• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Fey, the Far, and the Ugly Space In Between


Per Manbearcat
By descending some 40 feet, you can reach another landing that would give you some legitimate cover (+ 1 armor in case of any physical attacks against you). However, it would put you in Near Range.

You can stay in Far range by navigating the obscenely dangerous landing that you're on and continuing opposite the way you came in. The landing narrows considerably and is slick and crumbly. You would have no cover but no spears could possibly reach you there. A fall from there would literally be to the bottom - b[1d10 + 5 (no armor)].

A 40 foot descent to safety and a sniper's nest with cover would be nice, but that would take a fair bit of time, would it not? I'd be out of the fight for too long. Relying on my agility and balance, I dart along the dangerously narrowing ledge, out of the Warlock's spell cloud and to another sniping position.

[sblock]Defy Danger (Dex)
1, 3 + 3 (+1 DR) = 8

Success but a worse outcome, a hard bargain, or ugly choice.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
As you deft tightrope act achieves purchase narrowing ridge, you escape the Warlock's growing miasma before it can overtake you. But the narrowing is so severe that your archery posture is dramatically stunted (you take - 1 ongoing to Volley, Called Shot, etc from this position). If something goes wrong up here (eg a danger from a 7-9), you're looking at the prospects of that terrible, aforementioned fall.

As you skirt along the precarious ledge, you feel, hear and then can see Otthor's Fireball light up the battlefield. His physical form now in view, he is making a run for the breach that he has just created. The call for charge echoes out behind him and goblins, human barbarians, a druid chapechanging into a snow leopard, 3 peregrine falcons, a large bear, and a ghost dog are a cavalcade of noise and fury.

Four more myrmidons form up in a phalanx as the charge commences, long spears peering over locked shields. The other warriors prepare to throw short spears. The one warlock is getting off the avalanche debris to get his staff and the one that just cast the miasma on you is winding up another spell in your direction.

You can make another move right quick.

Honing in on the warlock attempting to take me out, I string another arrow from my awkward stance and loose. I whistle to Rawr as I do, signifying my target. His big bear head looks up to me as he lopes quickly forward and then looks on as my arrow flies free.

[sblock]Volley (Dex)
6, 4 + 3 (- 1 ongoing) = 12

d8 damage to the Warlock. 8 - 2 = 6 damage.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
As the Warlock prepares to release an Eldritch Blast at you from his staff, your arrow penetrates his defenses and catches him cleanly in the shoulder, almost taking him from his feet.

But the arcane energy streaks from the Far Realm runes on his staff, homing in on your precarious position high above!

You're going to have to DD at the beginning of your next turn.

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In the midst of my sprint to close the distance between myself and the group of myrmidons and their mini-phalanxes, using my warrior instinct and acumen, I try to calculate if I can get another Fireball off on these guys before I close to melee. Any danger in that?

[sblock]Spout Lore (Int)
5, 2 + 3 (+1 for military background from Elf) = 11[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
See the attached image (blue is the avalanche area, hopefully you can figure out the rest).


You can slow to Cast a Spell and get group A & B in a Fireball. However, you’ll be exchanging volleys and therefore potentially eating a hail of short spears from groups C & D (b[2d6 + 2 + 3 for extra guys]. DD 6- for full damage and 7-9 for half. If you close quickly enough, all groups will be forced to eschew any volley and form up in a full phalanx.

Further, if you close right now, you can get into melee without requiring a DD (Long Spear = Reach) to get inside their reach to Close. The two phalanx groups A&B will be rushing to get into place to fill in the gap left behind by the two guys you incinerated with your Fireball. They won’t be set to repel your charge. Also, when they’re in full phalanx formation, they’re armor is 3. Otherwise it is 2.

Your call.


I don’t break stride. I level my gaze upon M2 in the B group as he is they’re hurriedly trying to form up and level their spears to repel our charge. They try to get their spears down in time for my rush and with a powerful, decisive swipe I send them upwards, fake right and spin left off his shield and deliver a masterful flurry of sword and spell.

[sblock]Master’s Bladework (Int)
6, 3 + 3 = 12

d8 damage and 3 techniques. 4 damage – 2 armor = 2 damage.

