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Players: Do you wear/carry "props" to the game?


DMs often use some kind of prop for a game, but how about Players? Have you, as a Player, ever worn or used any props for a game?

When I played a paladin PC, I would often wear a t-shirt that said, "Don't make me smite you."

When I played a wizard with a frog familiar, I'd bring a frog plush toy to the game table.

In a Battletech campaign, when my character drove an Atlas mech, I had Black Sabbath's "Iron Man" on my phone. Whenever it was my turn to move, I played the song while taking my move.


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I have a few gaming related t-shirts I wear only while gaming.

Way back when I started, my mom made me some leather gaming related accessories which in turn look like gaming props:
a leather double-book cover (holds 2 PH sized books, looks like a big spellbook)
a leather dice pouch (which thusly, looks like a standard D&D pouch)
a leather pencil case (looks like a small scroll-base)

I also have a bamboo map case, that I keep all the gaming maps in.

I made a leather document case (like the one from the 2nd Pirates movie that had the Letters of mark). Lost it at RenFair :(

I have a Folkmanis Raven puppet that I used for my gnome Conjurer's familiar. Crass was more interesting than the gnome.

Each regular player in my group has a token that represents them for initiative. The token has carved on it, some symbol representing them or their most favorite PC. Mine is made from deer antler and was made by my first GM.

I have never dressed up in full renfair costume. Nor do I wear a cloak when I GM.


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I always find a leather (or fake) notebook for spell lists when playing a caster.

I've given out props as a GM quite a bit... but other than the above example, can't really think of any I've done as a player. Might have to rectify that situation soon!

Voidrunner's Codex

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