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Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter I: The Traitor's Gambit


Mack pops the helmet to give Sloor a big grin, "See I told you, no problem, buddy. I got plenty of ammo left too, I don't think I fired more than a handful of shots this entire assault. Grenades are wonderful things, eh?"

He wastes no time and puts the helmet back on to free his hands again while slinging his blaster rifle. Mack heads back down the lift and enlists a former prisoner or two to help gather up loot, "It is all for the good of the cause, don't you know."

Using the gurney and the replusor sled, they gather the stormtrooper armor, utility belts, weapons, you name it. With 5 minutes, there is plenty of time with help.

With 1 minute to go, he will set the explosive charge in the comms room with the timer set for 2 minutes, but doesn't push start yet. He keys his mic, "Okay folks. I am standing by with the timer set for 2 minutes. Once The Banshee lands on the roof, I push the button and head on up."

[sblock=Loot]4 suits Stormtrooper Armor
4 Trooper Utility Belts, (w/ 1 medpac each?)
4 Blaster Carbines with spare power packs
8 Blaster Pistols w/ plenty of power packs (2 Officers, 2 block guards, 3 comm techs, & 1 doctor)
1 repulsor sled
3 medpacs from command deck
Plus whatever we got from the Medlab.
[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]DP: 2 (Rescue) FP: 3
Init: +8 Perception: +9
HP: 39 (15 Threshold) Current: 39
Reflex: 20 (18ff) Fort: 15 Will: 13
Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger CS

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Mack pops the helmet to give Sloor a big grin, "See I told you, no problem, buddy. I got plenty of ammo left too, I don't think I fired more than a handful of shots this entire assault. Grenades are wonderful things, eh?"
“Frek if I understand this crazy place thaw," sighs Sloor with another look around, at the human commander in perticular: "what the *frek* was he dawing up here with fawr mutants and naw suppawrt staff?” And while he's at it, where did they all sleep, or eat, or store their weapons? In their mad dash up here, they’ve obviously missed the access point for an entire section of the base!

Mack wastes no time and puts the helmet back on to free his hands again while slinging his blaster rifle. Mack heads back down the lift and enlists a former prisoner or two to help gather up loot, "It is all for the good of the cause, don't you know."
Sloor holds out a restraining hand: “Whaw there, Mack man. I’m all fawr looting – frek, I’ll even help awt – but the admiral stays safe up here with the rest awf the gang and *they* start securing the lifts. Just in case the troops awt there decide they’ve gawt brains after all and just flawd in and kill us, alright?” He turns to Mir, Keyton and the ex-admiral: “Wawrks fawr you spirks?”

<Response any and all?>

Sloor helps out on the looting, always keeping an eye and an ear out for any sign the troopers might be coming in, his weapons close. Meanwhile, TB helps disable three of the four lifts, with the fourth ready to be disabled as soon as the last man has left ground level.

When he sees Mack still intent on blowing up the facilities: “Alright, explain it taw me step by step then,” he asks while they man-handle the last heavy bits in place of the gurney and start securing it all in place for a possibly hasty exit. “What exactly *daw* we gain by wasting a thermal detawnatawr awn this dung-fawr-brains facility? Thawse things ain’t easy taw cawme by, you knaw,” he says, trying for an argument the man might relate to. “Plenty awf better targets awt there fawr the rebellian, I’d think.”


First Post
You manage to barely gather the equipment with two of the prisoners. Varth refuses to help, saying that he is thankful for the rescue but what you're doing is too ghastly for him to take part in.

Mack is below in the communication center when the Banshee makes its pickup run. Small arms fire pings off of the hull of the Baudo-class yacht and O'keefe is able to avoid the larger shots of the AT-ST outside. Barely slowing down, the yacht sets down on the roof of the facility.

As Mack enters the elevator, he finally sees the doors of the facility opening and a squad of stormtroopers entering the building. He is safely to the next floor before they can even raise their blasters to him.


Mack wasn't picky on who helped as long as nothing useful gets left in the facility if they can take it with, preferring to just space the armor's previous occupant than leave it behind.

Mack is setting the timer, remarks to Sloor, "Yes, this is not a juicy target and those troopers are just fodder. But we did give our word to take it out, that's really the bottom line now isn't it? Besides, you know how bureaucrats are, pinching credits here and there, perhaps they will give up the idea of rebuilding it. It is probably not cost effective for them and the locals will be rid of it for good, maybe."

Noticing troopers coming in and their harrowing escape, he is calm while moving quickly. It is becoming all in a day's work, "But the explosive is just a thing and it looks like some more of the imp scumbags are going to buy it. At the rate we are going, we are dispensing with way more than our fair share of the buggers."

Using the access to the roof, he keeps low to avoid getting tagged by a stray blaster bolt and hustles on board The Banshee, the last one to arrive. "Okay, hit it!"

[sblock=Mini Stats]DP: 2 (Rescue) FP: 3
Init: +8 Perception: +9
HP: 39 (15 Threshold) Current: 39
Reflex: 20 (18ff) Fort: 15 Will: 13
Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger CS


Mir watches as Mack loots folks and has to shake her head... She will toss the blaster pistol from the Admiral on his pile, but that is about as far as she helps with his appropriations.

