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MiPS Lost Mine Part II


Castagyr, Dragonborn Paladin

~ Outside Sleeping Giant Tavern ~

Init +1, Speed 20
AC 18; HP 18; Current: 18
Conditions in effect: Fire resistance
Dragon Breath: 1/1 avail
Divine Sense: 3/3 avail
Healing Hands: 10/10 points avail
Spells: 2/2 points avail (Bless, Command, Wrathful Smite)
Weapon in Hand: Lance
[/section]Castagyr was willing to engage in more verbal play, just to be sure there were no more than four of them around the tavern. It did not look like there were more of them inside. However the thugs continued to be insulting to the point they had offended Vottr, causing all hell to break loose.

The dragonborn paladin snapped the point of his lance down into the big one’s face, almost daring him to reach for his axe.

“Now you have done it.”

[sblock=OOC Note]Maintain Reach with lance
Initiative (20)[/sblock]

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.

Leonan abandons stealth at first sounds of battle calls and sprints toward the other side of the tavern and following the wall quickly glances through the window before continuing to the opposite corner.

Brlo, see if you can get through the window, If you can do it fast, do it, otherwise help the others, I'll check the other side. Or keep anyone from fleeing if you can!" the voice is fading as he dashes off drawing his new dagger.

OOC: full double move east and, as soon as possible, south again behind the corner (full move) until he reaches either backdoor (doesn't seem to be one) or buildings corner. He will wait next round before bursting in melee.
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[OOC Rebrads Init=20 _: 1D20+2 = [18]+2 = 20
Normally, on a tie the PC wins Init but, in this case, first round only, tie goes to the NPC's.[/ooc]
Vottr mutters as he abandons conversation in favor of vengeance.
With a growl he heaves the hand Axe at the large human. The burly man, surprised at having a axe thrown his way, is unable to duck out of the way and takes a axe to the left shoulder, taking a sizable chunk out of it as it thunks int the door frame.
The big man puts his hand to the wound, looks at the seeping blood, wiped his hand across his large chest and says in his deep baritone 'Oh, you should have left when you had the chance.'

Surprise round:As this is a surprise round, you may move or attack, but not both.
@Eddicus Your turn.
Tavern people


"Insults, eh?" Eddicus begins . . .
He gestures toward the same target Vottr attacked, calling down Sacred Flame upon the space the Redbrand occupies.
(DEX DC 12)
"If we had a bard here with us, he'd insult you back."


With a brilliant flash of searing-white light, the Sacred Flame erupts from the sky. The large human, startled, is able to narrowly escape the radiance.
'I got this short one,' he growls. 'Youse guys get mister shiny scales over there.'
With that, he hauls back and takes a swing at Vottr. The big mans' fist lands solidly on Vottr's chin. He then grabs his ax.
(2 points damage, con save to avoid being staggered and take a forced step back to regain footing.)
The one next to him quickly whips a dagger at Castagyr, hitting with a solid >thunk<. (3 points piercing)
The third and fourth Redbrands quickly draw their swords and rush towards Castagyr. One to his right flank and the other attempting to get behind him.

[mention=88649]Castagyr[/mention], your turn.
Tavern people

Voidrunner's Codex

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