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Mass Effect 3 (SPOILERS!)

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You take that back!

Liara was by far the most interesting of the team-mates. I will not have you speaking ill of the eternity that I have embraced!
I assure you I meant "dull quantoid" in the nicest possible way.

Here's the IGN ME3 spoliercast. Covers a lot of the yin and yang about the ending controversy, as well as the popular unofficial theory ("it's all a dream!). It's pretty long, so get settled in.

<object id="vid_07b4f3c1a250226ee0fd2b51480b4869" class="ign-videoplayer" width="640" height="391" data="http://oystatic.ignimgs.com/src/core/swf/IGNPlayer.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"><param name="movie" value="http://oystatic.ignimgs.com/src/core/swf/IGNPlayer.swf" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" /><param name="flashvars" value="url=http://www.ign.com/videos/2012/03/26/ign-live-presents-mass-effect-3-spoilercast"/></object>
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So I finally finished it... after a delay caused by the death of my original model 60GB PS3 and the hairbreadth escape of my ME3 save file onto an external drive just before it completely gave up the ghost.

Overall, I really enjoyed the game. And the ending... well, I thought it was fine, with caveats.

As the series progressed, it became clear the ending was going to involve deus ex machina. After the end of the Arrival DLC, where the size of the Reaper fleet is revealed, it became a dead certainty, and I adjusted my expectations of the finale accordingly.

I was pleasantly surprised by the way it played out. I thought the explanation of the Reapers was an interesting spin on the "ancient machine evil" convention. The final choice I made --forcing the Singularity on every major space-faring race-- was ballsy, partially horrific, and yet both moral and fitting with the way I played Shepard, as a somewhat naive intergalactic "community organizer". Someone alive during a time of enormous change for both the human race and the other civilizations of the galaxy. Someone who embraced those changes.

Since I full well expected the end would involve some sort of MacGuffin, I was glad to see it wasn't merely an ancient superweapon with a big red button marked "press to destroy Reapers".

My complaints about the ending were more technical (and less thematic): the end missions are uninspired, we don't see enough of the various War Assets in use via cutscenes --why scrimp on cinematics here?-- staggering Shepard post-Beam isn't dramatic, it's just annoying, and there simply isn't enough post-final choice. I didn't need a 20 minute montage, I just needed... more.

The Normandy's crash on Eden 2.0 didn't bother me, and neither did the epilogue. But neither did they add much.

All in all, a good end to the series, with a lot of thrilling sequences and some truly wonderful grace notes -- I'll remember Mordin's final, interrupted song, Legion and Tali on Rannoch, and target shooting with Garrus on top of the Citadel council building for a long time.

Oh, and EDI calling Joker on his bulls*t. I'm still chuckling over that line.
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First Post
I was pleasantly surprised by the way it played out. I thought the explanation of the Reapers was an interesting spin on the "ancient machine evil" convention. The final choice I made --forcing the Singularity on every major space-faring race-- was ballsy, partially horrific, and yet both moral and fitting with the way I played Shepard, as a somewhat naive intergalactic "community organizer".
If you enoyed that, might want to check out Dan Simmons' "Hyperion". Pretty safe bet that it influenced ME to some degree.

Since I full well expected the end would involve some sort of MacGuffin, I was glad to see it wasn't merely an ancient superweapon with a big red button marked "press to destroy Reapers".
It wasn't???

Oh, I see what you mean. There was also a green button and blue button as well. They all pretty much do the same thing, you know. :)
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First Post
If you enoyed that, might want to check out Dan Simmons' "Hyperion". Pretty safe bet that it influenced ME to some degree.
Ooh, really? That's neat. Hyperion is easily one of my favorite novels.

I actually bought Mass Effect 1 and started playing it, but's it was crashing on me all the time, so I lost interest pretty early. Maybe it was caused by my venerable machine, though. I'll have to retry playing it once I got a new pc.


I actually bought Mass Effect 1 and started playing it, but's it was crashing on me all the time, so I lost interest pretty early. Maybe it was caused by my venerable machine, though. I'll have to retry playing it once I got a new pc.

I've heard it had a lot of bugs in it when it was first brought out but that they've all been ironed out since. When I bought it, I had very few problems with it and considered it to be one of the most stable games I'd ever played.


If you enoyed that, might want to check out Dan Simmons' "Hyperion". Pretty safe bet that it influenced ME to some degree.
I've read all four. And yeah, the ME writers were definitely influenced by Simmons; the whole inevitable organic/AI conflict played out over eons, the destruction of the farcaster network, probably more.

It wasn't???
The button also had 2nd function - piss off a chunk of the fanbase!

They all pretty much do the same thing, you know. :)
I try to not think about that. :)

Also -- thanks for the semi-spoiler in the spoiler-free thread. I was about to lock myself out of a bunch of early Citadel missions until I read your post.
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Argyle King

I am still struggling to have Mass Effect make sense to me. I'm pretty much the only person I know in my circle of friends who is not a fan. I've tried giving it a shot; I'm currently working my way through ME2. There's a lot of the story that doesn't seem to fit together in a coherent way.

Currently, I'm a little baffled as to why I'd agree to work with Cerberus.

I'm pretty bummed that there's not really any interaction with characters from the first game too.


Currently, I'm a little baffled as to why I'd agree to work with Cerberus.
Because nobody else is doing anything about the Reaper threat. So you can sit on your hands and fret about it, or you can ally with your enemy against the greater threat. Without Cerberus, Shepard is just a really pissed off ex-soldier. He has no rank, no privilege, no resources, no crew, no team-mates no Normandy. What would you have him do? Throw rocks at the Reapers?

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