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Werewolf: the Apocalypse 5th Edition Trailer

Hunters Entertainment, who created Kids on Bikes and The ABCs of D&D has announced, Werewolf 5th Edition for 2021.

Hunters Entertainment, who created Kids on Bikes and The ABCs of D&D has announced, Werewolf 5th Edition for 2021.


Los Angeles, CA - December 7th 2019. Hunters Entertainment (Kids on Bikes, Outbreak: Undead, Altered Carbon) is excited and proud to announce their partnership with Paradox Interactive, the owners of the World of Darkness (Vampire: The Masquerade, Bloodlines 2, Mage: The Ascension) to develop and publish Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition, the next evolution of the fan-favorite tabletop roleplaying game through Renegade Games (Scott Pilgrim, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Clank, Lanterns).

Werewolf: The Apocalypse takes place in a fictional version of our Earth: the World of Darkness. In the World of Darkness, werewolves, vampires, magicians, and monsters are all living among us. An entire supernatural world hidden in plain sight. You are one of these monsters, pretending to be human but fighting for survival and supremacy among mysteries and conspiracies that threaten the existence of humanity.

"Werewolf is about how we help/hinder each other to survive against great odds," said Ivan Van Norman, partner and producer of Hunters Entertainment. "This game was the first campaign I ever GM’ed, and I believe its stories are more relevant and impactful now than they’ve ever been - which is why we're excited to bring it back to fans old and new."

Players will play as Garou, individuals born of two worlds, the material and the Umbra (spirit world), who can shapeshift into wolves at will. In Werewolf: The Apocalypse the world, Gaia, is dying. After many generations, the Garou - Gaia’s chosen warriors and defenders - are divided on how to save the planet, their spiritual mother. Attacked by outside forces and plagued by infighting, each Garou tribe shares different ideologies and goals, which have - up to this point - all failed them in their ultimate goal, to rescue a dying Gaia.

Set to release in 2021, the new edition of Werewolf: The Apocalypse has been long anticipated by fans and was teased at PDX Con in Berlin by the World of Darkness team.

"The story of the Garou has never been more relevant than it is today, which means Werewolf has an important role in the unique, global, transmedia setting we are building with the World of Darkness. In Hunters Entertainment we have a partner who clearly shares our passion for The Apocalypse," said Sean Greaney, Brand Manager for World of Darkness at Paradox Interactive. "We were particularly impressed by their creative vision and ability, and so we are very happy to be partnering with them in bringing this newest chapter of Werewolf to the world."

Mechanically, the game is set to share a lot of similarities with the recent release of Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition but will have a lot of elements that make it unique.

Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition will be marketed and distributed by Renegade Games, and will be available in retail stores internationally and online.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
This an interesting point, though. If I remember correctly, and I believe I do, when Paradox acquired the White Wolf IPs from CCP, they said they wanted to do a One World of Darkness, in other words a single shared universe.

If they are farming out different games to different groups for development, that seems unlikely. Managing continuity in such a situation would be a bear.

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If they are farming out different games to different groups for development, that seems unlikely. Managing continuity in such a situation would be a bear.

You are most probably right, it will be a real hassle to co-ordinate across different developers. Still, I’d love to see them try. One of the big advantages I find in Chronicles of Darkness is the option for crossover play, which you could never do in World of Darkness due to balance issues (the lines are well balanced within themselves, though).

I hate the cosmovision about Order-Chaos by WW. The true order isn't frozen, but dinamic, the right balance has to be flexible to adapt when new changes arrive. Chaos doesn't mean better creativity, but the artists needs discipline and hard-work to create. Order isn't ice freezing the landscape but sap circulating within a tree. Order is like traffic code to avoid accidents or collapsed roads.

I hate the normalites, those fomories created by psychiatic centers where are sent convicted oby judicial sentences of supposed homophobia crimes to receive terapy for their prejudices, or those trans fomoris created by Pentex clinics for sex-change operations . (Disclaimer: Only I was kidding)

Or the serpent brotherhood, a secret society for children of the elite, in the beggining it is only to hold parties with (very, very, very) young girls and some animals sacrifices, to get contacts and favours by hidden lobbies but later they go to wilder things... special rituals, and then when they are recorded by video and blackmailed for the rest of their lives, they can join to the "lobbies", secret groups with great influences among the highest spheres or politics, mass media or economy. (Do you know the skulls movies? now let's imagine this with fomoris acting as skurll secret invasion or the invasion of body snatchers). Isn't a nightmare to think all candidates you could vote are members of the serpent brotherhood? It would be like Home Simpsons only could vote Kang or Kodos.

I see WoD as a shared universe, with linked metaplots.

WoD is gothic-punk dark urban fantasy, but if we add too many monsters then it becomes a Jurrasic Park for gothic monsters and we lose the feeling monsters are hidden among us. Then I would rather a fantasy world as Ravenloft.


Mod Squad
Staff member
I hate the cosmovision about Order-Chaos by WW. The true order isn't frozen, but dinamic, the right balance has to be flexible to adapt when new changes arrive...

You are describing a healthy universe, where things are going well.

The cosmology of WW is that these things are out of balance in the era of play. The Wyld, Weaver, and Wyrm are supposed to be a triumverate in cooperation, but are not. The World of Darkness is unhealthy, and that gives the base source of conflicts of issues for the games.
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The WoD Cosmology is Weaver-Wyrd-Wyrm, an evolution of Chaos vs Law by Michale Moorcock's work, and this is a variant of the classic manicheism good vs evil. This is wrong. The idea of a cosmic balance between light and dark sides of the Force as ying and yang is wrong. Has to happen a zombie apocalypse in any place to restore the balance because happy ponies from Equestria kingdom are too good? The chaos-law conflict in speculative fiction is only a stupid allegory about teenage rebellion again patriarchal authority. When you have to work hard for a better for the future generations then you notice many demagoges have been lying to sell their snake oils, fale remedies.

Garou have no idea about cultural war. They only want to destroy everything they don't like, even another changing breeds in the past. They don't notice the root of the trouble is if population is controlled by an elite little group, this can be tainted faster. They want to use a chainsaw when a scapel is better option to remove a cancer. Any time in your games Pentex CEOs showed off to be the most Nature defenders when they were doing the opposite? This is happening in the real life, for example when my president likes to fly by Falcone airplane, but he goes by electric car to the convention for the climatic change. Total hipocrisy

If White Wolf/Onyx Path wants to use the speculative fiction to report the fanaticism then they can't forget the right path, recover ethical values like responsability, self-controll, sacrifice, the moral principles of Natural Law, as the respect for the human dignity. Reporting hate and prejudices isn't enogh when the true key for a better coexistence is forgiveness and mutual trust.

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