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Pathfinder 1E High-level Pathfinder Planar Game: The Lich-Queen's Beloved


Queen of Everything
Wow. She's amazing. Now I'm nervous I can't play her to the standards you've built her. So she's got a scimitar, and fights with a shield too right? Where can I find the Joy Mystery so I can give that a look over. I hope you weren't lying when you said you enjoyed doing this, because now I feel guilty lol.

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I love making characters, and I have a peculiar joy particularly of the mechanical side of things. I cut my RPG teeth on Megatraveller and GURPS, so while I can appreciate the simple elegance of more modern systems like 5e D&D...I still love the intricate gearheadedness of this sort of thing. There's a real fun in the metagame intellectual challenge of finding good strategies and synergies, and building to capitalize on them while guarding the flanks, as it were.

Here's the link to the PFSRD page for the Joy mystery:

In answer to the question of how she fights, yes. Scimitar and shield. But bear in mind that her shield tends to flicker on and off as she needs it, due to her Glove of Storing. In my headcanon, she is in constant motion while fighting. Whirling and striking, her shield popping in when she's vulnerable to attack, seeming to appear exactly when needed, then vanishing again so she has full range of motion.


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I am also updating Mei Ying. Messing about with Favored Classes reminded me of how good humans have it. :)

I also realized that Aasimar and Celestial sorcery have a lot of overlap. So I'd like to make Mei human. The hint of divine bloodline that I originally intended her being aasimar to represent is served MORE than adequately with her sorcerous bloodline abilities.

Updating her RG entry to reflect this.


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I think Krupps is about as finished as I can make him, at this point. Having some pre-made traps would be nice, but the high-end one are bulky, expensive, and highly situational. The old-standbys, punji sticks, snares, nets, bear traps, caltrops, and so forth, are cheap, portable, and quick to set up, but because of the way DCs scale in 3.5 and Pathfinder, I don't know if they'll ever even work against the enemies we'll be up against.


First Post
Okay, I am finally done. After dithering on spending the last gasp of cash it hit on me. What good is it to have loot without a place to KEEP loot?

"But Shayuri," you said breathlessly, "surely you have a bag of holding, or equivalent?"

Of course. But that is carried on my person. If I am captured, or killed, that disappears into enemy hands! My Mage Mansion is temporary! STEPS MUST BE TAKEN.

So I bought a demiplane.

It's a little bare bones at the moment. A flat expanse of earth and sky, roughly 70 feet to a side, terminating with the silvery astral haze. I sprang for the Morphic trait, so Mei can shape and sculpt the earth within the demiplane at will, and will have similar mental control over other planar elements as they're added. In time I will be adding more traits, including native life and fertility, a structure, and possibly an altered rate of time flow. An expensive project, but very fun and flavorful, and it will give me something to dump cash on besides ever more enchanted objects. :)

I will be updating the Rogue's Gallery too, but this page is easier to link to. Get that RG in the original post dadgum. :)

[sblock=Mei Ying]Mei Ying
Lawful good Human monk1/sorceror17

Str 10
Dex 16/22 10
Con 14 5
Int 10
Wis 24/30 10 (base 16+2 race +4 level +2 inherent)
Cha 13 3

AC 40 (10 + 6 dex + 10 wis + 1 dodge + 8 armor + 5 deflection)
BAB +8/+3
HP 101
Fort 14
Ref 18
Will 27

+2 Wis
Bonus Feat
Bonus Skills
Favored Class: Sorceror
- +8 skill points (lvls 1-8)
- +2 3rd lvl, +2 4th lvl, +2 5th lvl, +2 6th lvl, +2 7th lvl spells (lvls 9-18)

Bonus feat
Flurry of Blows (-1/-1)
Unarmed strike 1d6
Stunning Fist 5/day (DC 29)

Empyreal Sorceror
Eschew Materials
Bloodline: Use Wis instead of Cha for sorc spellcasting/abilities
- Spells: Bless, Resist Energy, Mg Circle, Rem Curse, Flame strike, gtr dispel, banish, sunburst
- Feats
- Powers
1 Heavenly Fire: 1d4+10 dmg to evil, heal to good, 3+wismod/day (only 1 heal/person/day)
3 Resist Acid/Cold 10
9 Channel energy as cleric CL17 1/day (9d6)
15 Conviction (reroll 1/day ability, attack, save or skill)
*20 Ascension (Immunity to Cold/Acid, resist Fire and Electricity 10, +4 save vs poison, Fly 60/good at will, constant Tongues)

*Gained via Robe of Arcane Heritage

- Magic's Might (+1 CL checks vs SR)
- Spellpiercer (+2 concentration checks)

