D&D 5E Unearthed Arcana: Draconic Options

The latest Unearthed Arcana from WotC is called Draconic Options. It includes three variant Dragonborn races and a new kobold race, as well as a handful of new spells and feats. Dragonlance fans might do a double-take when they see Fizban's platinum shield (two Forgotten Realms dragons are referenced in the spells, too -- Icingdeath and Raulothim -- as is the FR god of fey dragons, Nathair)...

The latest Unearthed Arcana from WotC is called Draconic Options. It includes three variant Dragonborn races and a new kobold race, as well as a handful of new spells and feats. Dragonlance fans might do a double-take when they see Fizban's platinum shield (two Forgotten Realms dragons are referenced in the spells, too -- Icingdeath and Raulothim -- as is the FR god of fey dragons, Nathair).

Harness the power of dragons in this installment of Unearthed Arcana! This playtest document presents race, feat, and spell options related to dragons in Dungeons & Dragons.

First is a trio of draconic race options presented as an alternative to the dragonborn race in the Player’s Handbook, as well as a fresh look at the kobold race. Then comes a handful of feat options that reflect a connection to draconic power. Finally, an assortment of spells—many of them bearing the names of famous or infamous dragons—offer a variety of approaches to manifesting dragon magic.


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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero


Neither of which are seriously reptilian to me. The person who said Synopsids was probably a lot closer to the mark.
I don't know what "seriously reptilian" means, but the top image of a creature covered in scales always suggested a reptilian nature to me. In reality, I never interpreted them as being "seriously" any type if extant animal, i just understood they were kobolds.


I literally showed you the actual passage from Moldvay's basic (that you originally cited) that does not say what you think it does, and yet you keep making these claims. I don't know what to tell you at this point. Of course it must seem like you're right when you ignore all the evidence that shows you're wrong. 🤷‍♂️ The weird thing is why you're so adamant to repeat false assumptions after the evidence shows the contrary. Also, it seems like you're bouncing your timelines all over the place. Citing 1989 as proof they were always that way when they weren't prior to that, then throwing in 1977 when it doesn't say what you're wanting it to say? I dunno, makes no coherent argument.

It's entirely reasonable for someone to look at a kobold, see it has nipples, and read the description, which says they are dog-like with scaly skin (not reptilian anywhere in that description), and think they are more mammal like than reptile. You didn't. Good for you. Entirely reasonable. But why you're so hard on telling others who did think that, that they are wrong, makes no sense when looking at how they were actually described.
FYI, I think they are referring to the 1e MM entry (which you omitted from your next post):


Notice the image has a scaled reptilian look (though also a hint of dog too) and the description notes the lair will have 30-300 eggs. So yes, they are described as egg-laying and drawn heavily scaled.
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Let's look at how they are actually described in the books most people saw for the first two and a half decades of the game:

KOBOLDS: Treat these monsters as if they were Goblins except that they will
take from 1 - 3 hits (roll a six-sided die with a 1 or 3 equaling 1 hit, a 3 or 4
equaling 2 hits, etc.).

Description: The hide of kobolds runs from very dark rusty brawn to a rusty
black. They have no hair. Their eyes are reddish and their small horns are
tan to white. They favor red or orange garb (as an aside, when I first saw the image in the MM, I thought they were wearing mail armor, not scales, especially since the image of them fighting the green dragon in the DMG didn't have scales really at all, but were clearly mini dog men).

Moldvay Basic:
View attachment 135819

Mentzer Basic:
View attachment 135821

2e MM:
Barely clearing 3 feet in height, kobolds have scaly hides that range from dark, rusty brown to a rusty black. They smell of damp dogs and stagnant water. Their eyes glow like a bright red spark and they have two small horns ranging from tan to white. Because of the kobolds' fondness for wearing raggedy garb of red and orange, their non-prehensile rat-like tails, and their language (which sounds like small dogs yapping), these fell creatures are often not taken seriously.

Nothing about being reptilian. Nothing about laying eggs. But many comparisons to mammals (dogs)

edit the first real comparisons to reptiles were not kobolds per se, but urds, which are described as "distant relatives" of kobolds:

Urds are distant relatives of kobolds. Three feet tall, with short ivory horns, their bodies are frail and covered with mottled yellow to brick red scales. Their leathery, batlike wings span 8 feet
You skipped the 1e MM which includes the part about the eggs. It is also part of the 2e MM (you just omitted it):


I don't disagree with your stance (that it can be interrupted both ways), but your argument is hurt when you oddly leave out the information that supports the other viewpoint.
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