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Ask an OTTer

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If I see people I think are misbehaving in a store, I don't feel it's unfair to tell an employee, rather than talk to the people myself. I'll let the store handle how to proceed. I'm taking that same mindset to this site: if I think posters are out of line, I just report them to the mods, rather than try to self-police. I've been admonished once (years ago) for playing moderator; I now avoid doing that.

This isn't a store, though. You're not going to get punched in the face for saying something out of turn. :p

By the way, I'm not asking anyone play at being a mod, I'm simply asking that we talk about what we can talk about.Remember, we're new here and we come from a very different place. We're not gonna understand the culture if people don't engage and they'll never understand us either.

Also, most posters aren't up for any sort of criticism of their posts. The OP was pretty civil, and expressed that you guys might come off as abrasive. In the spirit of civil discourse, I thought I'd give my thoughts on it. The OP seemed more receptive to this sort of thing than normal. If that's not the case, I'll likely bow out of the thread soon enough.

I'm the OP. :p Hmm ... maybe this is just another culture difference.

Well, I was kind of hoping it would solve something, but I'd definitely prefer civil discourse, yes. Which probably means questions for posters going both ways, like what will hopefully be happening in this thread.

Solve something how? Honestly curious - I was told earlier that some seem to hope that we'll be forced to only deal with ourselves until we become bored enough to make a mistake that the mods find big enough to excise us from the site completely. Yes, someone actually told me that. That's not your aim, is it? It doesn't appear so. But that's the sort of thing I'm trying to work against with this thread (and I thank you for your participation). As you can see it's not as though people are giving us much of a chance.

EDIT: That actually brings a question for you to mind: What sort of people post here? I mean, we take all sorts of poo for our posting style and yet it seems perfectly acceptable to plenty of folks here to actively try to get people removed from the site and to do so clandestinely. To me, that's a lot crappier behavior than anything we've exhibited.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
Why so serious?

I can catch this one: It isn't serious. It is respectful. There's a difference.

EN World operates on the basic principle that reasonable discussion (our basic goal) cannot happen without a modicum of respect between the speakers.

Out on the internet, there are a whole lot of people who are more than happy to spend their time making fun of others, trolling, and generally being jerks. There are enough of such people that you cannot expect folks to assume you aren't one. You have to demonstrate it by how you behave, by showing that respect.

Unfortunately, how some of you guys have chosen to interact, to those who don't know you, is indistinguishable from the usual form of disrespectful internet jerkitude.

Maybe, among established friends, that form of interaction can be acceptable. But it will generally fail with folks who are strangers. You won't get away with it among the general populace here until after you've spent effort showing that really, you're an okay dude.
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Mod Squad
Staff member
It is unfair whether you like it or not. You've decided to actively try and get us in trouble rather than communicate your issues to us in an effort to either understand us or get us to conform more closely to what you're used to. That's not fair and it's unfair to us both.

Dude, gently, please. This thread will absolutely fail if you engage in this way.

In order to work, this has to be a "ask a question, get an honest answer" thread. If it becomes the "argue and browbeat people about how their answer was wrong" thread, all you'll do is create acrimony, rather than work through issues.


Mod Squad
Staff member
EDIT: That actually brings a question for you to mind: What sort of people post here?

Just normal people. Folks who like civil conversation. Folks who like being treated with respect.

I mean, we take all sorts of poo for our posting style and yet it seems perfectly acceptable to plenty of folks here to actively try to get people removed from the site and to do so clandestinely. To me, that's a lot crappier behavior than anything we've exhibited.

There's nothing "clandestine" about it. He's just using the normal operating procedure. We have the "Report a Post" function for a reason.

We specifically ask users to report posts they find problematic. It is up to the moderation staff to judge if it is acceptable, rather than the individual user. We have found, over the years, that allowing two sides to beat the metaphorical snot out of each other in disagreements to be detrimental to the site - issues become battles of egos, and in text those battles never end. So, we ask folks to not start the battle in the first place.

There is nothing at all sneaky or underhanded about it. This is just our policy, and we are quite public about it.


Naked and living in a barrel
I can catch this one: It isn't serious. It is respectful. There's a difference.

EN World operates on the basic principle that reasonable discussion (our basic goal) cannot happen without a modicum of respect between the speakers.

Out on the internet, there are a whole lot of people who are more than happy to spend their time making fun of others, trolling, and generally being jerks. There are enough of such people that you cannot expect folks to assume you aren't one. You have to demonstrate it by how you behave, by showing that respect.

