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So, Wandavision?


Mod Squad
Staff member
Unless this show proves otherwise, I'm not sure if she is as reality-bendingly powerful as she can be in the comics.

Well, at the moment we are not seeing the same reach as depowering 90% of all mutants. We have... Vision alive, a weird TV environment, and pregnancy. And not all of it needs to be her.

It is also possible that this is all mindscape, given her mind-influencing power. I'm just saying don't rule out other alternatives just yet.

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Well, at the moment we are not seeing the same reach as depowering 90% of all mutants. We have... Vision alive, a weird TV environment, and pregnancy. And not all of it needs to be her.

It is also possible that this is all mindscape, given her mind-influencing power. I'm just saying don't rule out other alternatives just yet.
Pretty sure I read that this was before infinity war and the death of Vision, so I'm not sure that he's been brought back by her powers.

There was someone who was watching "the show" and the name Strucker was brought up in the watch commercial, I'm wondering if Baron Strucker is behind it. Then you have the voices asking her who did this to her and I'm wondering if her allies are in a complex somewhere that she's been captured and they're trying to wake her up so it could be some sort of dream state. Only more episodes will tell though.


5e Freelancer
So, how about that spontaneous pregnancy at the end? Are we going to see a kid added to the show, maybe growing up at a similarly accelerated rate as they progress through time periods, just to hit every sitcom cliché?
Two kids. If you watch the trailers for the show, there are two cribs in their house.

There is also a fairly popular comic book series that this show is loosely based off of, the House of M. In this storyline, Wanda ends up having two children.


5e Freelancer
I have liked the show so far. I'm only 19, so I don't get most of the references to previous shows, but that hasn't negatively affected my opinion on the show so far. I'm here for the Marvel action, not sitcom stuff. That's currently my main issue with this show. It's entertaining, but not exactly what I'm interested in from a Marvel show. Hopefully it will improve as the series moves on, and hopefully the other shows will be more of "my thing" (Loki especially).

I'm going to keep watching and hoping that it quickly transitions to "Marvel sitcom riffs" to "Wanda discovering that the reality she's living in is fake and someone is using her to their advantage".


5e Freelancer
We know that Wanda is being watched, and that someone is trying to reach her via the radio, but it also seems like she might have a modicum of control, given that events rewound after she said “no” when the beekeeper looked at her.
Yeah, she's definitely pretty powerful.
I'm guessing that the beekeeper is going to be Swarm.


A suffusion of yellow
At the moment, I'd put the probabilities at around 50% it all being in Wanda's head, 30% it being Wanda and Vision's shared consciousness, and 20% them being in someone else's simulated reality.

There are ways that at least some part of Vision may have survived, so I'm not yet ready to write him off as a figment.

EDIT: One major reason I don't see this being entirely Wanda's fantasy is the setting. It feels rather outside her experience, while Vision / Jarvis had access and exposure to a large percentage of the world's media.
Yeah I’m going with a shared conciousness thing, Vision is an AI and we saw in AoUltron how it manifest via the Mindstone. Wandas abilities are linked to the Mindstone too so I’m assuming that her mindcontrol abilities includes being able to access the AI residue of Vision and recreate him in her TV/MIndscape - I’m also assuming that Wanda’s manipulation of the Enhanced AI will be how Vision is eventually returned to his body


5e Freelancer
Wandas abilities are linked to the Mindstone
This isn't really connected to the show, but it always bugged me on how her powers are connected to the Mind Stone. I understand they needed some excuse for her that wasn't "mutants", but the Reality Stone would have worked so much better than the Mind Stone. (The Space Stone or even Time Stone would also have been better for Quicksilver, too.)

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