1 Spell Penetration
H Greater Spell Penetration
Mnk Deflect Arrows
3 Arcane Strike
5 Intensified Spell
7 Empower Spell
BL Dodge
9 Spell Focus: Transmutation
11 Heighten Spell
13 Arcane Blast (2d6 dmg/spell lvl of slot expended, non-elemental, Su ability)
BL Weapon Finesse
15 Quicken Spell
17 Expanded Arcana (Mind Blank)

Skills 62/62
Acrobatics (Dex) +10 (4 rnk + 3 dex + 3 cls)
Knowledge (Arcana) (Int) +10 (7 rnk + 0 int + 3 cls)
Heal +16 (1 rnk + 10 wis + 3 cls + 2 bloodline)
Perception (Wis) +30 (17 rnk + 10 wis + 3 cls)
Sense Motive (Wis) +20 (7 rnk + 10 wis + 3 cls)
Stealth (Dex) +10 (1 rnk + 6 dex + 3 cls)
Fly (Dex) +14 (5 rnk + 6 dex + 3 cls)
Spellcraft (Int) +10 (7 rnk + 0 int + 3 cls)
Use Magic Device (Cha) +17 (13 rnk + 1 cha + 3 cls)

Spellcasting (Sorc CL 17; +29 concentration, +22 vs SR, Base DC 20)
1 - 9, 2 - 9, 3 - 8, 4 - 8, 5 - 8, 6 - 8, 7 - 7, 8 - 5
0 Drench, Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Message, Mending, Jolt, Ghost Sound
1 Shield, Grease, Moment of greatness, Magic Missile, Snapdragon fireworks, Bless
2 Glitterdust, Stone Shield, Scorching Ray, Warding Weapon, Gust of Wind, Resist Energy
3 Displacement, Daylight, Wind Wall, Battering Blast, Magic Circle vs Evil, Aqueous Orb, Force Punch
4 Dragon's Breath, Fire Shield, Resilient Sphere, Greater Invis, Remove Curse, Dimensional Anchor, Detect Scrying
5 Wall of Stone, Telekinesis, Sending, Siphon Magic, Flame Strike, Persist Image, Fire Snake
6 Analyze Dweomer, Greater Heroism, Disintegrate, Greater Dispel, True Seeing (250gp), Mass Suggestion
7 Spell Turning (100gp), Greater Teleport, Limited Wish, Banishment, Mag Mansion, Greater Scrying
8 Poly Any Object, Summon Monster 8, Sunburst, Mind Blank

Cash: 390gp

5x Spell Turning, 500gp
2x True Seeing, 500gp

Unarmed attack, +15, 1d6+1, Magic, Good (+2d6 to evil targets), +4 w/arcane strike
Flurry, +14/+14, 1d6+1/1d6+1, Magic, Good (+2d6 to evil targets), +4 w/arcane strike

Bracers of Armor +8, 64k

Staff of the Planes, 10/10 charges (reg 1chg w/7th lvl slot), 63,960k
- Planar Adaptation, 1
- Planar Binding, 2
- Plane Shift, 5
Robe of Arcane Heritage (+4 lvl for Bloodline power purposes), 16k
Headband of Wisdom (Wis) +6, 36k
Ring of Protection +5, 50k
Ring of Inner Fortitude (ignore 6 pts ability dmg or 3 pts drain) 66k
Belt of Incredible Dexterity +6, 36k
Cloak of Resistance +5, 25k
Spectral Shroud (Chest), 26k (see invis; constant, incorp 10rnds/day)
Amulet of Mighty Fists +3 (+1 and holy), 36k
Cat's Eye Crown (Darkvision 60, spcl scrying), 18k
Spectacles of Understanding (Comprehend Languages, +5 Linguistics), 3k
Haversack, 2k

Bk Wis +2, 55k

9th level scroll 3825 (base, Time)
8th level scroll 3000, (Bountiful, Seasonal, Structure)

Scroll of Greater Create Demiplane to create the plane: 3825
Permanancy on demiplane: 22500 (+1500 for the Limited Wish used to emulate Permanence)
Scroll of Greater Create Demiplane to add Morphic trait: 3825
Total cost: 31,650

Demiplane: 20x17= 340 10'squares (70x70x70? 60x60x90?)


I've checked the RG and printed out hard copies of the character sheets that have been posted. I'll spend some time today (Sunday) vetting sheets, and then again Tuesday.

Let me know if I'm working with the most up-to-date version of your character sheets. Tailspinner's sheet was posted on Monday, March 30, and does not have an edit timestamp, so I presume his is complete, save for Broot's background. Shayuri's sheet was posted April 6, and was last edited April 22. Unsung's sheet was posted April 7, and was last edited April 12. Queenie, you still have ample time to post your spellcaster's sheet in the RG. Odds are strong that I won't get to Unsung's sheet until next week, which means you have at least that long.


First Post
That version should be the correct one.

Edit - Went in and updated Mei's sheet to the format you specified. SHould be good to go now.
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