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The thing about Christopher Lee is that he's done so many roles that didn't have enough to them to overcome the impression he naturally gives as an aristocratic towering man with a voice like thunder and stone. When he got a particularly meaty role (Saruman, King Haggard, Scaramanga, Lord Summerisle, Rochefort, the earlier Dracula movies), that's a different story.

Not that Lee Pace isn't a darn good actor - The Fall alone should convince anyone who thinks otherwise.

Christopher Lee was very good at being Christopher Lee, but I think Lee Pace is a better actor generally.

I think it's possible that a young Dooku might appear in The Acolyte, if that show ever makes it to screen.

Put Jeff Goldblum in either role and I'm sold!

puts on heavy armor A show in which some one explains the current canon timeline with some else going "but what about" only to be told "no, that isn't how it is any more"


Vaccine hesitancy seems to be a how much do you trust your government question. Very low vaccine uptakes in flawed democracies where no one trusts the government and not authoritarian enough to make you.

Here it's not even one side of the political fence but several groups.

1. Hardcore anti vaxxers.
2. Libertarian types.
3. Stoners.
4. Marginalized people. (Ethnic groups, prostitutes, homeless).
5. Alternative types (hippies, hardcore yoga types).
6. Cult like groups.
7. Contrarians (can't tell me what to do).
8. Gangs/criminals.

There's been several cases of people refusing to co-operate with contact tracers. One gang affiliated sex worker traveled around plying her trade and wouldn't co-operate.

Others keep working during lockdown as sex workers did qualify for wage subsidy but more than a few don't pay tax so can't prove their income level (one asked for several thousand dollars per week but had no income records).

I was going to make a joke about the Jar Jar Binks musical the needs to be made, but what I really want to see is more Orson Krennic, which I guess would have to be a prequel.

Movie or series, doesn't matter, Ben Mendelsohn was fantastic in that role.

(I just looked it up, as it occurred to me he might be in 'Andor', and looks like there are rumors he will, I just got a lot more excited about that series)

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