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Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
Angus frowns in consternation at the sonic attack; his ears ring momentarily, but he shakes it off. He's had worse. He remembers the time that Duncan Skullbane, a Half Ogre fur trader he knew in his youth, came for a visit; after a round of boasting and bragging, they'd made a bet for a table keg of ale over an arm wrestling contest between themselves. Angus had won, fair and square, but Duncan was sore, and a fist fight had ensued. Any one of the five or so punches that Duncan had landed hurt worse than this (Duncan's blows were more than twice the amount of "oomf.") And in fact, it wasn't until young Angus had knocked Duncan out that the affair was settled. Duncan's observation, upon waking, was that Angus was truly strong to be able to take as many blows to the face and head as he did, and still manage to accomplish such a feat. The two became fast friends after that. But this cultist wasn't going to be as lucky.

The lance catches the cultist in the right shoulder, easily piercing the thick, rolled fibers of his protective robes, finding plenty of flesh to rend and tear! The cultist squirts blood like a leaky bucket, as he cries out in agony, and begins to back-peddle. Despite the seriousness of the wound, and his stumbling for two and a half steps, he maintains his balance, and does not fall.

OOC: Angus hits AC 29, and inflicts 18 pts. of damage.

However, the cultist immediately realizes that in physical combat, he is greatly out-matched by the centaur. A look of panic crosses his countenance, as he realizes that he shall not survive more than one or two additional blows from his mighty opponent.
"Damn you to your gods, beast," the cultist swears at Angus. "Where did you come from? Tarrak said nothing about a centaur warrior!" He yells back towards the double doors. "Xander! Get out here! The faithful of Malotoch need your help!"

Silence is his only reply.

"That damn dwarf," he spits.

Phar looks back at Aureus as she restrings her bow. He looks at the broken bow string of his own bow and wonders if he should do that same. His options limited by space, he decides to let loose his last set of magic missiles at the cultist that had been fighting Brutus and the bard. The first two missiles slam into the wounded cultist and he topples over onto the floor of the corridor.

The second two fly over the head of the transformed cultist on his knees and slam directly into the bard's chest. She curses at Phar. "You will pay for that, elf!"

"Fire again!" The woman orders the crossbowmen. "Take out that damn wizard!"

The cultists reload and take aim. Two aim for Phar and one aims for Wieland. All three shots miss their targets, although the second one comes close to hitting Phar's leg.

Maur notes the casting and moves immediately to interrupt it. He ignores the cultist on the way, trusting in Moradins might in form of the prayer, but even more so in the forge-fires that built his armor. The move unlocks his armor, but the additional distance gives him advantage on the swing, freeing his right hand from the wall.

"Kill the dwarf!? I'll show you killing dwarf, waif!"
The hammer shines with slight reddish light, like a reflection from the forge fire leaving slight trace behind the weapon. With colossal CRUNCH! the hammer connects with the cultist champion.

"I've fought worse in the Underdark. Just give up."
Phar's magic missiles clears Maur from any attack from the cultist who crumbles to the floor moments before he moves. The impact of the weapon cracks Hirasean's shield as he attempts to block the blow. The impact of the weapon on his chest crushes the torso part of his chainmail and cracks the man's ribcage.

The spell he was casting fizzles and the summoning winks out of existence.

Maur is sure after his blow that the man will fall dead at his feet, but the champion remains standing. He can see the man is clearly concerned, however. He looks staggered and could probably only take one or two more hits.

"Impressive," he wheezes. The man sounds like he can barely breathe. "No one has ever done what you just did. I'm impressed by your strength and skill. If I die here today, it will be a good death. But I am not dead yet."

Neurotic said:
Swift: channel turn attempt for smite
Move: diagonally right, straight down taking Attack of opportunity from the cultist
Attack: Smite attack vs Hirasean; smite damage: 1D20+13+1 = [20]+13+1+3 = 37
1D8+7+7 = [8]+7+7 = 22
- sooo...66 damage? Or if you roll each set separately 'only' 62
Only 62... hilarious! But, yes.

Hirasean - Massive Damage Fortitude Saving Throw (DC 15): 1D20+14 = [8]+14 = 22 (saves)

I'm not going to even consider a Concentration check since the damage is so much. Even if I rolled a 20 (which is considered a 30 in my game), he couldn't get to 72!

I'm treating Maur's attack as a partial sunder even though that wasn't your goal, but I'm just going to "eyeball" it. Basically, the champion's shield loses 1 point of AC and his chainmail armor loses 2 points of AC until both are repaired by skilled armorsmith. Basically, Maur turned Hirasean's masterwork shield into a normal shield and disrupts the enchantment on the man's chainmail. If both are fixed, they will be considered masterwork and magical again.