Unfortunately, how some of you guys have chosen to interact, to those who don't know you, is indistinguishable from the usual form of disrespectful internet jerkitude.

Maybe, among established friends, that form of interaction can be acceptable. But it will generally fail with folks who are strangers. You won't get away with it among the general populace here until after you've spent effort showing that really, you're an okay dude.
That is pretty much how I am in real life. Co-workers call me weird. My sister says to her kids "say hello to uncle weirdo". It is not a question of being on the internet or not. I'm actually more mild here, no baby rape jokes or shared anecdotes about sleeping with a sleep walker. Hehehe.

People need to understand that being playful or silly is not trolling or disrespectful. It is just being playful or silly. I understand that a mod button gives a sense of entitlement that people do not have in real life, suddenly they have the right to be offended and have "justice". Except people shouldn't expect to be able to standardize people according to their preferences. We are all different and this is in part what makes the interwebz interesting.

If people find me abrasive, they can ignore me and I shouldn't be harassed with people reporting anything they do not like.


First Post
Dude, gently, please. This thread will absolutely fail if you engage in this way.

In order to work, this has to be a "ask a question, get an honest answer" thread. If it becomes the "argue and browbeat people about how their answer was wrong" thread, all you'll do is create acrimony, rather than work through issues.

dood, that was gentle. Seriously bro, all I did was make my point and I did so without any undue rage or exaggeration of emotion or accusation or ... anything. Can you tell me what, exactly, was the problem with what I said or how I said it? I honest to whatever god you believe in haven't the first clue.

I believe I've been as open as I said I'd be so far. I'm willing to listen and have. Hell, that's the entire point of this exercise. That doesn't mean I can't disagree with someone and voice that dissent, however. If you notice I even explained how I believed that what I said was unfair was unfair to both parties. Cuz it is.

Just normal people. Folks who like civil conversation. Folks who like being treated with respect.

Well that respect thing - as we've gone over before - is a two way deal. I had just written an elaboration but I deleted it. This isn't the place. Suffice it to say some people here are not behaving respectfully toward us and, well, nobody here seems to care too much about it. What ya'all say you want and what ya'all act like you want are two different things. Oh, that 'ya'all' is a general ya'all - some of y'ins are quite nice and fun to talk to.

There's nothing "clandestine" about it. He's just using the normal operating procedure. We have the "Report a Post" function for a reason.

We specifically ask users to report posts they find problematic. It is up to the moderation staff to judge if it is acceptable, rather than the individual user. We have found, over the years, that allowing two sides to beat the metaphorical snot out of each other in disagreements to be detrimental to the site - issues become battles of egos, and in text those battles never end. So, we ask folks to not start the battle in the first place.

There is nothing at all sneaky or underhanded about it. This is just our policy, and we are quite public about it.

And that's fair and no it's not clandestine. However, when someone comes out and says 'I'ma gonna ignore ya' and then doesn't, well, that is shady. Basically if you want to ignore me, ignore me.

Grr ... again with elaboration better suited to another venue. Short, vague form: Some people here say one thing and do another.

Now, does anyone have any questions? I know things got bogged down for a bit but, well, whatever. Ask away if you feel like it. I'm willing to answer and I'm sure the others are as well even in the face of ... the rest of this stuff.


First Post
What's an OTTer? Other than a semi aquatic mammal.

Great question! An OTTer is one of us refugees from the WotC boards ... which isn't terrible explanatory. Over there we had a favorite forum to hang out in - The Off Topic Tavern (OTT) cuz we didn't like talking about D&D constantly. Anyhoo, we all sort of met, found we had the same sort of style and adopted the name OTTer as a descriptor. There were more things we had, too, like the group that didn't exist, Resident Titles and HoT tags. All, alas, are gone but the name. I think we'll probably keep it forever. It means a lot to us cuz we've been friends (and enemies) for a long time and a lot of posts.

EDIT: Crap, forgot something uber important: It sounds clique-y as hell, I know, but it wasn't. To determine whether or not you were an OTTer we simply asked you if you felt like one. If you did then welcome aboard. Want a Resident Title? Ask someone what they think we should call you or just give yourself one. Want a HoT tag? Same process - we didn't care. The entire point, really, was to get a ton of different viewpoints out of a group of people that posted in a similar manner and liked to talk about the same sort of stuff.


As I should not have attempted to address the concerns in the halloween thread, this thread may or may not be a better venue.

I have no doubt that whatever I bring up will seem hypocritical. For whatever reason, older members of the forum can get away with some of these things. I don't think its intentional bias, but we do get a little more slack IF WE"RE CAREFUL.

