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D&D 3E/3.5 Diversity in D&D Third Edition

With 3rd Ed, our main goal was to return D&D to its roots, such as with Greyhawk deities and the return of half-orcs. By staying true to the feel of D&D, we helped the gaming audience accept the sweeping changes that we made to the rules system.

With 3rd Ed, our main goal was to return D&D to its roots, such as with Greyhawk deities and the return of half-orcs. By staying true to the feel of D&D, we helped the gaming audience accept the sweeping changes that we made to the rules system.

One way we diverged from the D&D heritage, however, was by making the game art more inclusive. People of color, for example, were hard to find in earlier editions, and, when they did make appearance, it wasn’t always for the best. Luckily for us, Wizards of the Coast had an established culture of egalitarianism, and we were able to update the characters depicted in the game to better reflect contemporary sensibilities.


A few years before 3E, the leadership at Wizards had already encouraged me to go whole-hog with the multicultural look of the RPG Everway (1995). In this world-hopping game, we provided players and Gamemasters with scores of color art cards to inspire them as they created their characters and NPCs. The art featured people and settings that looked like they could have come from fantasy versions of places all around the earth, and the gender balance was great. I once got an email from a black roleplayer who said that Everway had forever changed the way he roleplayed, so I know that the game’s multicultural look was meaningful to some gamers out there. With D&D, we took the game in the same direction, but not nearly as far. The core setting has always resembled medieval Europe, and we expanded the diversity of the characters while still maintaining the medieval milieu.

The characters that players see the most are the “fab four,” the four iconic characters that we used repeatedly in our art and in our examples of play. Two are men (the human cleric and the dwarf fighter) and two are women (the elf wizard and the halfling rogue). Given the demographics of gamers in 2000, the implication that half of all D&D characters are female was a bit of a stretch. The only complaints we got, however, were about the introductory Adventure Game, where the characters were pregenerated, with names and genders assigned to them. Some young men would have preferred fewer female characters and more males to choose from. None of us worried too much about those complaints.

In addition to the main four characters, we also assigned a particular character to represent each of the other classes, with that character appearing in examples of play and in art. The four human characters comprised a white man (the cleric), a white woman (the paladin), a black woman (the monk), and an Asian man (the sorcerer). The remaining four nonhuman iconics were three men and one woman. It was a trick to strike the right balance in assigning fantasy races and genders to all the classes and to assign ethnicities to the human characters, but the iconic characters seemed to be a big hit, and I think the diversity was part of the appeal.

Somewhat late in the process, the marketing team added Regdar, a male fighter, to the mix of iconic characters. We designers weren’t thrilled, and as the one who had drawn up the iconic characters I was a little chapped. My array of iconic characters did not include a human male fighter, and that’s the most common D&D character ever, so the marketing team gave us one. We carped a little that he meant adding a second white man to the array of characters, but at least he was dark enough to be ambiguously ethnic. Regdar proved popular, and if the marketing team was looking for an attractive character to publicize, they got one.

Back in 1E, Gary Gygax had used the phrase “he or she” as the default third person singular pronoun, a usage that gave the writing a legalistic vibe that probably suited it. In 2E, the text stated up front that it was just going to use “he” because grammatically it’s gender-neutral. Even in 1989, insisting that “he” is gender neutral was tone deaf. By the time I was working on 3E, I had been dealing with the pronoun issue for ten years. In Ars Magica (1987), we wrote everything in second person so that we could avoid gendered pronouns. The rules said things like, “You can understand your familiar” instead of “The wizard can understand his/her/their familiar.” In Over the Edge (1992), we used “he” for the generic player and “she” for the generic gamemaster, which felt balanced and helped the reader keep the two roles separate. That sort of usage became standard for Atlas Games’s roleplaying games. Personally, I use singular-they whenever I can get away with it, but 20 years ago that was still generally considered unorthodox. For 3E, I suggested that we tie the pronouns to the iconic characters. The iconic paladin was a woman, so references to paladins in the rules were to “her.” I thought we’d catch flak from someone about this usage, but I never heard fans complaining.

