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D&D 5E Vs Vecna battle simulations.


The High Aldwin

Venca uses Vile Teleport (bonus action) to move 10 feet south of Go'ban, hitting Go'ban and Morcolt for 12 psychic damage (6 for Morcolt) and heals 80 hit points.

UPDATE: Broodhuz uses Spirit Shield/Vengeful Spirits to prevent the 12 damage to Go'ban.

Both Go'ban and Morcolt succeed in DC 10 Concentration checks (10 and 14 total) to keep Healing Spirit and Spirit Shroud.

Vecna uses Rotten Fate on Go'ban! He fails the DC 22 CON save and takes 93 necrotic damage! Reducing him to 0 hit points.

Vecna laughs as the goblin tumbles to the ground, unconscious. He strides towards the motionless body and leaning over with Afterthought, stabs him twice, hitting both times (26,32 total), causing four failed death saves and slaying Go'ban!


(I'll have to double check Vecna's HP after work.)


VECNA: 190 / 272
Go'ban: 0 / 132 (-93)
Morcolt: 82 / 131 (-6)
Broodhuz: 140 / 149
Invulnar: 150 / 162

It is now Broodhuz's Turn.
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The High Aldwin

Vecna's statblock says he can use a feature and THEN attack with Afterthought. Shouldn't he be able to attack with it FIRST as well?



Can you used Empowered Spell on subsequent actions of a spell or ONLY when it is actually cast?

My (current) ruling was you can't use it on subsequent actions, only when the spell is first cast.

Now, if you want to say you Empowered it when you cast it (fine with me, btw), even then only the first beam would be empowered, not every beam after that.

Alternatively, if you are allowed to empower every beam, would you want to pay for that each time?

FWIW, you had two dice (a 1 and a 3) which I did reroll (assuming you might use it and we collectively rule you can), getting an 8 and a 3 again. So, if the ruling ends up being you can empower it on later beams, or you want to empower it when cast and this was your first beam (seems likely), I can update your turn to add the extra 7 damage.
Here is the language for reference:

"Empowered Spell: When you roll damage for a spell, you can spend 1 sorcery point to reroll a number of the damage dice up to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one). You must use the new rolls."

So I read that in two possible ways:

1) Anytime I roll damage for a spell (aka each round if I keep using sunbeam), I can reroll up to my charisma in damage die, paying 1 sorc point each time. Unlike other metamagics, there is no caveat to "when you cast a spell"....only when when you roll damage for it.

2) Like 1, except you can never reroll more than charisma mod for a spell, even if you use the ability multiple times.

I have always used number 1 myself, to give it more utility (as its generally not considered the strongest metamagic. Regardless of ruling, I would have used it on the first cast for maximum benefit. And yes I had assumed I would need to pay for the benefit each time I do a reroll.


EDIT: I was still reading page 20 when I replied… please ignore my ramblings and keep up the good fun!

Honestly, if this is how a party wins against a cornered Vecna, then isn’t that fine? They have to use an AMF to block his abilities, which is exactly what you would do against any spellcaster BBEG. Grappling him to keep him there? Looks like reading books didn’t pay off in Vecna’s favor when it came to being swole.

This fight will still take ages, which is all I can ask for at this high level.

It’s not fun, but to me that is more a problem with building of the encounter and AMF.

Also, Treantmonk’s video is an absolute joke. Saying that two characters perfectly built for taking down Vecna are not optimized is stupid. There is NO OTHER class that can do that much damage reliably against Vecna in an empty room at range. Optimizers believe that taking anything other that the best choice in every situation is like ruining the game.

And don’t give Vecna the shield spell. Just because he becomes harder to kill doesn’t mean that it is stupid he won’t cast it. Just give him the Book of Vile Darkness to give him some neat upgrades, like casting Simulacrum, +2 AC and negating holy water, potions and spell scrolls within 10 ft.
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Multiattack order honestly does not matter. I say he can do it in any order.
It doesn't matter unless it's specified. In this case, it is - Vecna makes his dagger attacks after the rest of his attacks. I don't think it's coincidental that it's named Afterthought.

Another query - does Afterthought's secondary effect persist in a creature after their death? If so, it would make it difficult for any resurrection magic (if anyone has any) to get Go'ban back into the fight, since even if he were brought back to life he wouldn't be brought up to 1 HP and would therefore be unconscious.


"Ya killed Go'Ban! Yer gonna die for that, dead-head!" shouted Broodhuz and he spat another line of freezing goo at Vecna. He lifted his greatsword overhead and it burst into flame, then he charged at Vecna, as his ice-mephits flew about him, protecting his friends as well as they could. He brought his flaming sword down on the archlich...

OOC: Gonna use Chromatic Infusion to get an extra 1d4 Fire Damage on any sword attack. Also, don't forget to use Spirit Shield to reduce 4d6 damage to one ally each round (using Broodhuz' reaction).

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