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JA's upcoming game - The Borderland Keep


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How about a Druid? A bit of natural religion way out there, and a healthy respect for nature. tempering the village building by avoiding destruction of the natural environment?

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J. Alexander

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Max hit points at the first two levels
all others need to be rolled

yes you can use your base gold and magic gold anyway you want.

you will need steeds for sure....i will let everyone have a riding horse and three weeks rations


My magus Heinz will have low Cha (magus is powerful but multiple ability score dependent) but will probably hit on her anyway :)

JA: Can I upgrade the riding horse to a warhorse for an extra 225 gp? I'm mainly doing this for the higher horse AC, and getting barding too. Regular horses are fragile compared to 5th level PCs.

Also, the spell infernal healing has a material component of a drop of devil's blood. There is no listed cost. Can I assume that my spell component pouch will - as usual with material components - provide an ample supply? Thanks.

[sblock=Aldin Stonehallow]
[sblock=Game Info]
Race: Dwarf
Class: Fighter 5
Favored class: Fighter
Level: 5
Experience: x
Alignment: CG
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Deity: None [/sblock]
STR 16 [+3]
DEX 14 [+2]
CON 16 [+3]
INT 9 [-1]
WIS 16 [+3]
CHA 8 [-1]

[sblock=Ability score math]
STR: 16 (10)
DEX: 14 (5)
CON: 14(5)+racial
INT: 9 (-1)
WIS: 14 (5)+racial
CHA: 10-racial[/sblock]
HP: 60 = 20 [first two HD max] +20 [HD 3,4,5] + 15 (3CON*5=15) + 5 fav. class
AC: 25 = 10 + 2DEX + 9 Armor + 2 Enhancement + 2 Shield
AC Touch: 12 = 10 + 2DEX
AC Flatfooted: 23 = 10 + 9 Armor + 2 Enhancement + 2 Shield

INIT: +2 = +2 (DEX)

BAB: +5
CMB: +9 = +3STR + 5 (BAB) + 1 Weapon Training
CMD: 20 = 10 + 5 (BAB) +3STR + 2DEX

Fort: +7 = +4 (base) + 3 (stat) + 0 (misc)
Reflex: +3 = +1 (base) + 2 (stat) + 0 (misc)
Will: +4 = +1 (base) + 3 (stat) + 0 (misc)

Speed: 20'
Damage Reduction: none
Spell Resistance: none[/sblock]

[sblock=Weapon Stats]
Dwarven Waraxe (melee): +11 = +5 (BAB) +3STR +1 Weapon Training +1 Weapon Focus +1 Enhancement (1d10+5)
[sblock=Racial Traits]
# Darkvision 60'
Defensive Training: Dwarves get a +4 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the giant subtype.
Lorekeeper: Dwarves keep extensive records about their history and the world around them. Dwarves with this racial trait receive a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (history) skill checks that pertain to dwarves or their enemies. They can make such skill checks untrained.
Hatred: Dwarves receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the orc and goblinoid subtypes due to special training against these hated foes.
Hardy: Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
Stability: Dwarves receive a +4 racial bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground.
Stonecunning: Dwarves receive a +2 bonus on Perception checks to potentially notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. They receive a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they are actively looking.
Weapon Familiarity: Dwarves are proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a martial weapon.
Languages: Dwarves begin play speaking Common and Dwarven. Dwarves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Terran, and Undercommon.

[sblock=Class Features]
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A fighter is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, light, and medium) and shields (including tower shields).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, and at every even level thereafter, a fighter gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement (meaning that the fighter gains a feat at every level). These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as combat feats, sometimes also called “fighter bonus feats.”
Upon reaching 4th level, and every four levels thereafter (8th, 12th, and so on), a fighter can choose to learn a new bonus feat in place of a bonus feat he has already learned. In effect, the fighter loses the bonus feat in exchange for the new one. The old feat cannot be one that was used as a prerequisite for another feat, prestige class, or other ability. A fighter can only change one feat at any given level and must choose whether or not to swap the feat at the time he gains a new bonus feat for the level.
Bravery (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a fighter gains a +1 bonus on Will saves against fear. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 2nd.
Armor Training (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, a fighter learns to be more maneuverable while wearing armor. Whenever he is wearing armor, he reduces the armor check penalty by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and increases the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by his armor by 1. Every four levels thereafter (7th, 11th, and 15th), these bonuses increase by +1 each time, to a maximum –4 reduction of the armor check penalty and a +4 increase of the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed.
In addition, a fighter can also move at his normal speed while wearing medium armor. At 7th level, a fighter can move at his normal speed while wearing heavy armor.
Weapon Training (Ex): Starting at 5th level, a fighter can select one group of weapons, as noted below. Whenever he attacks with a weapon from this group, he gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls.
Every four levels thereafter (9th, 13th, and 17th), a fighter becomes further trained in another group of weapons. He gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls when using a weapon from this group. In addition, the bonuses granted by previous weapon groups increase by +1 each. For example, when a fighter reaches 9th level, he receives a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with one weapon group and a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls with the weapon group selected at 5th level. Bonuses granted from overlapping groups do not stack. Take the highest bonus granted for a weapon if it resides in two or more groups.
A fighter also adds this bonus to any combat maneuver checks made with weapons from this group. This bonus also applies to the fighter's Combat Maneuver Defense when defending against disarm and sunder attempts made against weapons from this group.