Burst *2: Your attack deals an additional 1d4 * 2 damage and gains the forceful tag * 2. 2 and 3 damage.

7 damage total. Dead.

Soul-Siphoning: Your attack heals you for 1d4. Heal 1d8 instead if this attack kills your target. 5 HP returned.

Bladesong (Int)
1, 3 + 3 = 7

1 Bladesong for:

* Void Note - Teleport somewhere nearby within your line of sight.
* Guarded Flourish - When you have no weapon or shield in your offhand and you take damage, take + 2 armor.
* Blade Crescendo - When you deal damage to an enemy within your melee weapon's range, gain 2 piercing.

I spend my 1 Bladesong gained to teleport nearby next to W1 who is trying to res-secure his staff.[/sblock]

My flurry leaves myrmidon M2 of B lifeless as my fine elven blade finds a crease in his defenses and a chink in his armor. I want to spend my Forceful * 2 to force throw the body into group C. Just to tangle them up for a moment so they can’t form up in time to stop the gap I just created for my allies behind me. With the steps of the Bladesong leading me, I step through worlds and reappear next to the Warlock at the bottom of the avalanche pile. My sword is leading and I’ve got bad intentions in my eyes.

Per Manbearcat
Ok that sounds good. You hamper group C as they try to rush up to fill the gap. Rawr is leading your charge. He’ll be able to slip through before they can form up.

Sit tight as I move Binks forward.


Per Manbearcat
As the Warlock prepares to release an Eldritch Blast at you from his staff, your arrow penetrates his defenses and catches him cleanly in the shoulder, almost taking him from his feet.

But the arcane energy streaks from the Far Realm runes on his staff, homing in on your precarious position high above!

You're going to have to DD at the beginning of your next turn.

I've got another idea. I swiftly grab Covenant of Winter from my back with my free hand and call upon the elemental forces of winter. "Deepest winds of winter, heed my call!"

Per Manbearcat
I see where you're going with this. You're an elf with world-class speed and dexterity. Should be doable. Roll your dice and let us find out what happens as the Eldritch Blast streaks toward you.

[sblock]Covenant of Winter (Con)
6, 1 + 1 = 8

On a 7-9, you pay winter's price and choose 1.

* Rend with ice and sleet.
* Repel with gale-force winds.
* Blot out the sun with snow.

I'm going to repel the Eldritch Blast with gale-force winds.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
A polar vortex swirls before you, creating a wall of wind that buffets the Eldritch Blast harmlessly away to the mountainside.

However, in the doing, you feel an overwhelming sense of loneliness and solitude. Your mind is drawn to a vision of dead forest under the sway of the harshest winter possible. Snow is knee-deep and you're trudging through the bitter cold. Somehow you know there isn't another living thing within a thousand miles.

You take -1 forward.

A smile unconsciously settled upon my face as the wintry winds did my bidding. I feel the smile involuntarily fading as a forlorn countenance settles in. The vision unnerves me but I try to focus on the task at hand. My frown turns to a wicked grimace as I stare down at my foe. I raise the staff into the air. "Freeze my enemies heart and body with the dead of winter!"

[sblock]Covenant of Winter (Con)
4, 4 + 1 (-1 forward) = 8

On a 7-9, you pay winter's price and choose 1.

* Rend with ice and sleet.
* Repel with gale-force winds.
* Blot out the sun with snow.

I'm going to rend W2 with ice and sleet. I want to freeze him in place.

d8 damage (no armor). 4 damage.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
From the crystalline staff pours forth a frozen ray. It slams into the chest of the Warlock and a layer of ice covers him from the abdomen down, preventing him from moving more than a few feet from his perch atop the mound of avalanche debris.

From nowhere wind whips wildly around you, causing your cloak to flare out and the fabric to make that familiar snapping sound when assaulted by an over-stiff breeze. It steadily picks up until it threatens to sweep you from the narrow landing!

We'll address that after I move Otthor forward.
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Per Tecklenburg
My flurry leaves myrmidon M2 of B lifeless as my fine elven blade finds a crease in his defenses and a chink in his armor. I want to spend my Forceful * 2 to force throw the body into group C. Just to tangle them up for a moment so they can’t form up in time to stop the gap I just created for my allies behind me. With the steps of the Bladesong leading me, I step through worlds and reappear next to the Warlock at the bottom of the avalanche pile. My sword is leading and I’ve got bad intentions in my eyes.

