Ghostbusters (trailer)


Despite the customary rounds of hatred from Internet naysayers I've been seeing in the news, the trailer makes it look like a lot of fun, and the level of comedy talent in it means I'll have a good time with it, so I'm looking forward to it. Might be a "date night movie" for the wife and me, seeing as how we don't have a lot of overlapping movie tastes that we find compelling enough to see in the theater.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
As much as people have been saying how all these female comedians are great, I was hoping to see some of the comedy in the trailer (not being familiar/seeing films that cast was in previously).

If I did not know it was a comedy, by viewing the trailer, I would never have thought so.

Whether or not you found it funny, that trailer is nothing but comedy. A bit too obvious and raucous for my tastes, but it's pretty hard to imagine somebody watching that trailer and not recognising the jokes as jokes, even if you didn't like them.


A suffusion of yellow
Whether or not you found it funny, that trailer is nothing but comedy. A bit too obvious and raucous for my tastes, but it's pretty hard to imagine somebody watching that trailer and not recognising the jokes as jokes, even if you didn't like them.

Yeah I counted about 10 joke set ups but none of them were particularly funny and the only one to elicit a chuckle was the "Lets Go" nice girl exchange when the four are shown suited up.

both the loud sassy black woman and the jolly fat girl stereotypes annoy me too


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I re-watched the trailer.

Still do not find it funny.

Well, that's certainly an adjustment from your position that you were actually incapable of identifying the (many) jokes.

Whether you find it funny or not is down to your taste, I guess; as I said, it wasn't really to my taste in humour, either. I expect I'll still go see it though, as I'm a sucker for nostalgia.


I know a lot of people have been panning the trailer for the new Ghostbusters. However, I recently went back and watched the trailer for the original film, and I was surprised at how bad it is. It can't make up its mind whether it's a horror trailer or a comedy trailer, and it ends up doing both poorly. And it's not as if it can't be done well. The trailer for the Ash vs the Evil Dead series was a great horror comedy trailer.

"They catch the ghosts that won't stay dead." That's an actual line said by a professional voice actor in the trailer. And it's not like it's the voiceover guy's fault. He didn't write that crap. And, he has a good voice for doing horror trailers: given the appropriate horror soundtrack in the background, I could easily see him narrating over the original Exorcist trailer.

Even worse, it's barely funny. There's maybe one moment where I half-chuckled at the trailer. The Little Shop of Horrors trailer, which is from the same time period, is far better.

By just about every possible comparison that I can conceive of, the new Ghostbusters trailer is better than the old one. Whether the new film will be good or not, only time will tell. The trailers for Dredd, and for Live, Die, Repeat made them look like crap, but I've heard they're actually quite good.


A suffusion of yellow

is this the Trailer you're talking about?

no it doesn't come across as comedy, nor a horror. It comes across as an action adventure movie - which is what it was

of course that might be nostalgia talking:)


Dances with Gnolls
Seems a mixed bag to me. I like a couple of those actresses, but so far the comedy style provided does not seem a fit to what I feel the Ghostbusters has been in the past. Not really a good thing or a bad thing, just different.

I like those dual pistols the one Ghostbuster has. Looks cool.

Going to be hard to beat the original cast really. Though, if this is set up more for the children, then it might do very well.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
One thing that I think contributes so much to many sci-fi films which end up being classic favourites - Ghostbusters, Star Wars, etc. - is the sound. Recognisable sound effects, soundtrack, and so on. These contribute so much to the feel of a film. I feel like this is starting to become something of a lost art; I don't see it in many modern sci-fi or superhero movies. To be elevated to an iconic status, the sound has to be right.

They say that smell triggers memory more than any other sense. I think in terms of movies, sound effects and music are the equivalent of "smell". A movie can be utterly transformed with the right sound effects and music.

This movie has the sound effects, it looks like. That's a good thing. For music, the main Ghostbusters theme song is important, of course, but the rest of the score really enhances that original movie.

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