Please consider this as my take on how I avoid trouble on EN World. The post examples I might make would be perfectly fine somewhere else. I do better when I follow them, than when I don't.

A lot of the risky subjects is religion and politics. Once a post smells like a jab at one of these, your chance of getting a warning go up.

Personally, I avoid words like liberal or conservative as most people recognize them as substitutes for political parties, which tends to get into politics. there's almost no need to ever say 'only a liberal/conservative would think that" or anything in that vein.

Calling things by the proper name instead of slang is also a good idea. I can't say Jap when talking about the bombing of Pearl Harbor. I need to spell it out, to afford the proper respect as somebody else may take offense. hence why I might think using "guberment" is a slight against the governmental body it was substituted in for. this might seem trivial, but somebody asked me to stop using the term Wallet Rape on here, and I did, even though I didn't like it.

It's also bad form around here to argue with the red or orange text of a Mod. they use those colors to signify they are Moddding, and not discussing. It's equally bad for somebody after that to keep jabbing at the Moddee. So if the Mod tells you to stop cheesing, it's bad for for me to chime in afterward about how bad you are for cheesing.

Best practice after recieving a mod post is to post an apology (and try not to explain your previous reasoning, that never works well), or to resume discussion of the original topic under new behavior. Posting any kind of laughter message after getting a mod implies you don't respect the warning or that you're posts that others took seriously were really a joke you were playing. That's trolling, and it's not good to look like that.

Another rule of thumb is to leave bad arguments in their respective threads. I can disagree strongly with Umbran in one thread, while agreeing with him in another. Treat each thread (as best you can) like Las Vegas. that gets hard at times, especially when one thread seems related to another. If you've only got a negative point to bring in from the other thread, leave it behind or you'll bring the bad taste with it.

In an oppositional argument, try to acknowledge a valid point the other side makes. EN World is not debate team. There's no score. There's more honor in saying "while I still favor my position, you do raise a valid point in XYZ." Nobody's ideas or values are perfect. We all have our little hypocrisies like hating messy sandwiches but liking sloppy joes. To recognize the other side's point as significant shows that you are listening and considering new information, which on EN World is the better goal of having discussions about tricky topics.

Avoid demonstrating Oppositional Defiance behavior. Posting in absolute opposition to somebody's well reasoned position makes discussion feel like a troll thread or arguing with a mad man. Now I suppose in any argument, well reasoned or not is in the eye of the beholder. And this is in the crux of why we avoid politics, because people polarize and just can't accept the other side. It's a trap, so if you can detect you've fallen into it (one side or the other, backout respectfully).

Recognize expertise when it appears. We have subject matter experts on here. We have know-it-alls who actually do know a lot (I am one, but Umbran always knows more than me). Everybody knows stuff, but experts really do know more. Once an expert starts spouting their technobabble in the correct syntax, stop arguing with them about the quality of their facts. It just ain't worth it, and honestly, they are usually right. And by correct syntax, I mean they are talking like an expert in that subject would talk. Once Danny the lawyer starts talking like a lawyer, assume what he's saying is correct enough for forum discussion purposes and move on to other points. I know it can feel like losing a few ego points as if you're giving in to them, but the reality is an expert knows his material better, and the point should be learning what they know to shape your future dealings, not arguing them down.

Be prepared to lose the argument or change your mind. I know I've seen somebody get mad that "I moved the goalposts", but the reality is, if somebody raises a reasonable number of valid points against my proposed viewpoint, I'm willing to change my mind. My thread track record in here is chock full of "prove this idea is wrong" threads and I think I "lost" every one of them. If all parties are so insistent that they need to convince the other, then nobody's actually going to change. That pretty much makes discussion or raising points a useless activity. I can't make you listen and change your mind, but I can accept some valid point of yours into your world view.

Another danger vector is Sarcasm. it translates poorly into written text. Even with the smilies. Kind of like using the preface of "No offense, but" as it always leads to something offensive. there's probably some people with the skill to use them at the right time, but for the majority, I'd steer clear as they don't add clarity to a post, given they inherently have a meaning different than the words used.

That's a lot of words. If they are helpful, great. If you think I'm picking on you, I apologize as that was not my intent. If you think some other people don't follow them, well that's on them, not you.


Do OTTers generally prefer to argue rather than discuss? It does seem to me that some folks would, indeed, rather pick a fight for the hell of it rather than simply discuss a topic for better understanding. Is my impression of you correct, or am I misreading? (On a different forum, years ago, there was a clique who claimed the forum was their own personal Fight Club, and they were open and up front about it.)


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