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Original Star Wars actors to take center stage in new movie


Putting aisde for a second the fact that opinions are ENTIRELY subjective...

I quite liked both "Felicity" and "Alias", at least in the early going. (And there must be something to it, since they lasted 4 and 5 seasons respectively.)

And he had a helping hand in both "Lost" and "Fringe", at least in the early going.

And I also quite liked the first movie in the ST reboot.

Besides, I'll take "Lens Flares" over the Prequels anyday.

Still waiting for something good to be mentioned.
Why settle for either, when someone good could produce something, well, good?

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Two things the new Star Trek movies did right:

- The casting is damn near perfect. Given that it is impossible to make new movies with the original cast, and given that the decision was taken that the new films would indeed feature Kirk et al (which I grant was itself controversial), then it's hard to see how the roles could have been cast better. In particular, the scene where Kirk first sits down as captain of the Enterprise, Chris Pine looks like he was born to it; and Zachary Quinto is pretty much spot-on as Spock.

- They brought Star Trek back from the dead. After "Nemesis" and "Enterprise", it very much looked like Trek was done. Even if you hate absolutely everything else about the content of those two movies, at least now there is a chance someone can step in and produce something good. Five years ago, that looked far from certain.

No, he didn't.

In fact, I challenge anyone to point out something JJA has done that was actually good. Go ahead. Do research. I'll wait.
He saved Star Trek from itself. Prior to the JJ Abrams reboot, Star Trek had always been a preachy, plodding, boring, hokey, campy, hot mess.

He took the potential that had been squandered by idiots in the production chair for decades and made the first good content the franchise had ever seen.

Not saying JJ Abrams is the best thing ever, but he's pretty good.


First Post
Two things the new Star Trek movies did right:

- The casting is damn near perfect. Given that it is impossible to make new movies with the original cast, and given that the decision was taken that the new films would indeed feature Kirk et al (which I grant was itself controversial), then it's hard to see how the roles could have been cast better. In particular, the scene where Kirk first sits down as captain of the Enterprise, Chris Pine looks like he was born to it; and Zachary Quinto is pretty much spot-on as Spock.

- They brought Star Trek back from the dead. After "Nemesis" and "Enterprise", it very much looked like Trek was done. Even if you hate absolutely everything else about the content of those two movies, at least now there is a chance someone can step in and produce something good. Five years ago, that looked far from certain.

QFT. I do, though, think that Bones was cast the best. Still, the others are absolutely amazing as well.

He saved Star Trek from itself. Prior to the JJ Abrams reboot, Star Trek had always been a preachy, plodding, boring, hokey, campy, hot mess.

He took the potential that had been squandered by idiots in the production chair for decades and made the first good content the franchise had ever seen.

Not saying JJ Abrams is the best thing ever, but he's pretty good.

Bro, DS9 kicked some serious posterior. Er, after the first season or so anyway. It followed a similar path to Next Gen in that the shows got better once Sisko grew a beard (NG became good only once Riker grew his).

Heh. That could be. By the time DS9 was in its prime, I had pretty much abandoned the franchise. I'd seen all the movies, and liked the even numbered ones well enough, I suppose. The original series was too hokey and campy for me to ever take seriously, even when I was a kid and it was in heavy syndication on the three TV channels that we used to have prior to the prevalence of cable. I gave Next Generation and Voyager a try, and while they did some things well, overall, the experience wasn't worth it.

I could always see the potential in the franchise, but I never really saw it reach that potential until the JJA movies.

But DS9, huh? Maybe I'll check that out. Any chance it's on Netflix...? (Goes to check...)


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
But DS9, huh? Maybe I'll check that out. Any chance it's on Netflix...? (Goes to check...)

All of the Trek shows are on Netflix streaming. Even the cartoon.
And I heartily endorse DS9. I found it very enjoyable.

Some elements of Trek's preachiness (as mentioned in your previous post), I actually find endearing, particularly for the original show. I think it's very fitting for the time and, looking back on it, I think its attitude and tone enhance its historical significance.

Some elements of Trek's preachiness (as mentioned in your previous post), I actually find endearing, particularly for the original show. I think it's very fitting for the time and, looking back on it, I think its attitude and tone enhance its historical significance.
Not unsuprising from a fan. I never was one.

In general, I dislike preachiness in entertainment, even when I agree with the points that are being preachified. It doesn't make for very entertaining entertainment, and significantly distracts from structure required to make it entertaining. Plus, it's usually done very clumsily and ham-handedly.

When I disagree with the points that are being preachified, it's complete death.


First Post
Heh. That could be. By the time DS9 was in its prime, I had pretty much abandoned the franchise. I'd seen all the movies, and liked the even numbered ones well enough, I suppose. The original series was too hokey and campy for me to ever take seriously, even when I was a kid and it was in heavy syndication on the three TV channels that we used to have prior to the prevalence of cable. I gave Next Generation and Voyager a try, and while they did some things well, overall, the experience wasn't worth it.

I could always see the potential in the franchise, but I never really saw it reach that potential until the JJA movies.

But DS9, huh? Maybe I'll check that out. Any chance it's on Netflix...? (Goes to check...)

Next Gen and DS9 are pretty good. Voyager and Enterprise are kinda like the second and third Matrix movies. 'But there are no second and third Matrix movies', you say? Exactly.

I always liked the original series because of its campiness. My mom used to have me sit with her and watch 'em so I suppose that has a lot to do with why I still like those shows, too.

DS9 is sort of a rogue series. On the outskirts of the quadrant you can't always play by Starfleet's rules. And so they don't. My favorite episode sees the Starfleet captain in charge of the region start a war between the Dominion and the Romulans so that the Federation isn't wiped out. It's done as a Captain's Log entry that he deletes. It's a confession but in it he admits that he doesn't really care that what he did was wrong. Sort of the anti-Picard in that respect. Anyhoo, it's by far my favorite and I'm a fan of every Star Trek series made - Original Series, NG and DS9.

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