The Center of Time

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Seregal sneaks along cautiously, hand reaching into his belt pouch for one of his cyphers. "Good idea," he says. "I'm reasonably quick. I'll see what I can see."

He cautiously moves forward, scouting out the area to see if he can find a safe way forward for the group.

Trained in Stealth: 1d20=17

Isida Kep'Tukari

Duncan turns to the last remaining chronal feeder and darts in for another kill, swinging his massive sword with ease and cutting open a rent in its chitin that seems to drip blood backwards.

[sblock=OOC]Rolled attack for you, got a 12, hit, did 6 damage.[/sblock]

Having gotten the data, Echo isn't sure what to do with it right away. Mental power...altered in how it flowed in time. She wasn't sure if it was from past or future, or if it had simply been accelerated or slowed. All she knew for sure was that these creatures seemed to feed on it. Could it be used somehow?

She wondered, was it the energy siphoned away from the Augurs in the city?

But the battle didn't wait for one person. She aimed another volley of silver spikes at the most-wounded looking creature to try to buy time to decide what to do with this phenomenon.

Echo also called out, "Those ribbons are mental energy that's been affected by some kind of time shift!" Just because she didn't know immediately what to use them for didn't mean no one else would.

(OOC - Onslaught for physical damage.)

And inviscastle for defense, because I'm a goober and forgot to include it here, then did the dice roller wrong in my 'oops' post, so...ARGH. This dieroller is not well suited to people like me, who rarely get it right the first try. :)

Defense: 6!

There is still one chronal feeder remaining, and Echo targets it unerringly, a sliver of silver spattering against its head in peculiar slow-motion, rocking it backwards.

Antor quickly scans the area looking for the creatures to reappear, while switching to his broadsword. "I would suggest we keep moving towards the bridge and the city gates", Antor announces to those within hearing distance. He continues movement in that direction scanning around himself as he goes, wary of the creatures' return.

Attack - 1d20=17
Defense - 1d20=9

With one enemy left, Antor bends his bow again, and his arrow streaks across the sward with unnatural speed, thudding deep into the creature's thorax!

Seregal sneaks along cautiously, hand reaching into his belt pouch for one of his cyphers. "Good idea," he says. "I'm reasonably quick. I'll see what I can see."

He cautiously moves forward, scouting out the area to see if he can find a safe way forward for the group.

Trained in Stealth: 1d20=17

Sneaking away from the battle, as the others seem to have the chronal feeder well in hand, Seregal circles around until he's aligned with what seem to be the city gates. He thinks he sees some faint depressions in the ground ahead along what might have been a path at one point.

Ohm Eleven finally enters combat and uses an esotery against a feeder.

OOC: Using Onslaught for physical damage. Attack & Defense rolls (1d20=17, 1d20=11)

The chronal feeder bleeding and cracked from his companions' blows, Ohm Eleven's blast of power catches the creature off-guard. The top of its head collapses in on itself, and then the whole feeder seems to shrink down until it's nothing but an inert sphere of softly-pulsing purple about the size of someone's head.

Shortly after that happens, the third chronal feeder, the one who had vanished, appears again out of the air, seizes Xaion around the waist, and abruptly vanishes again.

The ribbon of curious energy above descends further, rippling above your heads nearly within touching distance.


Duncan leaps towards the space where Xaion was, hoping to perhaps follow along in whatever warp that creature had created.

[sblock=ooc] Aaaaand two terrible rolls (first is mine, second is in case you needed a second (like for defense)). Ugh. 1d20=2, 1d20=5

On another note: has it been a year that we've been picking away at this game? Yay for us!
I've been super busy with internships and classes, and family, but this is fun. I'm glad we're still kicking. Thanks GM! [/sblock]


Guest 11456

Ohm Eleven, A Mechanical Nano who Talks to Machines

The chronal feeder bleeding and cracked from his companions' blows, Ohm Eleven's blast of power catches the creature off-guard. The top of its head collapses in on itself, and then the whole feeder seems to shrink down until it's nothing but an inert sphere of softly-pulsing purple about the size of someone's head.