Per Manbearcat
Ok that sounds good. You hamper group C as they try to rush up to fill the gap. Rawr is leading your charge. He’ll be able to slip through before they can form up.

Immediately after I emerge from my Void Note teleportation, I put my blade to work on the Warlock retrieving his staff.

[sblock]Master's Bladework (Int)
2, 1 + 3 = 6

Mark 1 xp[/sblock]

I've faced down dozens of skilled warriors who don't get the best of me in melee combat but this robe-wearing weakling gets the better of me!

Per Manbearcat
The Warlock is not as easy-pickings as he appeared to be. Like a Wizard wreathed in Fire Shield, incorporeal tentacles erupt from his form as you move in for the kill. Though their composition isn't entirely physical, the force behind their blows is impactful enough.

[sblock]1d10 damage to you (no armor) and Forceful tag[/sblock]

Through the air you go flying, hitting the icy ground hard and sliding on your back all the way to the periphery of the tentacle barrier (near Group D). Those tentacles reach out and grasp you with unearthly strength, squeezing the life out of you and holding your back and your sword wrist flat to the snowy ground.

The myrmidons nearby (group D), drop their guard and pull their longspears up to impale you like an injured boar during hunting season.

[sblock]1d10 damage (no armor). 6 damage to me.[/sblock]

I obviously can't get my sword arm up to defend the oncoming attack by the mirmidons. With my feet free, I tuck them to my chest and with all my strength I try to kip up and tear free of the tentacles grasp.

[sblock]Defy Danger (Str)
4, 3 + 0 = 7

Success but a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Coiled like a snake, you violently kip up tearing free from the tentacles in time to face down the two myrmidon set on finishing you.


The grasp on your sword wrist is severe. You're either going to have to give me 1d4 HPs (no armor) for the effort or you're going to have to leave your sword behind in the tangle of tentacles. Your choice.

I'll expend the physical reserves to get my sword arm free with my sword in it.

[sblock]1d4 HP (no armor). 2 damage to me.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Rawr lumbers through the opening you created on the left side as you get to your feet. He swats aside the group on his left as he rushes for the avalanche toward the Warlock that Saerie is dueling at range.

Your other allies barrel into the now formed up line behind you and the sound of steel and grunting and shouting rings out in the open winter air. Three peregrine falcons dive bomb the Warlock that just sent you sprawling away, harassing him as he tries to bring his staff and spells to bear against you. Your just outside the periphery of the barrier, between myrmidon group A and D. D, as you know, is bearing down on you.

Sit tight, I need to move Binks forward.
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Per Manbearcat
From the crystalline staff pours forth a frozen ray. It slams into the chest of the Warlock and a layer of ice covers him from the abdomen down, preventing him from moving more than a few feet from his perch atop the mound of avalanche debris.

From nowhere wind whips wildly around you, causing your cloak to flare out and the fabric to make that familiar snapping sound when assaulted by an over-stiff breeze. It steadily picks up until it threatens to sweep you from the narrow landing!

This situation isn’t sustainable. At some point here something is going to go wrong and I’m going to take a tumble down this cliff face. When the heavy winds of winter scour the cliff face and threaten to take me from it, I throw my bow over my shoulder and replace the staff on my pack. I then drop my center of gravity, grasp the cliff face and then begin to scramble down the face to that landing below me that has some cover.

[sblock]Defy Danger (Str)
5, 3 + 0 = 8

Success but a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
You get down off the narrow landing where the winds assaulted you and work your way down the face. As you get a look at the difficult climb before you, it is going to take you some time if you’re going to be careful about it. That will (a) take you out of the fight for a bit and (b) leave you vulnerable to volleys from below. If you want to give me or the primal spirits of the mountain 1d4 HP (no armor), you can get down there fairly quickly.

I’ll do that. My fingers, palms, and wrists ache terribly because I have to rely on less than optimal hand holds in my rush. I knock my chin against a sharp rock that juts out a time or two, but I make it to the landing below me swiftly.

