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D&D (2024) What do you want to see excised?

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Example: True Strike. The spell is actively a bad idea in 5e for a wide variety of reasons; I don't see how you could rework it to work in 5e without making it ridiculous.
The problem is less that True Strike is never a good option, but more that it sounds like a generally useful spell that then turns out to have only limited use cases, and known cantrips are a pretty precious commodity.

And the particulars eliminate much of the edge case use it would have. It could be a solid alternative to the dodge action when you have a round where there is just nothing you can contribute, but it requires you to see the specific enemy, which eliminates most of those instances. It could pair well with various abilities to still make an attack despite casting a cantrip or to weaponize a reaction, but nope, it has to be an attack on the next turn. And of course, you have to give up concentration on anything else to use it.

It is simply the advantage/disadvantage mechanic run amok. They should have just made it a level one spell giving a large flat bonus like in 3.5/Pathfinder, but they poached that mechanic for the War Cleric channel divinity.

You know, I make it the opposite: does not require a Bonus Action, but you still dont add your ability bonus.

Keeping your idea, the Fighting Style should be replace by the Dual-Wielder feat anyway. Its crap has feat, but as a FS it might be good. And create a better feat for those who want to master dual-wielding ( A second off-hand attack? Two-attacks on AoO? some things like that)
As long as they do something to streamline it I'd be fine. I don't really want to make it a super powerful option, but as is every brand new player who wants to roll up a dual dagger wielding rogue (one of the more common things new players want to roll up), gets thrown right in the thick of making sense of actions and bonus actions and understanding two different formulas for damage calculation just to get their character sheet set up properly.

Perhaps what makes the most sense is to make the default attacking with both weapons simultaneously (what many people are imagining anyway). If you hit with both you add both dice and the modifier. If you just hit with one you add the one die and modifier. And then it gets divorced from the whole bonus action thing, which made it not really work for the Ranger, despite Rangers being an iconically dual-wielding class to many people.


Stunning strike. It's basically a spammable save or lose+complete disable with a subtrivial cost that can be trivially replenished even if soammed too much. Neat idea sure, but terrible execution

The armor table. Just burn it to the ground and start over. Okay, not that extreme but there should be tradeoffs not just between light, medium, and heavy armors. Tradeoffs should exist within each type as well. Medium armors do a much better job of this compared to light and heavy.

Remove most of the combat feats and instead make parts of them features for warrior classes similar to fighting styles. Classes could get additional ones as they level. Leave feats for fun, flavorful, and far-out stuff.

I would like to see powerhouse feats like Sharpshooter, Great Weapon Master, Polearm Master etc. removed from the feat list and moved to being subclass options. In general I'd like to see feats become more about diversifying and rounding out your character, instead of being must-haves for certain kinds of combat.
I feel like I just got ninja'd but you put it much better than I did so I'm not even mad.


The armor table. Just burn it to the ground and start over. Okay, not that extreme but there should be tradeoffs not just between light, medium, and heavy armors. Tradeoffs should exist within each type as well. Medium armors do a much better job of this compared to light and heavy.

Remove most of the combat feats and instead make parts of them features for warrior classes similar to fighting styles. Classes could get additional ones as they level. Leave feats for fun, flavorful, and far-out stuff.
I would like them to overhaul Armor the way they did with Weapons-- divide Armor into Simple and Martial, make Light and Heavy tags which can apply in either category. It would also be nice if we got more historical kinds of armor like Brigandine, Lamellar, Mirror armor, etc. instead of nonsense D&D-isms like "studded leather" and "splint mail."

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