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What is and isn't Space Opera?


Babylon 5.

Literally intended to mimic BBC space operas. It is the American Gold Standard of Space Opera.

It is also the show that standardized serial storytelling outside of actual soap opera shows. Which Deep Space 9 changed its format to, and shows like Buffy, Lost, Battlestar Galactica all followed.

Frankly, the measure of how Space Opera-ish a show is should be measured in Babylons, with 5 being the most.

Seriously. HTF do you get 8 replies in on the subject and nobody mentions it.

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I think that "Space Opera" is more about tone, than much of anything else. The early stuff in "The Expanse" qualifies as Space Opera because of the broad, sweeping narrative. It's about one group of people but it covers massive, game changing events. Spectacle is a big part of it. Big and dramatic for the win. Hard SF, Science Fantasy, doesn't really matter. That's all flavour. If you can't imagine the Fat Lady singing, it probably isn't Space opera.


He'll flip ya...Flip ya for real...
I think having intelligent aliens or faster than light travel is a minor consideration of space opera. Instead of any particular distinctions, usually space opera will not have a heavy focus on technology and science and how things that are capable are capable. The real focus is on a fantasy driven drama that has more in common with young adult fiction and action movies. It's simple white hat black hat morality tales with bigger than life occurrences. Space Opera will rely on heavy doses of tropes and things like Deus Ex Machina. (Which is why most of Interstellar doesnt seem like space opera, but appears so by the end).

Using a separate genre to give an example of what I mean in spy stories. Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy by John LeCarre is a political intrigue story about clandestine agencies and the people who work for them. Any character is capable of being good or bad, and ultimately nobody saves the day. You either achieve your goals, fail them, or get killed. Whereas James Bond flicks are action oriented where you know there is a good guy and bad guy going to duke it out. Bond will also have laser watches and other devices that save his bacon at the last second. It's not meant to be a compelling drama, its entertainment. A fantasy, an escape, instead of an immersive experience.


Space Opera seems to be particularly undefined ...
I think it is just a broad category, genres have to be, too narrow and the stories become limited. Contrast it to Hard SF, which most hard sci-fi is not all that hard, and the name seems to attract a toxic fandom, looking at the discords. Space Opera though, seems to be broad in scope, galaxy spanning, and of an epic nature. Similar to the Odyssey in space.


What does broad scope and epic nature mean in practical terms? I've seen them thrown around quite a lot in many places where people wrote about Space Opera, but never being specific what that means.

I think both are fancy expression to say "big". And as a distinguishing trait, it really has to say "bigger".
But bigger than what? What does it compare to?


He'll flip ya...Flip ya for real...
What does broad scope and epic nature mean in practical terms? I've seen them thrown around quite a lot in many places where people wrote about Space Opera, but never being specific what that means.

I think both are fancy expression to say "big". And as a distinguishing trait, it really has to say "bigger".
But bigger than what? What does it compare to?
Epic in nature as in world ending implications that come down to one person or group, like Guardians of the Galaxy compared to Apollo 13. One story has the fate of millions and billions of lives at stake. A ragtag unreliable group of misfits come together and forma super group to save the day. Meanwhile, A13 is just a trip into outer space, where mechanical problems put the lives of the astronauts at risk. If the A13 crew dies, its sad, but life goes on. It's an interesting story in a small pocket for those effected, it doesnt effect every person and the day isnt saved by some miracle.

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