[sblock]1d4 damage (no armor). 3 damage to me.[/sblock]

When I get to the landing below is Rawr engaged with the Warlock on top of the avalanche debris heap?

Per Manbearcat
Remember, you have + 1 armor there for cover.

When your feet touch the ground and you turn to survey what is happening below you, you see Otthor engaged with a few myrmidons, the charge is in full clash, the Warlock at the bottom is being assaulted by 3 falcons, and Rawr is reared on his hand legs looking to maul the frost-immobilized Warlock you’ve been battling.

I sling my bow off my shoulder back into my hand, get down on a knee in the sniper’s nest and put arrow to string. Leaning into the shot I aim to end this.

[sblock]Volley (Dex)
3, 2 + 3 = 8

D8 + 3 (Rawr) damage. 4 + 3 -2 (armor) = 5 damage. Dead.

I’ll choose danger as my complication.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Looking tiny in comparison to your massive bear-friend, the Warlock’s form is consumed by Rawr’s mauling. Your arrow catches him clean in the back right before he goes down and you’re certain he’ll never get back up again.

Simultaneously, a clarion call resounds from both of the (nonburied) caves. “We’re under attack! Arm yourselves!”

A pair of men, looking the part of taskmasters, come forth from the cave on the right (where the slaves/indentured servants are housed). These large men wear leathers and bear the sign of Ranyon Argoth’s clan as clasps for their fur cloaks. They’ve each got a club on their belt but they’re toting a long spear, cocked next to their air, ready to heave as they run for the skirmish.

On the left cave, a handful (5 men) of mixed infantry appears. Two have hounds on leashes with stone axes on their belts while the other three are completely unarmored, empty-handed of arms and only one of them is making an effort of donning a fur cloak.

Sit tight while I move Otthor forward.


Per Manbearcat
Rawr lumbers through the opening you created on the left side as you get to your feet. He swats aside the group on his left as he rushes for the avalanche toward the Warlock that Saerie is dueling at range.

Your other allies barrel into the now formed up line behind you and the sound of steel and grunting and shouting rings out in the open winter air. Three peregrine falcons dive bomb the Warlock that just sent you sprawling away, harassing him as he tries to bring his staff and spells to bear against you. Your just outside the periphery of the barrier, between myrmidon group A and D. D, as you know, is bearing down on you.

With the three falcons tying up the Warlock for a moment, I'll set my attention on the two myrmidons of group D who are so intent on my demise. I'm testing the footwork of both men, seeing who is the slower of the two. I'll then quick-step circle to the left or right and dash inside the Reach of their longspears. I'll worry about undoing their phalanx once I get in striking distance.

[sblock]Defy Danger (Dex)
6, 4 + 2 = 12

Master’s Bladework (Int)
5, 2 + 3 = 10

d8 damage and 3 techniques. 2 damage – 2 (+1 for phalanx) armor = 0 damage.

Burst *3: Your attack deals an additional 1d4 * 3 damage and gains the forceful tag * 3. 4, 3 and 3 damage.

10 damage total. Dead.

Bladesong (Int)
1, 5 + 3 = 9

1 Bladesong for:

* Void Note - Teleport somewhere nearby within your line of sight.
* Guarded Flourish - When you have no weapon or shield in your offhand and you take damage, take + 2 armor.
* Blade Crescendo - When you deal damage to an enemy within your melee weapon's range, gain 2 piercing.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
The fury of your bladework and your magic separates the phalanx. in short order, you've cut down one of the warriors (M1 of D).

The battle is alive with the clash of weapons and grunts all around you. Saerie and Rawr have just finished the Warlock on the top of the debris pile. The second Warlock has shewed the falcons away enough with his ethereal tentacle armor to get his staff to bear against you. He is channeling an eldritch blast in your direction as the second warrior of group D (M2) warily circles with you.

The reinforcements are cutting a fast path toward the opening that you created. Soon they'll have your group in a pincer between themselves and the myrmidons manning the center. Lives will surely be lost on your side.

What is most important to you?

Feeling the tide of battle shifting in the emanations of the Bladesong, I step through worlds as the Eldritch Blast is channeled in my direction. I reappear in a flash of magic behind my allies, intent on holding off the reinforcements long enough for them to break the line of the myrmidons.