One topic we needed to settle was whether monsters that were gendered as female in folklore, such as a lamia, should be exclusively female in D&D. I figured we should ditch gender limits wherever we could, but an editor argued that gender was important for the identity of a monster like the lamia. I asked, “Is that because it is in woman’s nature to deceive and destroy men?” Luring and destroying men is a common trope for female-gendered monsters, with the lamia as an example. “Yes, it is” said the editor, but she was laughing, and I had made my point. You can see an illustration of a male lamia in the 3E Monster Manual.

While we incorporated Greyhawk’s deities into 3rd Ed, we had no intention of picking up Greyhawk’s description of various human ethnic groups, corresponding more or less to ethnicities found on Earth. For gamers who cared about the Greyhawk canon, the Asian sorcerer would be from a lightly described territory to the west and the black monk would be a “Touv” from the jungles of Hepmonaland. Touvs in 2E were defined as having a penalty to their Intelligence scores, and we sure didn’t want to send any players in that direction. In 3E, the Asian and black characters were just humans, full stop.

The good news is that the gaming audience rolled with the iconic characters featuring people of color and women. With 5th Ed, the design team picked up where we left off and have pursued diversity further. The diverse cast of characters goes a long way in making D&D look modern and mature.

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Jonathan Tweet

Jonathan Tweet

D&D 3E, Over the Edge, Everway, Ars Magica, Omega World, Grandmother Fish


It's a game where a humanoid the size of a 5 year old can start their career with a 15 or 16 strength (18 if you roll stats). And where one can recover to completely full health after 8 hours no matter how much damage they take the day prior, so recovery after pregnancy shouldn't be that big of a deal. We shouldn't get too caught up in the physiological real life differences between men and women, it seems.

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Not to make an issue out of your comment, but building on what Hussar said, there is an issue that I (and others) often notice in similar situations.

If, for example, there is a videogame that takes place in a particular setting (WW1, WW2, Europe 12-15th Century), then people will enjoy it. Unless, of course, there are (for example) women that you can play as your character ... then we get the whole, "That is anachronistic, that's ahistorical, where is the verisimilitude?"

But if you put zombies in, no one complains. Which, you know, kind of weird.

I guess that you are referring to Battlefield? Hahaha!

Well, still didn't play it, but I will at some point in time.

If they wanted to be historically correct and put women in combat roll, they should should have also included women in Soviet army and in Yugoslav People Army that also had 100.000 women in combat roles and almost 2 million in non-combat army support roles, from medics, teachers, leading local goverments etc...


It's a game where a humanoid the size of a 5 year old can start their career with a 15 or 16 strength (18 if you roll stats). And where one can recover to completely full health after 8 hours no matter how much damage they take the day prior, so recovery after pregnancy shouldn't be that big of a deal. We shouldn't get too caught up in the physiological real life differences between men and women, it seems.

And then there's the reproductive rate of other races with their wildly varying life span...


And then there's the reproductive rate of other races with their wildly varying life span...

they kind of back pedal on it in races of the wild(as they should have) where they added that elves mature to 15 years as fast as humans and then slow down so 20yo human is as mature as 25yo elf


A historical game would get pushback for including female adventurers, sure, but those angry about it would still be wrong.

Because there were female soldiers, adventurers, etc, in every single historical period.

But also, the actual historical inaccuracies (there will always be some) wouldn’t receive nearly the pushback, because it wouldn’t really be about historicity.

this comes to rule-exception to the rule.

We lack many writings that would confirm the rate that women were in battles.
We can assume that it was on average very rare.
As there is few writings about it and few archeological findings with female skeletons with battle inflicted wounds(this could also be explained that the bodies were retrieved and they got a regular funeral and those bodies still lie somewhere in a normal grave, assumed to be from a regular death not a battle inflicted)

And no one would be against female adventurers, because if there is one there can be a few more.

How many PC good/neutral drow elf rangers were created inspired by only one good drow elf ranger?


A historical game would get pushback for including female adventurers, sure, but those angry about it would still be wrong.

Because there were female soldiers, adventurers, etc, in every single historical period.

But also, the actual historical inaccuracies (there will always be some) wouldn’t receive nearly the pushback, because it wouldn’t really be about historicity.
Joan of arc

The Vikings as they explored America. Even if they are not in the military they played important roles in urban centers and in political intrigue and diplomacy. Among many others.