I'm give you a bonus of 500 XP for the attack and dialogue! Well done!
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World of Kulan DM
Thomke looks at his clawed hands and his mind snaps out of his stupor. He gets up off the corridor and turns to slash out at the dwarf paladin with the gifts from Malotoch! He leaves himself wide open to Maur being able to swing his hammer in his direction, but the man doesn't seem to care.


In the eastern corridor, the cultist facing Angus looks on the edge of panic. Then, another cultist comes around the corner behind him. The man stops and looks at Angus with true shock in his eyes.

"Duradel, destroy the creature's weapon! Quickly!"

The new foe nods. He calls on the power of Malotoch while clutching a piece of rock in his hand, which appears quickly out of a pouch. There is sound of a loud screeching sound, which to Angus's ears sounds like dire crow dying in fire. His lance begins to resonate with the sonic attack!

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Angus looks at his lance, with a quizzical expression on his face; the lance vibrates, almost sings, for a moment... and then... nothing happens. Angus laughs heartily, and looks back at the cultist.

Angus guffaws, "Thaenk ye fer tha geeggle, boord toord. A'naever 'erd a laence saenge afore."


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Caerth is slightly surprised when he sees Angus rush down a corridor, presumably to attack more cultists. The half-orc shrugs, however, takes a step forwards and, intoning a few powerful words in druidic, tosses a twig with three acorns on it down the hallway.

As it bounces off the wall behind what appears to be the cultists' champion, one of the acorns breaks. The other two, however, explode in a fierce green light that quickly materializes as two angry black bears.

Before anyone can react, both bears start mauling at an enemy; one reaches for the champion while the other claws at the woman.

OOC: Caerth moves a bit closer (1 square lower, and sideways on the map in the OOC) and spontaneously casts Summon Nature's Ally III.
Number of black bears summoned: 1D3 = [2] = 2

Note that due to the Augmented nature's allies racial substition ability, these bears have +4 strength and constitution.

(In blue I've added the strength and constitution bonuses as noted above; otherwise these come straight from the SRD.
Size/Type:Medium Animal
Hit Dice:3d8+8 (21 hp)
Speed:40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class:13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple:+2/+6
Attack:Claw +8 melee (1d4+6)
Full Attack:2 claws +8 melee (1d4+6) and bite +3 melee (1d6+4)
Space/Reach:5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:Low-light vision, scent
Saves:Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2
Abilities:Str 23, Dex 13, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills:Climb +6, Listen +4, Spot +4, Swim +10
Feats:Endurance, Run
Environment:Temperate forests
Organization:Solitary or pair
Challenge Rating:2
Advancement:4-5 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment:

The spell says the summoned creatures can act immediately, so I guess that means they can both take full attacks? (If not, take only the first of each attack.)

Bear 1 (just behind the champion):

Claw 1: 1D20+8 = [19]+8 = 27
for 1D4+6 = [1]+6 = 7 damage

Claw 2: 1D20+8 = [1]+8 = 9
for 1D4+6 = [1]+6 = 7 damage

Bite: 1D20+3 = [4]+3 = 7
for 1D6+4 = [6]+4 = 10 damage

Bear 2: (just behind the woman):

Claw 1: 1D20+8 = [18]+8 = 26
for 1D4+6 = [3]+6 = 9 damage

Claw 2: 1D20+8 = [7]+8 = 15
for 1D4+6 = [2]+6 = 8 damage

Bite: 1D20+3 = [12]+3 = 15
for 1D6+4 = [1]+4 = 5 damage

Current combat stats Caerth (I think these are still correct?):
AC 20
HP 58/58

Level 0: (6) create water (x2), detect magic, detect poison, purify food and drink, read magic
Level 1: (5) cure light wounds (x2), entangle, speak with animals, obscuring mist
Level 2: (4) lesser restoration, barkskin, gust of wind, warp wood
Level 3: (4) call lightning, cure moderate wounds, plant growth, dominate animal
Level 4: (3) scrying, ice storm (x2)
(Note: I saw that I accidentally crossed out a level 3 spell in post #1213 instead of a level 4 spell, so with this casting of SNA3 I instead crossed out one of the level 4 slots.)

Wild Shapes (small, medium, large): 2/3


second birthdate : 15 Dec 2011
Hanging his prized weapon of the gladiatorial fights, he moves forward carefully sliding his feet on th4e ground so as not to give an opening to being caught off balance. With his left hand empty now he takes cruel justice in two hands and waits to see if any cultist dares to approach him!

ready an action: attack if any comes within range
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World of Kulan DM
Maur reflexively slams the hammer into the raising cultist.

Opportunity Attack: 1D20+13 = [17]+13 = 30
1D8+7 = [1]+7 = 8
The hammer connects, but the man tries to claw off the dwarf paladin's face. The power of Maur's recitation protects him from the demonic claws.
OOC: End of Round Nine

Round Ten Begins:
Caerth is slightly surprised when he sees Angus rush down a corridor, presumably to attack more cultists. The half-orc shrugs, however, takes a step forwards and, intoning a few powerful words in druidic, tosses a twig with three acorns on it down the hallway.

