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NEWS; Gunning down the Snyderverse UPDATE Cavill gets the Kryptonite handshake!

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B/X Known World


B/X Known World
Anyone who’s a comics fan for more than a year or two could very likely pound out every possible iteration of an iconic character’s story. No idea where this is going. Here’s to hoping it’s honest iteration on a theme rather than outright plagiarism.


If DC was taking submissions on-spec then they have zero leg to stand on, and may well end up with the dirty end of the stick in a counter suit.

EDIT - Ah, wait. Nevermind. Wozniak already sued DC over the story and this is a counter suit by DC. That's pretty much par for the litigious course.
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Deluxe Unhuman
I'm trying to picture what hasn't been done before in the movies and what could break new ground (on the big screen anyway).

Superboy movie followed by Legion wouldn't have enough built in audience, would it?

One thing Gunn knows: You don't need a built-in audience. Guardians of the Galaxy did not have a built-in audience. Peacemaker did not have a built-in audience. You need to have a vision, a good cast, and make a movie that can show a good-looking trailer. Make a good film, the audience will come.

A concept like yours has the added benefit of less preconceived notions - which are death to a project in our current times. "Fans" are toxic. "Insult" them even a little (by messing with their expectations) and they will bury you.

Superboy and the Legion is actually a good idea (though it might make a better TV show than movie franchise - though they really need to get away from the CW-tone of their TV shows. Go for action/adventure rather than schlocky pseudo-romance; which isn't to say that the characters shouldn't have relationships, they should, just less soapy, IMO).
I'm not sure I want to see Gunn's vision of LSH, but a) I'm curious, b) it would at least have inspired moments, and c) I really want some live-action LSH, so bring it on!
D&D movies and Warhammer and such are the future.
Wouldn't it be something if the D&D movie is so successful it spawns sequels, a streaming series or three, and a bandwagon full of fantasy films and series that aren't direct adaptations of fantasy novels, but instead inspired by recognizable brands including video games and even even other RPGs? Pathfinder trilogy, anyone? Skyrim Universe?

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