker and weaker when you start to realise it's "all the Time Lords except any you might have heard of..."

Oh, I agree it probably wouldn't really work, at least not for a modern episode. I just thought it was a fun idea.

It might work for a novel starring one of the older Doctors...

Haven't read the novels, but my (admittledly distant) memory of his appearances in the series (all very early), the Meddling Monk is fairly comic, almost well-meaning.

That would be difficult to reconcile with him being Rasputin.

He started out that way, yes. Through his other appearances--which may not all be canonical, admittedly--he became a slightly darker character. Never Master-level evil, but enough that I think it could be made to work.

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