As it bounces off the wall behind what appears to be the cultists' champion, one of the acorns breaks. The other two, however, explode in a fierce green light...
The magic takes a few seconds to work completely, as Caerth must continue to concentrate on the summoning. He knows the cultists will be in for a shock when two angry black bears attack them.

Hanging his prized weapon of the gladiatorial fights, he moves forward carefully sliding his feet on the ground so as not to give an opening to being caught off balance. With his left hand empty now he takes cruel justice in two hands and waits to see if any cultist dares to approach him!

OOC: ready an action: attack if any comes within range
As Caerth continues his summoning and Quinn prepares to face any foes that come within reach of him and Cruel Justice, the fight continues to flow around them.

Down in the eastern corridor, the cultist, who took the brunt of Angus's lance, steps back, diagonally, and quickly casts a cure spell on himself. Both Wieland and Aureus move into the corridor to back up Angus. Wieland takes up a position right behind the centaur and waits for an opportunity to move forward. Aureus stops and takes aim with her bow. She fires a shot at the cultist who seconds eariler tried to shatter the centaur's lance. Her arrow flies true and embeds in the man's torso. Her tail swishes with glee.

Brutus takes off his pack and digs out two potions. he quickly drinks one down and the young half-ogre's wounds disappear. He offer the other one to Caerth. Timmins rushes forward to back up Quinn and Maur. He stands at the ready behind the dwarf and next to Quinn.

The Champion of Malotoch carefully casts a healing spell on himself. He keeps an eye on the dwarf so as to not leave himself exposed. The bard quickly casts her own spell and locks eyes with Quinn. "What is life without laughter, hmm?"

Quinn feels her magic try to enter his mind and bring out the funniest moment in his life. It feels like he's moments away from a belly laugh that would do his old trainer proud.

As soon as she is done her casting, she retreats down the hallway to put herself among the cultists who seem eager to throw away their lives for her. "Forget the crossbows, move up and heal Hirasean! Quickly! He must not fall!"

Meridith moves up behind Caerth and fires her bow at the cultist with the demon claw hands but she has no luck in this fight and her shot hits the wall. She sighs in frustration.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
_: 1D20+11 = [7]+11 = 18
(Normal +9 / Maur's Buff +2 / Dual Wield -4 = +7) Lance hits AC 14.
That's a miss.

_: 1D20+12 = [17]+12 = 29
(Normal +10 / Maur's Buff +2 / Dual Wield -8 = +4) Shield hits AC 21.
That's a hit.

Shield Bash Damage = _: 1D8+6 = [1]+6 = 7

Angus takes a step forward, and lays into the cultist who just healed himself; he feints with the lance, causing the cultist to step right into his shield bash, which really rings the cultist's bell.

Angus frowns, "Whaet's thaise? No chaeten!"
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World of Kulan DM
Angus takes a step forward, and lays into the cultist who just healed himself; he feints with the lance, causing the cultist to step right into his shield bash, which really rings the cultist's bell.

Angus frowns, "Whaet's thaise? No chaeten!"
The cultist takes the full brunt of the shield on his head. It leaves a huge gash on his forehead. He winces in pain and shakes his head in discomfort.

Phar decides to move into the eastern corridor as well to help the centaur newcomer. He moves to within point blank range and takes aim at the cultist who Angus just hit. He takes aim and fires one shot quickly. The arrow embeds in the cultist's chest, as the elven paragon's skill outdoes the cover the man gains from Angus's being between Phar and the enemy.

"This... this cannot be," the cultist gasps in surprise. "We, we have the power of Malotoch on our side." He looks like one more hit will finish him off.

The three cultists drop their crossbows and move forward to help their champion. Two of them put themselves right behind Hirasean and the other cultist that the champion called Thomke. Both cast healing spells on the champion, leaving the demon clawed cultist to fend for himself. Maur watches as the worst of the man's injuries from his hammer strike heal. Hirasean's breathing becomes steady and sets himself for the dwarf's next attack.

But, before Maur can attack, the last of the three cultists stops just in front of his bard ally and casts a spell. Tendrils of purple darkness rise from the ground beneath his feet. The darkness surrounds the cultist and conceals him even in the light cast from the torch sputtering on the floor where Wieland dropped it.

OOC: Phar - Elvencraft Bow with Recitation: 1D20+13 = [15]+13 = 28; 1D8+2 = [8]+2 = 10 (hit!)
Cultists - Cure Moderate Wounds [x2]: 2D8+4 = [4, 1]+4 = 9; 2D8+4 = [7, 3]+4 = 14 | The champion gains back another 23 hp.
Last cultist casts Veil of Shadow on himself. Gives him a 20% miss chance from foes even if they have darkvision.

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