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Conan makes a whoopsie

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First Post
Unless you're talking about the movies. In that case only the first one rule. The second one was terrible, and the remake was meh. It could have been better, but it felt as if they cut scenes out and rushed it.

Shhh! I'm trying to get along!! :p

But yeah, only the first one is good. Red Sonja is sorta ok and you're right about the remake. It really did have potential. It's sad that it ended up the way it did. And what's the deal with casting Rose McGowan in order to ugly her up?

Shhh! I'm trying to get along!! :p

But yeah, only the first one is good. Red Sonja is sorta ok and you're right about the remake. It really did have potential. It's sad that it ended up the way it did. And what's the deal with casting Rose McGowan in order to ugly her up?

the first one is one of the greatest fantasy movies of all time. I liked the destroyer but no match for the first. red sonja never really did it for me. But the new one I rather liked, and i thought rose mcgowan was quite good (i was kind of glad they did sucg an extreme make up job on her, it just seemed to work).


First Post
the first one is one of the greatest fantasy movies of all time. I liked the destroyer but no match for the first. red sonja never really did it for me. But the new one I rather liked, and i thought rose mcgowan was quite good (i was kind of glad they did sucg an extreme make up job on her, it just seemed to work).

I just think she's too hawt to not be hawt, yanno? :p

Overall I did like the new one but it was edited so, so badly that it ruined it. I think the script was ok enough that it could have really lived up to its namesake but that they tossed half the movie on the cutting room floor and made it too choppy to really work. It jumped all over the place and lost a lot of structure because of it. To me, it looks like they had about 2 to 3 movies worth of material that they tried to cram into one. The editing process really let it down and it's a shame.

I just think she's too hawt to not be hawt, yanno? :p

Overall I did like the new one but it was edited so, so badly that it ruined it. I think the script was ok enough that it could have really lived up to its namesake but that they tossed half the movie on the cutting room floor and made it too choppy to really work. It jumped all over the place and lost a lot of structure because of it. To me, it looks like they had about 2 to 3 movies worth of material that they tried to cram into one. The editing process really let it down and it's a shame.

i can't say i noticed the editing issue. But i am sure there is a director's cut out there somewhere, so there may be a version available that fits your expectations more. I wouldv't say it was the greatest film ever, but it was a good fantasy movie.

with mcgowan, i found her very charismatic in that role, just a great villain. Up there with helen mirren from excaliber.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Unless you're talking about the movies. In that case only the first one rule. The second one was terrible, and the remake was meh. It could have been better, but it felt as if they cut scenes out and rushed it.

I think the latest version started out pretty good, had a decent buildup, but then kind of got goofy as it reached the end.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Does a first grader really know what 'kill all the Chinese' means? It was just a stunt performed by a child - a demographic known for risk taking and attention seeking. I doubt seriously that the child actually thought his suggested solution was a workable one. We have to stop judging him as though he did. Context: It's important. Humor: Not everything someone says is something the mean 100% - especially if it's said for the sake of humor.

I agree that the kid almost certainly doesn't understand the ramifications of genocide or mean that we really should kill all the Chinese. But it's an unfortunate direction for the topic to go. It's kind of hard to make something really funny once the awkwardness of mass death comes up.

Dog Moon

I don't really want to get into this, but I think this needs some clarification. polygyny is very, very rare among Muslims (well under 10%). It is also debated within the religion itself and some schools of thought argue it is actually not permitted by the quran (the quran explicitly mentions having up to four wives, i believe it does so once) but the argument is this was an effort to phase out polygamy by placing restrictions on it, and its intention was to eliminate the practice. Not everyone shares this view but some Muslim countries have banned the practice on those grounds. Still it is defended as being supported by the quran by others. There are other religious arguments against polygyny based onfthe quran and hadith as well. Its a religion of the book like christianity and judaism, so like those faiths, it is often more complicated than finding one passage that supports an idea, they do comparative analysis with other suras on love, marriage, children, etc, even if those don't exlkicitly mention how many wives you can have. I still think conan's joke was religious and not racial, but this is a pretty involved topic.

The Quran does specify that you can have up to four wives. Approximately "have two or three or four wives but if you cannot treat them equally then have only one."

I have never heard anyone arguing that the Quran or Hadith say anything against having more than one wife, except that you should not have more than one if you cannot take care of them equally.

Dog Moon

Does a first grader really know what 'kill all the Chinese' means? It was just a stunt performed by a child - a demographic known for risk taking and attention seeking. I doubt seriously that the child actually thought his suggested solution was a workable one. We have to stop judging him as though he did. Context: It's important. Humor: Not everything someone says is something the mean 100% - especially if it's said for the sake of humor.

And if Kimmel said it marching with posters depicting him as Hitler would most certainly not be ok ... unless he actually meant it. See, Hitler didn't joke (important word) about genocide, he actually tried it. That's what some may consider an important difference. :p

I feel like you basically just agreed with me for the most part.

The Quran does specify that you can have up to four wives. Approximately "have two or three or four wives but if you cannot treat them equally then have only one."

I have never heard anyone arguing that the Quran or Hadith say anything against having more than one wife, except that you should not have more than one if you cannot take care of them equally.

I never said it didn't and i don't necessarily disagree with you (my original post on the subject was in disagreement with the same post you were responding to). I just think it is more nuanced than yuo presented it. Muslims not practicing polygyny isn't merely about not having the resources to support mutliple wives, there are religious grounds for being against it as well. One of the common arguments is that the quran's limit of no more than four wives was part of an effort to eventually eradicate the practice. This is an argument some muslims make. Another is (usually made citing other references to love and marriage in the quran) is that it is impossible to deal justly with more than one wife (and thatis one of the requirements placed on husbands in the passage dealing with having one to four wives. The argument is that because it is basically impossible to deal justly with more than one wife, the passage is actually against polygyny. There are a lot of different schools of thonght around these subjects in islam. That said many believe the limits placed on polygyny in the quran are just that, limits, an 1-4 wives is the correct number allowabl. My point was the religion is not monolothic, and there are differing interpretations of that passage.
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