[sblock]Spent my 1 Bladesong for Void Note[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
The Eldritch Blast flies true to its aim, but harmlessly hits nothing but the air that you once occupied. The myrmidon that you were circling moves to interpose himself between Rawr and the last remaining Warlock who turns his attention toward Saerie.

Sit tight and I'll do an update post after Saerie's next one.
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Per Manbearcat
The myrmidon that you were circling moves to interpose himself between Rawr and the last remaining Warlock who turns his attention toward Saerie.

How far down are they from my sniper's nest? I'm picturing somewhere around 50 - 60 feet? Is the slope here sheer like above or is this less so? Maybe icy? I'm thinking about maybe pulling a Legolas here.

Oh and is Lucky down there with Rawr?

Per Manbearcat
50 - 60ish feet, yeah. The grade eases up considerably here from the 90 degrees above you to about 65 - 70 below you. Yeah icy. It ain't a walk in the park, but you could Legolas it up with some properly defied danger.

And yup, Lucky is in the mix next to Rawr down there.

Perfect. Legolas time.

With Rawr engaged with the myrmidon, I look to put him down quickly and give the warlock something to think about as well. I step up onto the edge of the sniper's nest with one leg, string two arrows simultaneously draw as deeply as I can and release.

[sblock]Volley (Dex) + Spending my 1 Ammo to Blot Out the Sun and attack both of them
3, 4 + 3 = 10

D8 damage on both and + 3 damage (Rawr on the myrmidon). Rolled 6 damage.

Myrmidon damage is 6 + 3 - 2 = 7 damage. Dead.

Warlock damage is 6 - 2 = 4 damage.[/sblock]

My quiver empty, I continue my forward momentum and slide/surf down the steep, icy slope. I stow my bow and draw my short sword and elven long knife.

Per Manbearcat
Rawr stomps over the now dead myrmidon and engages the warlock, giving him something to think about while you channel Legolas. You don't have anything to fear from him for the moment. Go ahead and defy your danger.

Got it.

[sblock]Defy Danger (Dex)
3, 3 + 3 = 9

Success but a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
With extraordinary agility and balance, you slide down the steep, icy slope toward your preoccupied prey. However, the descent is so quick that you're in your leap upon him before you can get your elven long knife out of your boot sheath. You shoulder your bow and draw your short sword, but you aren't going to have access to Viper's Strike for this move.

Very well. We're a pack of velociraptors with Lucky and Rawr flanking him and me leaping upon him for the kill.

[sblock]Hack and Slash (Dex)
1, 5 + 3 = 9

D8 (+3 for Rawr) damage to the warlock. 4 + 3 - 2 = 5 damage to the warlock.

Counterattack on me 1d10 (no armor) and Forceful. 4 damage.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Your exchange with the Warlock is a vicious one, leaving you both the worse for wear. Your short sword gashes his shoulder as Rawr mauls his thigh. However, the shield of ethereal tentacles slams into both of you, taking your breath away with a hard slap across the sternum, but you're able to spin off of it to absorb most of the blow.

Your mighty ursine friend isn't so lucky. Even his large girth is slapped aside by the might of the warlock's magic. He is sent on his back like Otthor before him. Again he slides to the field of tentacles warding the ground. They won't hold him for long, but he is out of the fight for a moment.

Sit tight. Need to move Otthor forward.


Per Manbearcat
The reinforcements are cutting a fast path toward the opening that you created. Soon they'll have your group in a pincer between themselves and the myrmidons manning the center. Lives will surely be lost on your side.

Feeling the tide of battle shifting in the emanations of the Bladesong, I step through worlds as the Eldritch Blast is channeled in my direction. I reappear in a flash of magic behind my allies, intent on holding off the reinforcements long enough for them to break the line of the myrmidons.

[sblock]Spent my 1 Bladesong for Void Note[/sblock]

Ok so I've got those lightly armored taskmasters, these guys are part of Argoth's Far Realm cult, coming from the near cave and I've got the mixed group of 5 plus the 2 dogs coming from the far cave on the left. I'm manning the opening in the tentacle field that I made with Fireball to prevent the reinforcements from putting the squeeze on my allies. Argoth's taskmasters should be upon us well before the other ones, right? The other ones, who look like they're just normal barbarians, have to do run around the tentacle field and avalanche debris to get to the opening. Does that about cover it?