Boudica of the Celts

Definitely not the majority, but they were there.


There are plenty of examples of women fighting in history, from gladiators to even samurai. Should be a non issue.

*edit Using Joan of Arc and Boudica aren't good examples because they were leaders, and didn't have accounts of actual combat prowess. There are much better examples to use, like Scathach, or the Onna-bugeisha, or Grace O'Malley, or Lozen, or the aforementioned women gladiators
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And then there's the reproductive rate of other races with their wildly varying life span...

It's one of the things that irks me in settings... if they have a ultra-long lifespan race, no major catastrophe in the setting to explain lower numbers and a very small population, they'd better having low reproductive rate to be somewhat credible. That, and depiction of metropolises with lot of people when the population number given compared to the size of the city gives a density akin to the wilderness (I am looking at you, Sharn). The question of credibility of depictions of the setting isn't limited to male and female NPC being represented compared to the relative number they should have depending on the setting.


Conversing on the basis of ideas is one of my greatest passions. The problem is that what Horwath wrote is not only laughably false, it is unbelievably insulting. Take away, for a moment, the "insulting" part, and read what @Horwath wrote.

Here, I'll quote a portion of his post below

"Due to human slow reproductive rate, women were much to valuable to be risked on a battlefield, unless above mentioned it was a last stand.

Women can have a child once per year if we are optimistic on medieval standards and if we calculate that 30-50%(depending on sources) chance of dying in childbirth, no society can afford to risk women in battles.

Men are simply more expendable in reproductive terms.
Man can impregnate a woman(lets be very optimistic also, but calculate for giving time for sperm count to go up in numbers and not every "shot" counts :p ), every 2 or 3 weeks. ballpark figures.

That still gives one man opportunity to impregnate 20 women in one year, if situation appears that more than 95% of men died in battle."

Do you truly see no fallacious statements there?

Now i have to criticize you, you take things out of context in just cutting out a daming statement.
I do not think @Horwath postet his own modern world view here it is maybe a world view which was valid historically to some point, maybe not so much with other context and conditions.
You can easily counter this by asking, why then so many people wanted a son as a first child back then, if women were so valuable.
From a purely evolution-biological standpoint without morals there is no factual error in what he wrote.
On the other hand women back then tended to get many children whether they wanted or not. And all of them had to be fed also. And it was expected, at least after mankind settled down that a man having many women and children could provide the food and shelter for them and could protect them.

Our modern values in society applied to Horwarths statement of course find it instantly condemming, after all we are humans who should have some sort of ethics, and not farm cattle.

Everything i wrote above now and some of that Horwarth wrote is not the kind of stuff i would expect to come up in an D&D rpg as being a denominator or justification for any kind of discrimination.

I do allow racial hatred or machismo or dislike in the caseof elves vs orcs, or elves vs dwarves, i do allow it to get extreme, but not intra party, only mob vs party. If i got an elf and an dwarf in a party, some stupid prejustice comments about dwarven women not to be recognizable as such because of their beards, or elves being tree huggers, i do allow this. Because it is purely fictional.

But with all the restrictions i normally apply as houserules in my settings, i never would rule like : "Oh you are a woman, play something appropriate, you cannot be the party tank". Does just not happen at my table. I got female players at my table and they are allowed to play any class any gender that male players are allowed also. It simply is not important for me or my story.

I sometimes do even restrict race/class combos but i never ever do restrict gender/class or do rules for gender/attribute. It does not help any story worth telling in my campaigns.

There are plenty of examples of women fighting in history, from gladiators to even samurai. Should be a non issue.

The fact that SOME women fought in history doesn't justify an equal representation of male and female in the depiction of an army. As the relative number in the past is unclear, I quoted Wikipedia for the current (7.5% female, 82.5% male) ratio in the Chinese Army. To me, depicting a Chinese battalion with 50% women isn't a likely representation. I don't think people argued in this thread that in the past no women ever took part in a battle, but not enough to justify equal representation in a pseudo-medieval setting.

The reason it is a non-issue is NOT the presence of a few onna-bugeisha in battle, but it IS because most D&D settings states that there is a total gender equality in the setting, so whatever took place in history as zero bearing. Hence, representation of sex should be equal when depicting adventuring parties.

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