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D&D 5E Hold Back The Night [OOC]


I'm thinking of roping in that popular idea of druidic reincarnation for this. Imagine a man who...perhaps via some mighty druid art in the distant past...has ensured that he will always reincarnate and will have something of his identity and memory intact each time, even if only fragmentary. Enough to retain his purpose, but he still has to 'start over' each time...relearning what he's lost, though without needing training from other druids.

The only way off the ride is to complete the purpose that was set for him. Death is no release.

I am so sorry I forgot to respond to this.

I am definitely down with this, I like the idea of a soul literally like ... trapped, in what this world has become, constantly coming back and constantly more jarred and separated from their original intention.

Yessir, you do that Druid thing you do, let me see where you take this.

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Queen of Everything
Making a character history, and the details about the inn he owns, and his kids, and the service staff, etc takes a lot more time than posting reactions a pbp forum once or twice a day.

I don't know, GM's thoughtfully knock this out on a regular basis for us appreciative players day in and day out. It honestly shouldn't take all that long and if you can't get it done in a week, I agree with Foxbytes, maybe this wasn't the game for you.

You don't have to argue about it or make rude comments about it, just gracefully bow out and maybe we'll see you in the next game.

Sent from my iPad using EN World mobile app


I've been thinking of my backstory.

Teryn Mallus was a scholar in the service of the Magi. He lived fairly well, as well as any. He was slightly overweight, a side effect of always having enough food for his family and having a career that kept him in a chair looking at books. He always wished he could have joined the town guard or something, but never did.

He married at a young age, and had three children, but he spent most of his time away from home working for the Magi. When he married, he loved his wife, and he was proud of his kids at first. Eventually, the strain of his job caused trouble at home. When his oldest was a teenager, and his youngest was 8, he had an affair with a female student at the Academy.

What he didn't know was that the student was <Insert Hook>.

Early one morning, after being out with the other woman most of the night, he returned home, and the Magi came for him. They slaughtered his wife, his son and one of his girls in front of him. His youngest child, 8 years old at the time, survived only because she was away at a friend's house at the time.

The Magi did not speak to him. They did not gloat or even tell him why they were doing what they did. He does not know why they did what they did. It could be for any number of a thousand reasons, and he has wondered at them all.

All he knows is that he never realized how much he loved his wife, and how much he would miss her and his children once they were gone. They'd had problems, neither had been perfect, and yes, he had been weak and sought comfort in the arms of another, but he had loved her. And now it was too late to fix it.

For the next year, the rest of his life crumbled. He lost his position at the Academy, his theories and research discredited. He was made to look like a hack, and rumors spread that he had killed his family and somehow gotten away with it. He turned to alcohol, drowning his sorrows. His surviving daughter was sent to live with relatives.

And he had a burning desire to hurt the Magi. It didn't matter how. To anyone watching, he was a shell of a man who rarely left his home except to drink himself to sleep at the bar. Everyone assumed his loss of weight was attributed to not eating enough. And for six months, they were right.

But then something changed. At first, it was just to vent his rage. He started punching his couch, and when that wore out he began punching a punching bag he bought from a friend. The workout cleared his mind, helped him forget. The pain and soreness were a thousand times easier than the pain in his heart. He started seeing his daughter more, though she was still staying with relatives, his wife's sister and her family. They never liked him anyway, and were more than happy to keep him away. But as he transformed from a shallow academic to a drunk, they just figured he was becoming what he always was. When he began to transform from a drunk to something more...dangerous...they started to fear him and what he might do.

He was smart, smarter than many of the Magi themselves, even when drunk a quarter of the time. They'd used him as council before he had inexplicably fallen out of their favor. He was good at figuring things out, at investigating mysteries. They'd often give him problems they had trouble working out, and his creative, abstract brain would make connections amongst the information given. He knew about magic, that there were things the Magi did that anyone could do, if they knew how.

But he wasn't gifted in that area. Not naturally. So one day, he made his way to his old job, and managed to sneak out with a spell book. Just a simple one. So far, he has not been able to figure out how to make the spells work, but he knew it was only a matter of time.

In the meantime, he also began training with the blade. He went to a friend who was skilled in this area, and asked for one on one training. He dove headfirst into this training, wanting to learn to use a weapon in either hand, first so he would simply never be caught with just his off hand, but later so he could wield two blades at once, in perfect unison.

It has been two years since his wife's death, and he has just begun to join the world outside his home. Those who knew him before would not recognize him now. Before he was unkempt, pudgy, a little slow and very clumsy. But now, his body has been tone with constant training, his hair is cut short, and there is nothing clumsy about the way he moves. Most still believe he is a drunk. They aren't wrong.

He looks out at the world around him, seeing it clearly for the first time. Seeing the injustices. The evil. The darkness. And it makes him sick. He can't just sit on his hands. Something has lit inside him, and it won't go out. A darkness of his own. A beast within, crawling and snapping at his mind, wanting release, wanting...permission.

Permission to attack. Permission to defend. Permission to end the threats to his family. He still has a daughter to take care of. He can still make the world a better place for her.


I didn't see it elsewhere, but maybe I missed it. HP and equipment?

Starting Equipment is the default equipment that comes with your Background and Class. I may be open to some substitutions on here (like trading an option of 2 Simple Weapons for 1 Martial Weapon if you're proficient).