Per Manbearcat
That covers it.

Alright then, staring down the incoming taskmasters, a few arcane utterances and traced symbols in the air later and...

[sblock]Cast a Spell (Int) Fireball on the Taskmasters
2, 3 + 3 = 8

You evoke a mighty ball of flame that envelops your target and everyone nearby, inflicting 2d6 damage which ignores armor.

4, 5 = 9 damage to the two taskmasters of the Far Realm clan. Both dead.

My complication I'll take is:

* You draw unwelcome attention or put yourself in a spot. The GM will tell you how.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
The taskmasters sprint toward the battle with fell purpose...that is until the conflagration of your evocation magic consumes them. Their screams are short lived and drowned out by the cacophony directly behind you.

The barbarians "let loose the hounds" as they round the bend of the tentacle field and draw nearer your position. "Get him (!)" is accompanied by snarling and yapping as the canines engage their throttles fully, leashes flowing wildly behind them. They're upon you before you know it, their masters and the three unarmed men trailing behind them.

I don't want to hurt the dogs or the men. Three-Bird and the barbarian hunters that we allied with are far too busy to help here so I'll do my best. Without injuring them, I do my best to parry and deflect the angry maws of the dogs with nifty bladework and a chain mailed forearm. All the while I try to convince the men to call their dogs off and that we aren't their enemy.

"Take measure of the battlefield! I fight alongside your clansmen and Three Bird. Your enemy is Ranyon Argoth and his death cult!"

[sblock]Defend (Con) myself
3, 5 + 1 (- 1 ongoing) = 8

1 hold for:

* Halve the attack’s effect or damage.

d6 (+1 for 2nd dog). 3 + 1 = 4/2 = 2 - 2 armor = 0 damage to me.

Defy Danger (Cha) to try to stop the barbarians from engaging and to call off the dogs
2, 4 + 1 = 7[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
You expertly fend off the onslaught of the dogs as you beseech the onrushing barbarians to halt hostilities.

I'll update the scene with a post later tonight or sometime tomorrow.

I don't want to hurt the dogs or the men. Three-Bird and the barbarian hunters that we allied with are far too busy to help here so I'll do my best. Without injuring them, I do my best to parry and deflect the angry maws of the dogs with nifty bladework and a chain mailed forearm. All the while I try to convince the men to call their dogs off and that we aren't their enemy.

"Take measure of the battlefield! I fight alongside your clansmen and Three Bird. Your enemy is Ranyon Argoth and his death cult!"

[sblock]Defend (Con) myself
3, 5 + 1 (- 1 ongoing) = 8

1 hold for:

* Halve the attack’s effect or damage.

d6 (+1 for 2nd dog). 3 + 1 = 4/2 = 2 - 2 armor = 0 damage to me.

Defy Danger (Cha) to try to stop the barbarians from engaging and to call off the dogs
2, 4 + 1 = 7[/sblock]


A spin, a series of violent rebukes with knees, sword pommel, elbows, and shoving your mailed forearm into the creatures' salivating mouths does the trick to stave off the worst of the dogs' rush.

Your words find three open ears. The unarmed men trailing the hunters slow to a stop as they consider the truth of your words and how the situation at hand may support them.

Unfortunately, they also find some deaf ears. The hunters pull out their stone axes, cock them next to their ears and are poised to throw mid-stride. "Do not listen to him! His words are magic poison! Slay him before they enchant us!" The trusty hounds, of course, are all to happy to oblige their masters and don't let up for a moment.


You can hear the tide of the battle turning against the blocking myrmidons. Learned in the art of phalanx fighting, Exel and Xanob break the shield wall of group A, sending one of their numbers to the afterlife. One of the hunters you have allied with has fallen back on his rump, licking grievous wounds from the exchange. However, it appears a foregone conclusion and only a matter of time before the rest of the reeling warriors of the Far Realm cult meet their demise.

A falcon comes wooshing through the air next to you and morphs into a timber wolf. As you, Lucky and Three Bird surround the Warlock, you can feel the thrum of primal magic in the air.