Axes: battleaxe, dwarven waraxe, greataxe, handaxe, heavy pick, light pick, orc double axe, and throwing axe.

Armor Mastery (Ex): At 19th level, a fighter gains DR 5/— whenever he is wearing armor or using a shield.
Weapon Mastery (Ex): At 20th level, a fighter chooses one weapon, such as the longsword, greataxe, or longbow. Any attacks made with that weapon automatically confirm all critical threats and have their damage multiplier increased by 1 (×2 becomes ×3, for example). In addition, he cannot be disarmed while wielding a weapon of this type.

Level 1 (Fighter): Combat Expertise
Level 1: Power Attack
Level 2 (Fighter): Combat Reflexes
Level 3: Cleave
Level 4 (Fighter): Weapon Focus - Dwarven Waraxe
Level 5: Great Cleave
Skill Points: 5 = 5*[2base -1INT]
Max Ranks: 5
Skill List:
Intimidate: +4 = +2 (ranks) -1 (modifier) + 3 (class skill)
Climb: +1 = +2 (ranks) +3 (mod) + 3 (class skill) - 7 (armor penalty)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering): +7 = +1 (ranks) + 3 (mod) + 3 (class skill)

Item Cost Weight
+2 Full Plate Armor
+1 Dwarven Waraxe
Heavy Steel Shield
Trail Rations x5 2gp, 5sp 5lb
Mount: Horse w/ saddle
Dust of Dryness x2
Elixir of Truth
Feather Token, bird
Wealth 2,600g in gemstones
[sblock=Fluff Details]
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: brown
Skin Color: Tan
Appearance: A brutish looking dwarf with a long, unkempt beard and hair that falls down to his shoulders in wild tangles. He is rarely seen without his suit of rusted platemail and chipped waraxe.

Demeanor: Aldin is almost always drunk, or at least seems to be. Those closest to him know that the rowdy facade masks a wise and fiercely loyal warrior.

Background: Aldin, middle son of Lord Haydron Stonehallow, lived a charmed life in the mountain halls of his ancestral home. He spent his life training to be a warrior, but his training was cut short when his home was invaded by a horde of marauding creatures. With Bronzebarrow Manor occupied by monsters, the young dwarf fled in terror, bringing with him only his training axe and an unwieldy set of armor.

He set off into the world, always doing his utmost to forget his the screams of his family and the howls of the wild goblins' slaughter. Over time, Aldin became a mercenary, honing his skills and accumulating a moderate amount of wealth.

And one day, after two decades of absence from his home, Aldin returned to Bronzebarrow. He let out a grunt of fury and kicked in the heavy door. Two days later, he emerged - caked in blood, carrying the head of the goblin chieftain. Aldin collected what loot he could, then sealed the barrow until he could restore it to its former glory.

[sblock=Adventure Log] none yet [/sblock]
[sblock=Level Ups] none [/sblock][/sblock]

[sblock=Mini Stat Block]

HP: 60/60
AC: 25, Touch 12, Flat Footed 23
Initiative: +2
CMB: +9
CMD: 20
Fort: +7
Ref: +3
Will +4
Speed 20'

Perception +0

dies at -16[/sblock]
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I'll try to get my PC concept put together over the next couple of days. I've wasted all my free time for the week working on my PC for Scotley's game, and my PC for your "Princes Own" game. :)


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JA: I am currently considering a DEX Fighter build but its dependent on the Dervish Dance feat. Which is in the PFSRD but not not part of the Core Rules. No sweat if this isn't allow, I'll just go with a Sword and Shield build.


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Question (for helping me determine favored enemy):

Do we know what type of enemies are most common in the area of the keep? Generally speaking. Are we on the "frontier" so wild animals are common? Are orcs or giants common in the area? What type of terrain is the keep located in (hills? forests?)?

Basically just asking for some basic knowledge about the keep, its whereabouts, etc.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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