D&D 5E [Merged] D&D Next/5E Release Schedule Threads

Jeff Carlsen

Those sentences from Mike Mearls, said in such absolute yet simple terms, sound to me like a man who is not yet allowed to say the words "System Reference Document".

But, I could be wrong.

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Those sentences from Mike Mearls, said in such absolute yet simple terms, sound to me like a man who is not yet allowed to say the words "System Reference Document".

But, I could be wrong.
Seems like there are two main possibilities. Either the rules will be made available online to DDI subscribers, or there will be an SRD.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
So, spend $20 in July instead of waiting one month to get the full Player's Handbook? What's the point, unless you don't want to plop down $150 for the three main books and are happy to settle for just the starter set?

It's more than a player's handbook though. It has MM and DMG and adventure content. And it's in a format likely better to teach new players how to play.

And even if neither of those apply to you - it's $20 for an extra month of gaming goodness! (Actually, $16-$17 from Amazon). So friggen cheap, it's like a movie and popcorn for an entire D&D game!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
That explains running campaigns without a DMG or Monster Manual, but what about creating characters without PHB or Starter Set?

Like I said, character builder available at launch is the most likely meaning of that statement.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Like I said, character builder available at launch is the most likely meaning of that statement.

Just a guess, but I think the basic character generator for the starter set classes and races and abilities up to level 5 will be free, and then if you want to expand to encompass the PHB content and levels to 20 you pay a fee (maybe monthly), and then to add in content from another book you buy (or don't buy) you can pay a fee for that, etc.. So each book can have add-on subscriptions, with the base starter being free.

I think it will be an À la carte system - DM buying more usability than players, buy only the books you play with, etc..


Just a guess, but I think the basic character generator for the starter set classes and races and abilities up to level 5 will be free, and then if you want to expand to encompass the PHB content and levels to 20 you pay a fee (maybe monthly), and then to add in content from another book you buy (or don't buy) you can pay a fee for that, etc.. So each book can have add-on subscriptions, with the base starter being free.

I think it will be an À la carte system - DM buying more usability than players, buy only the books you play with, etc..

As I recall, that's how 4e worked. You had the character builder for free up to level 3. I could totally see a 5 level character builder for free and then pay wall after that. Seems pretty reasonable.


Can't say I'm a fan of simply naming it "Dungeons and Dragons." I can see a lot of confusion for novices getting into the game.

"Next" "Unity Edition" "5th Edition" "Heritage" "Legacy" "Revenge of the Flumph" or just about anything else would've been preferable to me.

Art looks great though.


I don't see any way that they cancel D&D Insider. It's too much of a moneymaker for them-- especially if they are cutting back on splats and whatnot like they have suggested. DDI is how they make their real continuous monthly cash.

If they have a 5E Character Builder and Compendium ready to go in August... then they can make the transition for everyone with current subscriptions just as soon as the game is released. And in fact... they might gain a whole heap of subscriptions if the Compendium includes monsters and optional rules that won't be appearing in book form for one to three months. That wouldn't be a bad strategy for them either.

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