[sblock]You can use Three Bird's Blood for Blood or Ferocious Falcons and Form if you'd like.[/sblock]

The Warlock levels his staff at the three of you and attempts to back up, feeling for the ascending debris pile behind him with his off arm. He begins to gather power as the other Warlock did when he cast the miasma upon you.

What are you guys gonna do about your respective situations? Updated map to help. The brown star is the collective of your barbarian hunter allies and your goblin companions.




You can hear the tide of the battle turning against the blocking myrmidons. Learned in the art of phalanx fighting, Exel and Xanob break the shield wall of group A, sending one of their numbers to the afterlife. One of the hunters you have allied with has fallen back on his rump, licking grievous wounds from the exchange. However, it appears a foregone conclusion and only a matter of time before the rest of the reeling warriors of the Far Realm cult meet their demise.

A falcon comes wooshing through the air next to you and morphs into a timber wolf. As you, Lucky and Three Bird surround the Warlock, you can feel the thrum of primal magic in the air.

[sblock]You can use Three Bird's Blood for Blood or Ferocious Falcons and Form if you'd like.[/sblock]

The Warlock levels his staff at the three of you and attempts to back up, feeling for the ascending debris pile behind him with his off arm. He begins to gather power as the other Warlock did when he cast the miasma upon you.

What are you guys gonna do about your respective situations? Updated map to help. The brown star is the collective of your barbarian hunter allies and your goblin companions.

My chest heaves as I try to steady my breath. My muscles in my arms, legs and ribs ache with fatigue and the toll of all the impacts and abrasions of the climbing, the falling, and the fighting. Understanding the dire consequences if the Warlock gets some distance up the debris pile and releases a miasma spell on us now, I quickly reach down and draw my Elven Long Knife from my boot sheathe and wade in for a final exchange...one way or the other.

Three Bird's falcons and his lupine muzzle harass and tear at the Warlock. My dual blades and honed footwork complement them perfectly.

[sblock]Hack and Slash (Dex)
2, 6 + 3 = 11

I have to finish him here. Two counterattacks will kill me. So I''m going to allow a counterattack now for + 1d6 damage.

d8 + 1d4 (VS) + 1d6 (H&S) + 2 (3B). 3 + 4 + 3 + 2 - 2 armor = 10 damage. Dead Warlock.

Countarttack on me. d10 (no armor). 7 damage to me and Forceful.

I'm at 4 HPs[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
The finality of the melee is a brutal thing. Your Elven Long Knife batts his staff away several times, finally disrupting his spellcasting and creating an opening. Your short sword buries to the hilt in his throat and he spits blood everywhere before he passes. But not before the backlash of several nigh-substantial tentacles batter you in the exchange, the last of which grasping your feet and upending you as the Warlock falls away to his death. If M2 were not being pressed so hard by Exel and Xanob, he may have considered planting his spear into your chest.

Rawr tears free of the tentacle field and joins your side next to Lucky and Three Bird, the latter of which has shapechanged back to his human form and is offering his hand to get you on your feet.

I place my knife blade in my teeth momentarily and accept Three Bird's hand. Despite the winter's cold bite, I feel the warmth of spring as the Druid's powerful primal magic revitalizes me. Lucky's spirit comes up to me and gives me a few licks on the face as I'm seeted. I don't know if I can physically feel them, but my mind tells me they're real enough as a smile settles upon my face.

[sblock]Using both available Blood for Bloods so Falcons and Ferocious Form is no longer available.

3 * 2 * 2 + 2d4 (Lucky) = 12 + 1 + 4 = 17.

I'm back to 21 HP[/sblock]

As I hop up to my feet, I look across the battlefield for Otthor's plight. As I see him being pressed by barbarians that aren't bearing Argoth's Far Realm sigil, I instinctually feel my empty quiver and realize that I cannot get to him in time to do anything. Taking my knife from my mouth, I turn to Three Bird. "Those are your people! Help him, please!"

Assuming he flies off to help Otthor, Lucky, Rawr and I will set about flanking M2 of A with Exel and Xanob and finish him off.

Per Manbearcat
Without a word, Three Bird shapeshifts into a falcon and speeds through the air towards Otthor.

Sit tight.
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