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Building a stealth Gestalt Changeling


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After a long discussion (more like an argument) with my fellow players and DM my last idea for a sniper was turned down. So I have come up with a new character concept, but since my knowledge of this kind of character is limited I thought I would ask for some help.

My Idea is to utilize the power of the Changeling. I want a character who Majors in infiltration and minors in stealth and thievery. I also want to make sure that I'm not useless in a fight.

So I'm asking is for any suggestions for classes,weapons,equipment, and anything else you may find relevant to my character.

And if it helps i will tell you what my teammates are doing so you get a better understanding of what my team does.

Teammate 1

Human monk/fighter then going into Bloodhound/Justiciar.

Teammate 2

Human Ninja/Rogue

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Jack Simth

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Ah... how strong do you want him to be? The Changing Factotum//Wizard can do wonders, for instance, and will be quite a skilled infiltrator / sneak (skills and magic).

A Beguiler, out of the box, is very good for your primary. Secondary, just add anything combat-capable; warblade, maybe.


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human spellthief(1)/conjurer(5)/unseen seer(4)/arcane trickster(10)
//sneak attack fighter(20)

feats: able learner, master spellthief, darkstalker, craven


On the non-wizard (or whatever caster you pick) side, be sure to do 1-4 levels in Warshaper. It adds a ton of versatility and defense for combat.

Whatever you do, I suggest having some rogue levels. Possibly martial rogue for feats if you don't care about sneak attacking (I wouldn't). You want your first level in rogue to take advantage of the awesome 10 + int skill points being multiplied by 4, and the trapfinding (which you can just get from factotum levels afterwards if you want) replacement is very good for social skill use.

Be sure to pick up darkstalker feat from Lords of Madness, it's essential for being sneaky. If your caster side should get you telepathy (dip mindbender 1, for example), you can also get the Mind Sight feat from LoM and gain what's effectively mental radar out to 100 ft. You auto-detect anything that has an int score, basically, and instantly learn its creature type and int score.


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Being an infiltrator can be done with role playing, the proper skill set, and a high enough Dexterity modifier.

As for being effective in combat, take a two level dip in Rouge with Ranger for two-weapon fighting and evasion, your favored enemy being undead or construct as they are immune to sneak attack. Afterwards, take Swordsage with the Sneak Attack Fighter variant from Unearthed Arcana.


ohh... Changeling Stealth, have I got some suggestions for you.

I made a Changeling/Half Doppelganger villain once who specialized in always surviving and escaping pursuit. He made use of a few PrC's that a changeling can really capitalize upon.

-Warshaper from Complete Warrior. Take 4 levels, the 5th level will not serve you. Gain immunity to stunning and critical hits, natural weapons, a +4 to your STR and CON, the ability to stretch your limbs to an extra 5' reach for attacks, and fast healing 2 or the ability to heal 10hp with a full round and a concentration check. These abilities will help you survive.

-Cabinet Trickster from Races of Eberron. Take all 5 levels. Gain the ability to Detect Thoughts a few times a day to at will at level 5, a bunch of awesome mind tricks on opponents to Daze, Disrupt, Confuse or Stun an opponent who's thoughts you are detecting, gain a bonus to bluff, intimidate and sense motive, 2 bonus feats from a short list that are helpful for changelings, including some stealthy, and an advanced Change Shape ability. These abilities will help you be anyone, pursuade anyone, read thoughts, and do Jedi mind tricks.

-Mindspy from Complete Warrior. Take 4 or 5 levels. Once you gain the at will Detect Thoughts ability you can qualify for this PrC. Gain the ability to apply Charisma to AC if your Detect Thoughts of your target, keep Detect Thoughts going as a free action while doing other things, Detect Thoughts in a sphere all around you, so even targets you can't see, a faster Detect Thoughts effect, Detect 2 or 4 different minds at the same time. All of these abilities allow you to use your Jedi mind tricks against more opponents.

This build will allow you to read the thoughts of an opponent and use that to your advantage in a variety of ways. You'll also develop physical abilities that will help you surprise your opponents and survive. Keep in mind the level 4 Warshaper ability, the fast healing and super-fast healing ability allows you to hide behind a corner, take a few rounds to rest up, and recover most of your HP.

...and all of that can simply be one side of your Gestalt. Factotum should be on the other side.
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First off looks like you will be going into the Gestalt builds, so you can actually have a situation where you have the best of both worlds for your PrCs. Rogue is always a good Gestalt choice, along with spellcasting as your secondary. You may also gain the ability to really boost up your spellcasting with various methods, though Cabinet Trickster and Mindspy are always good (and can be placed around each other on a 5-level scale, huzzah!)

Give me a bit to work it out, as I have some major issues with concentration right now.




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You WANT casting. Hide is good. Hide + Invisibility is better. Bluff is good. Bluff + Glibness is better. Disguise is good. Disguise + Alter Self or Polymorph is better. Forgery? Why not do it with Fabricate to replicate any sort of watermark or elaborate seal.

Unseen Seer is of questionable legality in Gestalt due to being essentially a rogue/wizard hybred class. See if you can take it anyway, even if you have to drop the SA you get from it. The 2 abilities you get, the Non-Detection at level 5 and the Expanded Learning abilities are both priceless. Divine Insight (CDivine) is an AMAZING buff for that one skill check you just have to make. Hunters Eye (PHBII) is a Ranger spell that essentially doubles your SA dice for a round. Very good things to pick up, without a doubt.

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