HP is max + Con at 1st and then average + Con after


[MENTION=6855130]Jago[/MENTION] Here's the character sheet for Fitz Augertorque, gnomish transmuter...

Fitz character sheet

Party Role: Fitz' build and spell selection make him a "swiss army knife" caster/ritualist. He is a poor combatant, lacking an attack cantrip (though he does have catapult from EE), but has good lore skills.

[SBLOCK=Backstory]Everyone despises the "Rumpels", twisted gnomes who traded the caverns and hills of their birth for counting houses of The Magi where they track the vast fortunes of The City's rulers destined for ritual ceremonies. It was rock gnomes who were responsible for the failure of the Tower Incident, so human great grandparents and demi-human elders say. <GM HOOK> Whether this was because the rock gnomes truly were geased by The Magi as they claim or because the cowardly wretches sought only to line their own pockets is a secret as murky as any other hiding behind the gnomish ledgers. Miserable misshapen sellouts, the lot of them.

Fitz Augertorque was especially loathsome, possessing all the charm of a rutting porcupine. However, with his dismal spirits came labyrinthine intellect. Recognizing the magical talent of the Augertorque family, Severen the Gaunt - a ranking member of The Magi overseeing translation of archaic manuals of golems - <GM HOOK> saw fit to take on the gnarled gnome as his apprentice. And so Fitz studied the art and craft of making all manner of mechanical marvels, competing rigorously with rivals. Along the way there were left many broken and berserk half-formed things, a perverse blend of man, construct, and imbued elemental spirit. <GM HOOK> But in time, Fitz's work improved under the guidance of his cold master. These marvels, the sour yet kindly gnome believed, would improve the lives of The City's subjects. Golems and other automatons, after all, meant the citizens could spend more time bettering themselves and no longer fear famine. Misguided in his belief that he would at last receive the recognition that eluded others of his benighted race, Fitz worked tirelessly in the golem works. until the day came when he was confronted with the reality of how The Magi actually used the golems. Many, including some who would cross paths with Fitz such as <INSERT PC> were dragged from their beds at night, or witnessed loved ones dragged from theirs, by the golems. By then it was too late.

Feeling trapped within the halls of the Golem Works, <GM HOOK> Fitz increasingly saw his rivalry with the brothers Dwimb and Deiter Ulmentiss <GM HOOK> as irrelevant in the face of Severen's exploitation. Coming out from under the literal and figurative spell of Severen, Fitz began to recall how he'd been geased to provide grotesque entertainment for the cold-hearted mage, from simple jesting to perverse acts violating female prisoners with his "prodigious gnomish member", including <INSERT NPC and/or PC>.

A snide remark to Severen the Gaunt (coupled with an attempt to sabotage a golem) resulted in Fitz being beaten, expelled from the household and deposited in the gutter. The sagacious mage could not bring himself to kill his apprentice, either out of some sick care for the gnome or a fierce pride in the face of the criticism of his mage peers. Swearing revenge, Fitz gathered some poison, planning to dump it in the soup pot of Severen's household, but <INSERT PC> stopped him from doing something Fitz would have regretted and instead introduced him to a desperate underground resistance...[/SBLOCK]
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First Post
Jago and I have been fighting off colds that seem to be progressing at the same rate, though I still argue we caught them from other people and not each other. Just dropping a note today to say "still here"


Queen of Everything
Jago and I have been fighting off colds that seem to be progressing at the same rate, though I still argue we caught them from other people and not each other. Just dropping a note today to say "still here"


No coughing on the thread!!!

Feel better everyone :)


First Post
But...this thread is everyone's coffin.


Work in progress going up. Will add onto it and finalize it as I go.

[sblock=Pardon My Dust]Grandfather
Human Druid of the Land 2

Str 8
Dex 15
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 16
Cha 10

Prof Bonus +2
Init +

+1 Wis, +1 Dex
Bonus Feat
Bonus Trained skill
Bonus language

Druidic Language
Wild Shape (CR 1/4, No fly or swim)
Cirle of the Land (Grassland)
- Bonus Cantrip
- Natural Recovery (recover 1/2 lvl in spell slots on short rest 1/day)

Armor: Light, Medium, shields (only nonmetal armor)
Weapons: Clubs, daggers, darts, jevelins, maces, staves, scimitars, sickles, slings, spears
Tools: Herbalism Kit
Saves: Intelligence and Wisdom

Skills: Survival, History
Tools: Musical Instrument
Bonus Language:
Feature: Inheritance
- When I make up my mind, I see it through
- I judge actions, not words
- No one and nothing can turn me aside from my calling
- Balance must be restored if the land and its people are to heal
- Delusion: I act like a cranky old man even though I'm clearly not

Bonus - Resiliant (Constitution)

Insight +5
Medicine +3
Perception +5
History +3
Survival +5

Common, Druidic, ?, ?

Spellcasting (Save DC 13)
Slots 1 - 3
- Shillaghle
- Guidence
- ?

Prepared (5)
1 -

Cash: 15

Scimitar +4 atk, 1d6+2 dmg

Leather, +1 AC
Wooden shield, +2 AC

Traveler's clothes
Musical instrument
Herbalism Kit
Explorer's kit
Druidic focus
Pouch (coins)[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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