Ohm Eleven grabs up the sphere and then heads quickly towards the city gates.


First Post
"Ohm! Wait! It has Xaion!" Echo looked around, trying to find the creature. How far could they go at once? If it reappeared she could try shooting it again.

Abruptly she looked up at the strand of energy.

They were feeding on this. I wonder...

She had no idea if it was wise or not, but it might give her some insight into these creatures, so she reached up to graze her fingertips across that drifting band of flashing light as it descended.


Seregal keeps sneaking along the path, not really noticing that Xaion has been kidnapped! He's too excited by the final approach the city and his chance to scout and explore the road; absently trusting the fine warriors in the party to deal with the situation; thinking that the chronal feeders are already dealt with anyway. He sees the path in the distance and heads towards it for a closer look before returning to the party.


Duncan, mavin missed Xaion, rumbles desperately to Echo.

Can we follow him? Can you... hack the energy string somehow? Or use one of our component parts? Where would they have teleported to? Some lair or nest?

Isida Kep'Tukari

Duncan leaps towards the space where Xaion was, hoping to perhaps follow along in whatever warp that creature had created.

Duncan runs for where Xaion had disappeared, trying to find if the fold in space was still there. But the air here is just air, time here is just time, and there is no sight or sound or scent of Xaion.

By the way, the grass in this small area is growing backwards very slowly.

Ohm Eleven grabs up the sphere and then heads quickly towards the city gates.

As Ohm Eleven picks up the sphere, for a moment his hands are small, chubby baby's hands, clutching at it tightly in the manner of a child. Between blinks, his hands then look like knobby, arthritic claws spotted with age and covered with parchment-like skin. And then his hands look normal again as Ohm runs for the city gates.

Seregal keeps sneaking along the path, not really noticing that Xaion has been kidnapped! He's too excited by the final approach the city and his chance to scout and explore the road; absently trusting the fine warriors in the party to deal with the situation; thinking that the chronal feeders are already dealt with anyway. He sees the path in the distance and heads towards it for a closer look before returning to the party.

Seregal has Ohm blow right past him, and in Ohm's haste, he triggers something buried in the ground. There's a faint grumble, a small vibration, no more of a warning then that. And suddenly, under their feet, a slender bridge-like structure arises, spires of glittering golden crystal rising up in a pattern, strands of silk-like cable strung between them.

Very abruptly, Ohm and Seregal find themselves clinging to cables dangling sixty feet above the ground, a strand in either hand and one under their feet. They feel warm, almost sticky, and seem to pulse under your hand with electricity.

"Ohm! Wait! It has Xaion!" Echo looked around, trying to find the creature. How far could they go at once? If it reappeared she could try shooting it again.

Abruptly she looked up at the strand of energy.

They were feeding on this. I wonder...

She had no idea if it was wise or not, but it might give her some insight into these creatures, so she reached up to graze her fingertips across that drifting band of flashing light as it descended.

Echo touches the ribbon of light, and hears the chatter of a thousand voices, the moan of a thousand screams, the chant of a thousand tongues, and then it's pulling away from her, pulling, pulling, pulling, trying to pull her away, pull her in, pull all she has from her, because the experiment demands it, because it must complete its cycle, because it must be done, because more power is needed and here it is, here you are, you are to become part of it, join it, give everything to it...

[sblock=OOC]Intellect defense roll, DT 4 please.[/sblock]

Duncan, mavin missed Xaion, rumbles desperately to Echo.

"Can we follow him? Can you... hack the energy string somehow? Or use one of our component parts? Where would they have teleported to? Some lair or nest?"

Duncan speak to Echo, but she seems preoccupied with the energy ribbon she's touching. It's very lovely. It's very compelling...

Out of the corner of his eye, Duncan sees the chronal feeder reappear from the air some hundred feet away. It tosses a humanoid figure away from it, who rolls and comes up, hands raised to guard its body from harm, as you've seen Xaion do. Then the feeder charges again, and both wink out as they collide.

Duncan is immediately reminded of a tame seskii hound he saw once, with its owner, a little boy who would throw dried kresh-mantis legs for it to fetch over and over again.

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