The woman will nod to Sloor, "I am staying put after I help the others up here." Mir will help get the Admiral and two other prisoners up to the commander level as the group waits for the ship.

Getting to the roof just as the Banshee comes across the roof, Mir will make another run up the ramp of the ship to make another get away from Imperial folks, "This is becoming all too familiar."

Looking out at the planet and forgetting the structure she stands, "I hope to return here one day..." She then turns and enters the ship and helps secure the rescued prisoners and then herself.


First Post
Sirona looks at the group as they all pour into her ship. Crash wheels about from various stations, readying the ship for the quick movements to come.

"I suppose I should tell you all this now," she says the ship begins to lift off. "We're not headed back to where we got this mission. Our benefactor," she begins stressing the word. "He's arranged for a refuge for us all."

The ship breaks atmosphere and enters space itself. The two Star Destroyers are far too distant to mount any kind of resistance as you head out of the gravity well, but do a token burst of turbolaser fire that's easily avoided by Okeefe. Soon, you've enter Hyperspace and are safely out of the system.
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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Mack is setting the timer, remarks to Sloor, "Yes, this is not a juicy target and those troopers are just fodder. But we did give our word to take it out, that's really the bottom line now isn't it? Besides, you know how bureaucrats are, pinching credits here and there, perhaps they will give up the idea of rebuilding it. It is probably not cost effective for them and the locals will be rid of it for good, maybe."
"This is a military prawject, Mack man," grumbles the besalisk, "cred-wasting's a frekking *asset*!"

Time for arguments is over though as everything seems to happen at once. [...]

"Tawld you they'd cawme, eventually!" Sloor somehow manages to grin as he runs down the corridor, half-carrying the gurney with three beefy arms. He's almost - almost - happy to see them -- not that that's going to stop him from laughing all the way to the bank: "Let's gaw!" He fires wildly, giving them cover fire by the elevator door until mack gets there. Now this is something he can understand!

Noticing troopers coming in and their harrowing escape, he is calm while moving quickly. It is becoming all in a day's work, "But the explosive is just a thing and it looks like some more of the imp scumbags are going to buy it. At the rate we are going, we are dispensing with way more than our fair share of the buggers."
"Sure, sure: 'imps aren't human, barely alive taw begin with'. TB, we're thrawgh: cut the wires! You humans are all frekking nuts if you ask me," grumbles the big alien as they all scamper for the roof access.

"Organics in general," enlarges TB in his usual style.

Using the access to the roof, Mack keeps low to avoid getting tagged by a stray blaster bolt and hustles on board The Banshee, mere meters behind Sloor and TB. "Okay, hit it!"

Platt looks at the group as they all pour into her ship. Crash wheels about from various stations, readying the ship for the quick movements to come.

"I suppose I should tell you all this now," she says the ship begins to lift off. "We're not headed back to where we got this mission. Our benefactor," she begins stressing the word. "He's arranged for a refuge for us all."
"Just saw lang as we dan't crash back dawn here," wishes Sloor. "Anybawdy spawt where the destrawyer's cawming frawm an that big hawlaw gadget thing?"

«Suppossing someone did:
"I frekking fervently suggest anywhere but that way then."

The ship breaks atmosphere and enters space itself. The two Star Destroyers are far too distant to mount any kind of resistance as you head out of the gravity well, but do a token burst of turbolaser fire that's easily avoided by Okeefe. Soon, you've enter Hyperspace and are safely out of the system.
"Any chance we're heading back taw Sel Zawnn, Sra? I gawt taw see a drawid there abawt a desk..." The besalisk grins, puts up his feet and breaks off the autolight tip of a *very* crumpled smoke stick.



Mack settles in to the inventorying and housekeeping on the salvaged gear, cleaning it an disposing of the waste. While he is do these menial task and he hears mention of a refuge he remarks, "Cap'n, is this place sportin' a good cantina for celebrating? I have been trudging along in the wilds of that mushroom infested planet for a few days and I could use a good time."

After finishing up and then cleaning himself in the refresher to rid the smells of sweat, jungle and cordite (or whatever blaster bolts smell like) he seeks out the lovely Captain Okeefe. Mack sidles up to her and tries to be charming with his biggest smile, "Milady we have been victorious and accomplished our mission. You have saved the day and rescued us from death to make that mean something. You and me deserve to celebrate and be happy about a job well done. You are an attractive woman and I like you. We should celebrate together, eh?"

This is a charming and persuasive as Mack can get, so if she still balks, he will try to enlist Mir's aid with her Jedi Voodoo to help him out. After this trip and mission, the soldier has been way too long without female company and he is getting pretty randy.

<<Persuasion (1d20+1=21), He shoots and scores! Maybe.>>

[sblock=Mini Stats]DP: 2 (Rescue) FP: 3
Init: +8 Perception: +9
HP: 39 (15 Threshold) Current: 39
Reflex: 20 (18ff) Fort: 15 Will: 13
Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger CS


First Post
"You certainly are persistant," Okeefe replies to Mack's advances. "The answer's still no, though," she adds. "We'll be at our destination in a couple of hours, it's not that far." she states to Mack and the rest of the group.


Mir considers all that has happened on the planet. She goes through her thoughts in some quiet meditation. There was much to consider, many lessons learned.

Voidrunner's Codex

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